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Nobody Special

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Status Updates posted by Nobody Special

  1. I got really pissed playing minecraft so I quit and was about to play BF4, then I realized that it would just make me more angry

  2. Got surgery today :) was really weird.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      sorry for the late response, I feel great and nothing hurts too badly so everything is good, i was terrified though so the gave me a drug to calm me down.

    3. Bojo


      glad to know you're doing great! May I ask what kind of surgery did you get?


      your avatar is awesome btw, remember the Chief

    4. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      I got a cyst surgically removed so hopefully it wont come back.

  3. New avatar picture!

  4. I need to quit f-ing stuff up and do it right.

  5. So I ind of almost threw an important varsity game. I'm good...

  6. It sucks, having a life means no time to have no life :( I miss free time (and ponies)

  7. I'm that one guy who is active for like a week then leaves for a week and then comes back.

  8. How did we go from nice Christmas themes, to evil Fluttershy? I really liked the happy ones :(

  9. Sleeping Dogs free on X-Box, might as well.

  10. Guess who's back, back again...

  11. Actually, screw my last update, I'm going to bed, Night everyone.

  12. Why can't I play games :( Stupid high ping internet

  13. Since nobody really is my friend on here anymore... I am officially changing my name to jklrqpo!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheInsaneShane


      Doctors...he's back, BITCHES!!!!!! :D

    3. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      There is a cat in my lap trying to eat my ear... this one isn't a joke actually.

    4. TheInsaneShane


      There is a nosey parent screaming in my ear? That same?

  14. I'm really sad right now :'(

    1. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      The league of legend servers are down :'(


  15. Does anyone have league of legends?

  16. Does anyone have league of legends?

  17. Been gone like FOREVER, Kind of glad to be back though. :P

  18. 1300$ may be a lot, but my laptop was totally worth it <3

    1. repsol rave

      repsol rave

      Sounds like you bought yourself a true beast! What did you get?

  19. Finally got my new computer :)

  20. #1 Failure at life, right here folks!

  21. As I draw nearer the flames, I am careful of the light that grows ever upwards. This fire is larger than I, and I am no farther then a meter from the source of this raging inferno. I am not afraid. I embrace the fire, as if we were one; I draw nearer until no more than half a meter stand between us. I feel welcome by the presence of this ever growing danger, yet I am not afraid. What happens next is too much for mere words. I find myself with my face what seems like less than an inch is betwe...

    1. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      bettween the fire and I, yet I am not afraid nor do I burn. I am protected as if the Spirit of the Lord was the Himself to protect me. The fire approaches my hight plus one half, still I stand. The fire mere inches from my face, and the heat that comes with it is too much to handle, not until then but I step away.


    2. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      Not two seconds later does a strong gust of wind blow the fire through the place where I had just stood. The fire could've consumed me, but it hesitated; I still have a purpose for the master plan, of which I still know not as of where I belong... but I do.

  22. Now I'm happy, I have a date on when I'm getting my first computer :D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. repsol rave

      repsol rave

      i'm gonna build my own pc in maybe 1 or 2 months, so i'll get some good stuff on there :3

    3. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      Tell me the specs once you upgrade. :P

    4. ShadowFoxz


      when are you getting it?

  23. Wow! I was inactive for like a week, that's an academy record!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      I wasn't gaming for a long time because I get bored with it. Right now I'm playing Payday2 and BATTLEFIELD 4

    3. Fluttershyfan94


      Cool, need sleep.. See you later, good night.

    4. Nobody Special

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