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Everything posted by Snowy Storm
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
"I can't, I mean I just can't" Regal said trying to close the door again. This had to be one of the weirdest days he has ever had. "Just leave me here. I can't face anypony like this. especially Snowdream" Then he heard what Sterling said "I do care! I just.. I mean if you were in my hooves you won't want to be seen like this" Regal was conflicted he had no idea what to do. He really didn't mean to make her cry. "Just... I guess" Regal slowly walked out of the cabinet. "I'm out" he said. -
The sorrow wind blows bring with it the pains of the past. The thoughts of old once again rejoin me. Will I ever be greater then those before me? Can I still carve out a path to the future when the past still has its dark, twisted claws dug deep into me? Have I only began to climb out of the shadows only to carry my dark thoughts to the light? As the cold winds of sorrow blow an old, but torturous thought haunts me. May The winds of pain and sorrow be gone, I still have a path to walk and crave
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Regal heard a pony shout something, the only thing he heard was "Check out some of these classroom" "No, no, no" he said to himself quietly. he dropped his magic and took his normal colors. "I have to get out" No way he was going to be found like this. He barely opened the door to see if any pony was outside. he quickly closed it again and held it closed with magic. "Maybe they won't check this cabinet" He tried to remain as silent as possible. -
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
(Wow a hunt for regal. Is regal a pokemon now? Jk) Still sitting around he wanted nothing more then to get get of the cabinet he was in "I wonder what Snowdream is thinking since I left her like that" He kept changing his color, now he had a pure white coat with a brown mane. he gave up on his magic and turned back to his normal colors. his stomach began to growl. -
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Regal was sitting in the cabinet. He began to change the colors in the cabinet, not sure what else to do. He changed his mane into a light red color and his coat into shade of yellow. normally he would only do this when he was home when no one was around. "So I sit here until either the potion wears off, or make a run for it after the bell rings" He began to think over his choice while changing his mane to a white color. " -
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
"ah you are no fun" said the pegagus flying away from Sterling "Then again he is a unicorn" another said in a mocking voice. "No fun at all" They noticed another unicorn off by herself @@Snowdream, "How about you? you look don't look so up tight. Wanna make a bet?" they said holding a jar out towards her. -
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Forest finish eating. "Can't wait to show her who is the top flier" Forest said slamming his hooves onto the table. He took wing and flew off in the middle of lunch. His friends looked around and began to take bet from the ponies around them @@Sterling Crimson, "Want to place a bet?" said a green pegagus to Crimson. "The odds are 40 to 60 in Forest's favor" "Half of the money goes to the club, the rest, well goes to the winner" said a dark blue pegasus. They looked and saw Corona "Want to bet as well?" they said holding a jar towards them -
searching Skype tabletop RP, anypony?
Snowy Storm replied to Thrashy's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Since all slot are filled we really should set up a time and day. That way we can plan according in advance without trouble. -
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Regal's stomach growled as he sat in the cabinet. He felt so stupid and reckless. "My dear celestia this is so unfair" He wanted to eat and hang out with Snowdream, but know he had to wait in the biology room until he was back to normal. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep my word" he said as he hung his head in disappointment ________________________________ Forest was eating with his friends. He heard the other ponies talk about how he was going to smoke Corona in the race. He smiled. He wouldn't disappoint his fans. "You know if she beats you, you won't be top flier anymore." "Yeah, would be a shame to lose your rep to her" "In a normal race Forest doesn't stand a chance, but this is an obstacle course race, Forest got this" "Shut it. All of you, I won't lose" Forest said a little mad his own friends doubted his talent. "I should beat you for saying that" he said smile. -
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Regal sat in the cabinet in the biology room. "Honestly I should have to sit in here if I just had said no" He leaned his head back against door. -I wonder what Snowdream will think when I don't show up for lunch?- He thought to himself. He could hear the bell toll for lunch. -
open Sword Art Online: Pony style!
Snowy Storm replied to drawingpandapony's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Icy followed the group, she was so busy thinking of things she missed a lot of what happened around her. She finally regained her senses. "I'm sorry I was daydreaming"She looked at the new pony "I guess if we already have one player killer I can deal with a second player killer. Welcome to the guild" she said holding out one hoof to the pony. "Hey where did Equinox go?" She said looking around -
searching Skype tabletop RP, anypony?
