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Comet Tail

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Status Updates posted by Comet Tail

  1. Oooookay. Just tried to start some discussion on the quality of the show and it's direction, but got kinda shut down and locked... Okay then.

  2. It's sure nice to dust off and update my profile after this year of inactivity! :D

    1. NavelColt


      Yay :D Never met you, but I saw some big posts from you, which is great.

  3. I have returned! :D Wow, I made some awesome posts here back in the day...

  4. Just posted in the first time for what seems like months. College has killed my activity here :D

  5. Loving the new banner picture :D

  6. Currently doing extensive research on much lower-energy ways that Celestia and Luna could "raise" the sun and the moon...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      LOL I know, I was just joking XD

      *starts looking for Illuminati symbols in the show*

      Totally joking!

    3. Comet Tail

      Comet Tail

      I get back on to find 14 notifications. 13 of them were comments on my status O.o

      @Strife Nooo! Shhh!!! Don't say that too loudly! Now excuse me while I grab a few flashbang gernades, a ghillie suit, and a rifle. I have a Twilight to rescue! http://static2.fjcdn.com/comments/Yeah+and+next+you+are+going+to+say+that+the+_302205e7e2d777cea3ccb3468a4a68d2.jpg

      And don't y'all be thinkin' of Twilight's plot! Those are called "privates...

    4. Comet Tail

      Comet Tail

      Anyways, we've seen Telekinesis, so we know it's possible, I'm just not satisfied with the idea that they use brute force to rotate the sun and moon around their planet. I'm working on the math for a rather neat astronomical setup that explains it quiet nicely in the realms of possibility... Well, if you take telekinesis for granted XP lol

  7. So, EA games made a game for "Rarity Found an Abrams"! How awesome is that? It's called Battlefield 3 XD

  8. So... Does anyone know what the mass of an Ursa Major is? Lol :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jadefire


      The creature seems to be mostly ethereal, so I'm gonna say ...3 pounds.

    3. Comet Tail

      Comet Tail

      I was thinkin' that too... The ethereal part :P lol. But then I remembered that it crushed houses and made the ground shake :P

      Would twice the mass of the water tower be a good guess? Maybe the same mass?...

    4. Nah


      I'll find out


      *Throws a weight scale in the air*

  9. Ah, no accounts elsewhere?

    1. Steel Matt

      Steel Matt

      I added my YouTube account into the profile feed. I haven't really updated this thing much! Later down the road, I'll add a few more items/contact information. Maybe even Skype, if I can get it working :)

    2. Comet Tail

      Comet Tail

      Lol, awesome, my favorite site is DeviantArt

    3. Steel Matt

      Steel Matt

      Deviant art is amazing! (I usually find content their through Equestria Daily). Although I was never gifted in the art of drawing, I am one of their frequent anonymous browsers!

  10. I just roleplayed the Celestial War in Supreme Commander. Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are both dead now. Who's idea was it to form the "New Lunar Republic" anyways? All it's caused is this terrible war...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Comet Tail

      Comet Tail

      I didn't do it! It was the New Lunar Republic's armies... I did everything I could to keep them alive, but it just wasn't enough... There were too many of them...

    3. Nah


      It was Luna's idea.


      To the mooon she goes!!!

    4. F-22brony


      At least there are still the wonderbolts, particularly spitfire....right?

  11. Summer's here! :D

  12. Look forward to posting around here more after graduation. C'mon already, Summer! This Research Paper, with Scuba classes 4 hours twice a week, with other stuff and constant exhaustion, yeah. I feel like I can relate to Applejack in Applebuck Season, yet again. But, no worries, all for a successful future. Got all kinds of goodies and awards. It's worth it. Even if I am terribly stressed and overworked and rambling...

    1. Comet Tail

      Comet Tail

      Wow, just remembering how much I love this place. I SHOULD NOT be getting on here these next 2 weeks. But I might be :P lol.

    2. Comet Tail

      Comet Tail

      It all wouldn't be so hard if it wasn't for the fact I'm so exhausted all the time :/

  13. Wish you could live in Equestria? You can. First step begins with you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH8Ri2VULHo&list=PL67909E7A73D19EE6&index=42&feature=plpp_video

    1. Zoop


      Massive props. Love that song!

  14. Darn it, so many really interesting and neat things to post, but, I'd better get to sleep now... 'Night y'all, I'll write it all down so I can post it later ;-) (lol, maybe then I can post something on these forums about the show, and not just space, morality, and the nature of mankind in one thread in everfree :P lol)

    1. Comet Tail

      Comet Tail

      Lol, you know you're tired when you type in your status in the search box, then wonder where the "submit" button is XD

  15. Darn it, so many really interesting and neat things to post, but, I'd better get to sleep now... 'Night y'all, I'll write it all down so I can pot it later ;-) (lol, maybe then I can post something on these forums about the show, and not just space in one thread in everfree :P )

  16. THIS IS AMAZING!!! In the next decades, will come the real space age, and it's here to stay! A group of intelligent, successful businessmen and highly respectable technical experts have announced they will add trillions of dollars to Earth's GDP by bringing in priceless natural resources by space. They haven't said much, but I'd guess gold or platinum from asteroids. Link to news story in comments.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nah


      oh and about CNN, use Yahoo some time, ten times worse!

    3. Comet Tail

      Comet Tail

      Lol, I'll bet!

    4. Nah


      It is


      Latest news article, 8 cool things you can do with your console, all of them were things everyone knew how to do with a PS3 or 360! :P

  17. The wizards from Hogwarts can never call us muggles... We have the magic of Friendship! :D

    1. Ninja Derpy

      Ninja Derpy


    2.  spas-ticShotty


      I was practicing levitation with a lacrosse stick. It didn't work :(


    3. Nah


      true dat


      I see da magicks everday


      either that or I'm really really high......

  18. Changed my name. Was tired of taking Dr. Braun's name :P My first name is already visible on DA anyways, so...

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Well Matt it is then!


    2. Comet Tail
  19. Ahh, I'm sorry ponies, I'd love so much to stick around, read threads and post, but I've just got so much to do, and I can't be tired for tomorrow... >.> Ohwell, it's all for a worthy cause and a bright future, eh?

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Keep working Doc Braun. We'll all be around tomorrow.

  20. I'm SO Excited! I just wrote the first draft of the first part of the second chapter of my fic! *Twilight clapping* :D !!! (It'll need a LOT of editing, but that's alright) - I finally got around to writing a lot - 4 pages! :D

  21. OH MY GOSH! Hurricane Fluttershy, 17:21 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PsLVeY9bCk I'M THERE! That's me! (Look at my avatar pony/ponysona)

  22. Yay, my avatar's working now! :D

  23. What the heck is happening to these forums? This has gone way too far. I'm probably going to start looking at other communities, now, and go to one if this doesn't go back to normal sometime soon...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Victoria and Co.
    3. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Yeah, I'm kinda gonna miss it. It has been a long time since I have seen so many things moving on a web page.


      This has been a great demonstration of the power of CSS effects.



    4. Comet Tail

      Comet Tail

      Lol, 12:03 am, back to normal. Okay, yeah, I forgot it was April fool's day... Just had some less than lighthearted stuff happen right before I got on, wasn't feeling like April fool's, but no worry, "less than lighthearted" doesn't mean sad or bad :P

  24. I changed my Avatar. First I thought about using a "particle sparkle" picture, but then I changed it to something I made. But for some reason, on all my posts it's still the "Particle Sparkle", but whenever it's a small preview, it's the one it's supposed to be...

    1. Zoop


      Takes a bit for the CDN to fetch new avatars for distribution.

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