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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by ____

  1. lalala so bored,

  2. Going abseiling tomorrow and i am so scared (its 65 meters high D: )

  3. lalala so bored,

  4. Good morning everypony<3

  5. it's a really good day everypony!

  6. Mondays............ ._.

  7. Am I the only one who dislikes when the ponies sing? :P

  8. Heading off to bed. Nighty night. :3

  9. So...So...Tired...3:40 am. Good Night to any that are still on.

  10. This game Receiver is amazing. (Even though I keep dying xD )

  11. Oh the epicness of this song.

  12. Good night guys! May sweet slumbers meet you all.

  13. watching Doctor who while my nanna is asleep next to me

  14. Just brought the game Receiver. It's really intense.

  15. Just brought the game Receiver. It's really intense.

  16. Ahhh, Finally got my cast off, so happy <3

  17. gosh I'm able to do so many things on paint.net ... people give me ideas

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