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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by ____

  1. I don't know to either pursue an artistic career or a musical career. :|

  2. going to stay up late tonight 'cause I've got a long weekend

  3. I have never been this busy.. geez..

  4. Is there anyone on the forum that actually likes being alone?

  5. So, it seems that, according to some of my IRL Brony friends, that I need to "hide my power level" because I'm being "too obnoxious" with my Bronyism.......lvely....ANYONE ELSE FEEL LIKE CRITICIZING ME?! ANYONE?! NOBDY? COME ON! I DON'T HAVE ANYMORE SELF ESTEEM! HAVE AT IT!!!

  6. Shit I'm still awake

  7. Having one of those days where even talking to my gf doesn't give any comfort.

  8. Little Sister has taken over my avatar. c:

  9. Little Sister has taken over my avatar. c:

  10. Little Sister has taken over my avatar. c:

  11. Little Sister has taken over my avatar. c:

  12. Little Sister has taken over my avatar. c:

  13. Little Sister has taken over my avatar. c:

  14. I'm slightly bored and mum is coming home at 2 in the morning

  15. I'm slightly bored and mum is coming home at 2 in the morning

  16. Me and my friend on Minecraft are having trouble building something. Anyone wanna help? (xbox version)

  17. I have Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE and Safari. I haz all da browzers!

  18. I'm going to have a little rest, before I hurt somepony, it will probably be myself if anything happens, lets hope when I wake I'm in a better mindset, Be back in 3 hours.

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