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Sugar Pea

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Status Replies posted by Sugar Pea

  1. Hey, what's up?

  2. Hey, what's up?

  3. Best Episode of Drake & Josh? My vote goes to Blues Brothers

  4. It's.. soooo... hot out. ;-;

  5. So i've lost 30 pounds since December. :) Pretty happy about that.

  6. So i've lost 30 pounds since December. :) Pretty happy about that.

  7. So i've lost 30 pounds since December. :) Pretty happy about that.

  8. So i've lost 30 pounds since December. :) Pretty happy about that.

  9. Logging off. Goodnight!

  10. I can't sleep. Read me a duck story.

  11. I can't sleep. Read me a duck story.

  12. Bagel bagel bagel bagel. Did I say bagel?

  13. Bagel bagel bagel bagel. Did I say bagel?

  14. Hey guys! How have you been?

  15. I'm rather surprised that Disney threw no pointless romance subplot in Big Hero 6.

  16. Done with the fandom for now. Might be back later, or maybe not, Peace.

  17. Life advice: Don't mess with Ouija Boards ... And ... HUGS FOR EVERYPONY *hugs*

  18. lol Im at school. wassup bros?

  19. I was very Hungary, so Iran to the store to get some Turkey.

  20. Lawd have mercy, oh lawdy lawd!

  21. Lawd have mercy, oh lawdy lawd!

  22. So Silent hills got cancelled....


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