Snowy Storm replied to Thrashy's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Prior experience: (specify) / None : I am in a final fanstay Rp and I have done two other games, but they did not finish System: D20 / Percentile / Other / No preference : Well D20 is what I know MLP-centric: Yes / No / No Preference : Yes I am good with an MLP based Rp. Availability: (days and times [include your timezone!]) I'm open monday, Wednesday, Fridays, and Sundays. I am Central Time. Position: Player character / DM (GM) : Player character, -
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, Regal looked at his odd new body. "Wait. No you can't just leave me like this!" He shouted after the mare. He was a little ticked at Bass. Still he didn't want to be seen by any pony so he in the cabinet in the classroom. Regal knew this meant skipping class and lunch, but this was too much for him. so he sat alone in the cabinet in the biology room. ____________________________ @@Umbreon, "This isn't a normal race. I can't keep up with the speed of other pegasus, so instead My race with be through the forest avoiding tree branches" Forest smiled. while he wasn't the fastest around, he was without a doubt in his mind the most agile pegasus around. "meet me in front of the school when classes are over" -
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, "wait what?" Regal gave a some what strange look at Bass. He thought it over. -I really doubt it works, but I should be careful- Seeing the potion offered to him, he sighed. "I guess I could... You can change me back right?" he said as he took the potion. "here I go" He drank the potion and waited for something to happen -
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Regal heard the toll of the bell and smiled. He was finally free of math and now had time to meet up with Snowdream. He was one of the first to leave his class. While walking pass the biology classroom he smelled an odd scent. He couldn't quiet place his hoof on the smell, but it was enough to peak his interest to look inside the classroom. @, Regal entered the room to see Bass working on some sort of potion. "Hello" he said with a small bow. "What is that? If I may ask" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Forest was enter the main floor. He had been downstairs in the Workshop class. His friends had cause a small accident that sent another pony to the nurse. Forest just played dumb to get away from the trouble his friends were in. He still had other friend in school. He walked over to the gym to see the roster. He saw Corona, but didn't think to much of her. he only cared if he was a Lead Ace. He saw and smiled to see he was. He turned to face Corona. @@Umbreon, "Looks like you are my rival now" Forest said. He opened his long, grand wings to show off. "Still I want to see who is better after school today, I challenge you to a race" Forest wasn't going to share lead Ace with another pony that couldn't match his skill and talent. -
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Math dragged on longer then Regal thought it should. He was still looking out the window, when his teacher called on him "Charming Regal?" said the math teacher. "Can you answer the question on the board?" he said with a raised eyebrow. "Actual I prefer just Regal" he looked at the problem on the board. "X equals 9 to the tenth power?" he said trying to smile. "Yes. As you can see..." The teacher went on with his lecture, but regal was off daydreaming once again.trying to pick off where he left off. Daydreaming was one of Regal's habits. -
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Regal arrived to his math class. Even though he did well in math, it was his least favorite subject to learn. Regal looked around hoping to see any pony he knew. he didn't see anypony he knew. His math class for the most part was quiet, but then again it only just started. Regal took notes about the problems, but his mind quickly drifted off. He spaced out in his math class thinking about other things. He looked out the window to see the green grass and large trees that surrounded the school. a little pass that he could see the city. He thought about walking around the town again today, he did like to just walk around and do nothing. Nothing noble or very elegant, but it was peaceful to him. -
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Snowdream, Regal looked up and saw a troubled look on Snowdream's face. "Hey Snowdream. are you ok?" Regal wasn't sure what just happened. -was it something I said?- He looked around thinking something around them was wrong. He thought back, it was after he ran his hoof through his mane that she looked like that. -Maybe that was too much- "Snow" he began only to have the bell for class to ring. "Dang it" he said "Looks like we have to go to class" He looked down the hallway to his class and looked back at Snowdream. "I'll see you after class?" he said a little hopefully. ______________________________________ @@Sterling Crimson,@@Umbreon,@, Forest and his friends were flying through the hallways to get to their class, when they noticed Corona "Hey Look it's the mare from before" said one of the group "Hey you should ditch, Lover unicorn , to hang out with us" said another. "Yeah Your an ace flier like Forest over here" They smiled and flew around them. Forest just hovered before them watching his friends taunt them. "Enough!" He said with a tone the quickly halted his group. "We have better thing to do then torment the unicorn, and remember she is a sky warden, she can drop you idiots just as fast as I can" his group flew away from them. he looked at Corona "My friends can be idiots, just ignore ever thing they say" he barely gave Sterling a second look before flying off with his group. he still had Bass to find. He wasn't going to let Bass Cannon fly circles around him. -
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Snowdream, "Really?" Said Regal a little surprised. "You know I wanted to ask you yesterday, but for some reason I couldn't say it" Hearing her giggle and seeing her smile made Regal smile as well. He had no idea why, but seeing her smile made his heart make a small leap. "Milady I would never say no to you" he said as he ran a hoof throw his mane. he checked the clock on the wall. "Well we still have time before school is over. Should we go looking for Sterling and Corona?" -
open Sword Art Online: Pony style!
