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Mr. Changeling

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Status Updates posted by Mr. Changeling

  1. Who do you consider to be a popular forums member?

  2. So, I found out that my claratin is secretly making me depressed, so that's fun

  3. Thus starts a new day of school, love, and tyranny. Oh how I love napalm in the morning!

  4. Alright, I am heading to bed. Tonight every one

  5. Is the bionicle fandom dead?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mr. Changeling

      Mr. Changeling

      I am literally the only person who has not seen it yet. Is it good?

    3. Windseeker


      Lol, oh yes and its quite comical at times.

    4. Mr. Changeling

      Mr. Changeling

      Hopefully, my soul will be appeased in the great fandom heaven, along side the firefly fans and bleach fans

  6. Ok, I just got done watching the first episode of bleach. And right now I don't know what to think. It could be my hate for pilots, but it just seemed a bit cliche. The pompous arrogant dude becomes a soul reaper, big whoop. I guess I will have to roll with it now, based on what I have heard from this show.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Clarity


      Didn't the Bleach fandom die out like a looong time ago?

    3. duidamasterXD


      If you don't like it, couldn't you watch something else?

    4. Mutemutt


      Ichigo was pompous and arrogant in the beginning? He seems so not pompous later... Well, I guess that's to be expected.

  7. Who wants to RP?!?!?! :D

  8. Who thinks Rarity and Applejack should be a couple?

  9. What do think would have become of bionicle if it had never ended?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr. Changeling
    3. ParsoOfEquestria


      I really liked Toa Hewkii's design in that one

    4. Mr. Changeling

      Mr. Changeling

      Yah, I really liked Toa Jaller's design as well

  10. i ave noticed something about boncles. If you are not familiar with the frase, they are fans of bionicle. But someting that i have noticed is that almost all boncles are bronys. COINCIDENCE???

  11. just finished watching the best movie ever, monty python and the holy grail. That movie always managed to crack me up!!!

  12. What if I made a fandom war fanfiction. For example, the bronies would go to war with the homes tucks and the treckies would fight the whovians?

    1. irondefender


      Oh god, that would be amazing xD

    2. Mr. Changeling

      Mr. Changeling

      So what I'm thinking right now is the bronies, the avatards and the potter heads are In an alliance against the homestucks

    3. irondefender
  13. What if I made a fan fiction about fandoms going to war. For example, the bronies would g to


  15. Holy crap. This was kind of a disappointing Super Bowl

  16. all right, who is excited for Super Bowl sunday. i am very surprised that this is not an official holiday yet. i meen, its on asunday, practically no one works today and its sheer awesome something everyone can appreciate. i think i went i little over board with this, but you know

  17. Is it weird I still play with legos at age 17?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. Changeling

      Mr. Changeling

      Thanks dude. Your cool to :3

    3. Bucket


      *snaps fingers while walking backwards* Yup. Thats me. Cool guy.

    4. Mr. Changeling

      Mr. Changeling

      :0, mesmerized by so much coolness!!!

  18. The day we have been all waiting for is finally upon us. only and hour and 40 minutes till the premier of mlp season 4. Excitement is upon us!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr. Changeling

      Mr. Changeling

      I havent been able to read it. I have been to busy with school, clubs, my job and this project I've been working on for the past month. However, I do have some free time right now, could you send me another link.

    3. Commander Frost

      Commander Frost

      what part u on so I can send u link to it

    4. Mr. Changeling

      Mr. Changeling

      If I remeber correctly, I just finished part 2

  19. does anybody, oh, im sorry, does anypony know where I could find a good commisioner for artwork. im looking for many shots for my oc giving off a certain list of emotions (about 20 or so). I would draw them myself, however, a blind orangatang could draw better than me.

    1. Nouth


      Try contacting Cocdrillo - Da here : Commission Info or mlpforums here : http://mlpforums.com/user/6480-cocodrillo/. She's an interesting style, and I think she'd be happy for commisions :)

    2. Mr. Changeling
  20. ugh, rough night

    1. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      You'll make it man. Don't give up! :)

    2. Mr. Changeling

      Mr. Changeling

      Thanks man, I appreciate it.

  21. anybody wana playgtav

  22. just discovered the bestest show EVER!!!! Yes, I have found something (in my opinion) better than mlp!! it is called wonder over yonder. it is on disney channel (go figure) and it is awesome

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      It's okay, but not better than MLP, IMO.

    3. Mr. Changeling

      Mr. Changeling

      It is a freakin awesome show!!!

    4. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      I know! I love it! :D

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