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Status Updates posted by Estella

  1. Well, something amazing happened. Although I didn't force it, the friend who despised Bronies actually ended up turning into one. Extremely surprised. Extremely happy.

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC
    2. Princess Periwinkle
    3. Thrashy


      Awesome! Always great to see a hater give the show and its fans the benefit of the doubt, especially when it ends with them becoming a fan. :)

  2. For those of you who don't know, my friend from Oregon who is a Brony-Disliker is here, so I can't be on much. Just leaving that here.

    1. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Oh, well good luck.

  3. Sorry for not being on, my mother was recently admitted to the hospital, so I've been busy.

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      What's wrong? :(

    2. Estella


      She has kidney failure, heart failure, a lot of other stuff.

    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Oh my gosh...im very sorry. I hope she gets better soon, you as well. Best wishes. <3

  4. Funniest thing ever? When my imagination during the night is better than in the day. Hilarious.

  5. Greatest song in the world? Is there such a thing?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      Tenacious D: "D:" good emoticon for my reaction xD

    3. Estella


      Well, this became eventful quite instantly.

  6. Welp, I woke up early today.

    1. Sonicrules831


      I always do lol

    2. Guest


      holy shit that is fascinating

  7. Song-writing with nothing to sing.. Fun.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      why don't you make music anymore? If I could make a suggestion, I make music with this program: http://www.acoustica.com/mixcraft/download.htm it's really cool although it may be a demo there are ways to extend your trial once it passes too. give it a try if your interested, there are a lot of tracks to listen to!

    3. Estella


      Well, I'm not as 'into' it as I used to for one. Second of all, I'm just not as good as before I guess. And I'll give that place a look, thanks.

    4. Blue Lightning

      Blue Lightning

      I doubt that, but hey you can come to me for any music stuffs, I'd be down :P

  8. To be evil or not to be?

  9. Queen Chrysalis or Discord? Lack-of-love, or Chaos? Hard choices ahead.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blue Moon

      Blue Moon

      Does Rarity being a marshmallow pony take away points?


      And, I choose Discord.

    3. Estella


      Blue, Rarity being a marshmallow pony ADDS points in my world.

    4. Blue Moon
  10. Time to start a chain... Discord, I'm howlin' at the moon

  11. Just got my first Brony shirt!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Estella


      Mine shows a picture of Rainbow Dash flying, and beside her it says "This shirt just got 20% cooler in ten seconds flat"

    3. Justin ZW

      Justin ZW

      HA I need one of those.

    4. Estella


      Yeah, it's pretty cool!

  12. An extraordinary day, once again everypony!

  13. Another wonderful day for anypony

  14. Welp, forgot an amazing song I could of written. That sucks.

    1. ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      I know exactlly how yous feel

  15. Glad to meet so many nice and 20%Cooler people!

    1. Lato


      I'm one of the 20%

    2. Estella


      Yes you are

    3. ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      I take all the recognition! XD JK :P

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