Snowy Storm replied to drawingpandapony's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Icy looked at her skills. it was a good thing she reclassed herself back to a dancer, even though she hated the fact she was almost useless in the fight. A new skill opened up for her. -Dance of Death- by giving up her own hp, she increase her power and allies for as long as she can keep up the dance. The closer her health bar got to 0 the bigger the bonuses she and her allies would gain.She decided to not tell anyone this skill. "Better they don't know" she said to herself. She put point into her skill, speed, and evasion. She made a quick glance at the stuff she gained from the boss, She got a Hydra scale and a Ruined Blade. As far as she cared it was non-useable and had to be forged by a black smith. She looked at Equinox. He tried to hard to get away from her, but she wouldn't let him get away from her sights to easily. @@supersonicfan91, She sent a message to Lighting. "I found a Ruined Blade. I can't use it so i was wondering if you want it" she sent her message. @@drawingpandapony, "If your buying I'll join you then" she said with a smile. -
open Sword Art Online: Pony style!
Snowy Storm replied to drawingpandapony's topic in Everfree Roleplays
The two head that were focused on bite and clawing her she was hard pressed to keep up her dance to avoid damage. they still hit her, but her scythe left long arcing strikes on its neck. She finally managed to cut one of the heads to only see it regrow and gain armor. "Stop cutting the heads. We need a plan" as she shouted this the head leaned back. "What is it doing now?" It shoot out a jet of acid. she jumped to the said and dodged it, but took splash damage. "I hope this works" Icy began to ready her skill. "-Wind Dance-" Wind dance increases her allies speed and reflexes. -
open Sword Art Online: Pony style!
Snowy Storm replied to drawingpandapony's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Icy watched Equinox charge in. "He want to kill himself " she said out loud. She saw Razor without a weapon. "Here take my lance" she tossed it towards Razor "here I go!" she charged in after Equinox. she activated her skill Daze. she knew the boss would be immune to her ability, but the boss would target her. The two of the Hydras head focused on her. -
private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!
Snowy Storm replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Snowdream, Seeing Snowdream blush made Regal turn red a little. "Yeah I would like to see you act" He looked back at her to only see her staring at him. For a moment he looked back at her. Her light blue eyes seemed to lock him in some sort of trance. He quickly looked away turning redder then before. "Hey Snowdream" he said somewhat looking at her. "Would you like to hang out after school?" ___________________________________________________________ @, Forest sighed and watched Bass Fly away. Forest took wing. He had two new pegasus to deal with, He would need to show them who is the greater flier of the three. He was top dog, no pony would take that title from him. his friends saw him and joined him in the air. -
open Sword Art Online: Pony style!
Snowy Storm replied to drawingpandapony's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Icy watched the dagger pass her. She pointed her scythe at him. "Relax, I haven't done anything to you. You are hostile against me for no reason. Remember this is a game we should have fun while we try to save everyone. Besides I have to follow you so you stay where I can see you" She bowed to the griffons "I hope we can be friends"