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About TheOneAndOnly543

  • Birthday 1994-04-28

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  1. That looks good! Keep up the good work, yo!
  2. There are many lessons in SpongeBob, trust me. Like Sailor Mouth and Best Day Ever for example. There are also educational games, so saying that SpongeBob is 0% educational is an invalid argument. Sorry. I 100% agree. Some people are just too blinded by nostalgia to enjoy anything! In fact I know someone that hates Season 3 of MLP FIM. I thought that this was the best season. The same goes for Seasons 8 and 9 for SpongeBob. But anyways, SpongeBob is still extremely popular (more popular than MLP FIM of course) with fans young and old. Only YOU really think that. But I do respect your opinion. But you have to understand, not every cartoon was inspired by SpongeBob during that time. And if you must know, the show itself is still doing very well (it's still more popular than MLP believe it or not). But they are both amazing shows. Nickelodeon and The Hub don't care if a group of people hate/dislike their shows if more people love/like it. But that's the way it goes. Majority rules. Sorry. And honestly, I hope that SpongeBob can last as long as The Simpsons. Hopefully this new movie will extend the show, like I said before.
  3. That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Sure, SpongeBob may have influenced other cartoons to be that way, but there really is no point to compare it to other shows. You also don't make any sense saying u stopped watching cartoons period, but your on an MLP FIM forum about the cartoon...i can't tell if ur "trolling" or just acting silly or not...
  4. Especially post movie...It seems like almost everywhere online I lately I see people that are always comparing SpongeBob to My Little Pony FIM. Saying it has better dialog, better characters, story, etc. Out of all the cartoons that people compare SpongeBob to...I've seen this one in comparison the most right now, most of the time making SpongeBob seem inferior and My Little Pony FIM superior. I don't get why people do that. I just find the goodness in both shows instead of criticizing them for their faults. My Little Pony is amazing because after years and years of almost no one hardly cared for it, but when Friendship is Magic came out it became very popular in a short amount of time, which is great for a cartoon series. This series has made a platform all by itself, instead of relying on the whole entire My Little Pony franchise. That is simply outstanding. SpongeBob SquarePants is also amazing because SpongeBob is an iconic worldwide phenomenon. He isn't some temporary fad like some people believe. The show is still good. That's why it's still on TV. SpongeBob has been on TV for about 14 years now, and that is very difficult to pull off (there are other shows, but lets stay on topic). Sure, some of you may hate every single new episode, but you know what? NO TV show is perfect. But SpongeBob is still close too it. You can't expect ANY show to be a 100% A+ all the time (Not even MLP FIM). Because if you did, then that's a dishonest way of enjoying a show. Blindingly worshiping a show is NEVER good. Because one little thing that you don't like will make you give up on the show completely, not living up to "your" expectations. And it doesn't matter if you like SpongeBob or not, you still have to respect that longevity. If SpongeBob ended like, tomorrow, most people's hearts would stop so to speak, and some won't realize what's good til it's over. And even though I ALWAYS loved SpongeBob, I have to agree with the fans on SBMania that SpongeBob is getting like Seasons 1-3 quality with Seasons 8 and 9. The new theatrical movie coming in 2014 will also hopefully be another highlight of the franchise, refreshing it.
  5. None, actually. I think that the word "Brony" is a stupid label that's useless. In fact I hate saying that word. If people want to be considered a "Brony" that's fine. I just hate the label. I still really enjoy My Little Pony Friendship is Magic though. But I myself wished that word "Brony" didn't even exist. How come NONE wasn't an option?!!!!
  6. Yes, I agree. I just really don't think the label was unnecessary I mean, a lot of people know I like this show so a dumb label makes no sense to me at all. There is absolutely no need for it!. I see what you are saying and your a very intelligent person but I'm afraid I have to disaggree. You see, Brony was just a made up label by some young dude who liked MLP. Lauren Faust had no intention of making that label. If she did, then I might be okay with the word "Brony". But she didn't, so therefore, I cannot.
  7. EXACTLY!!!! You hit the nail right on the head!!! Spot on!!!! They are just labels, like furries too, I mean, I like cartoon animals that act like humans, but I wouldn't even call myself one of those either!!!
  8. I mean really. When I first saw My Little Pony Friendship is Magic on The Hub, i liked it and enjoyed it ever since. The popularity of the show had nothing do do with me liking it. I enjoyed it before I even knew what a "Brony" was. And yes, I am a male. I just don't like made up labels. I now know how Erykah Badu feels when she got labeled as "Queen of Neo Soul." She hated it because she felt it was unnecessary since soul music is soul music. It's timeless and wonderful. There is nothing new about it. But it's the same thing with me and the word "Brony." I just think it's useless. So therefore I never considered myself a Brony, and I never will. But I still like this show though! Does anyone else feel the same?!!!
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