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Snowy Storm

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Everything posted by Snowy Storm

  1. @, "Pavisa" she nodded and looked around. "Midnight was the pony who left, right?" She was sure of that and headed out into the snow. Walking out into the storm she was greeted with snow, sticking out her hoof she tired to catch snow on her hoof. She smiled as snow rushed and landed on her hoof. "Hello mother" she said. her mother told her that when she died she would always be with her in the form of snow. Even though there were other ponies in the cart waiting for good news. She couldn't help, but actually rest her head on the snow. Her body still ached with pain, but to feel snow on her body seemed to help numb and dull the pain a little. She would pay the price for hiding her pain when they got to somewhere warm she won't be able to use the cold to slow the pain and blood.looking around in the storm she tired to spot Midnight. she noticed a figure she almost missed @@Icy Void, "Hey are you Midnight?" she called out to the figure.
  2. Icy tried to keep herself standing, she wasn't going to let her self look weak. She could see the other shake with cold. -Right they can't put up with the cold like me- She let out a sign. She had no real way to help or heal them. Still this was her element. being in the cold, in a snow storm, was nothing new. She could at least go out and keep watch while the other recovered. @, @, She remembered hearing a pony calling out orders. She thought about telling her about her talents. She also thought about going to Kingfisher, but she seem unsure what to do. "Hello?" she called to the pony in the helmet. She never did get her name. "I can tolerate the cold and use Ice magic. Is there anything I can do to help?"
  3. @, @@Windbreaker, @, @@Icy Void, Icy was sitting in her seat thinking about seeing the crystal empire when the train flipped. She let out a cry as she flipped with the train. her rapier, luckily, was sheathed in it hilt, but Icy was still slammed against the side of the train, hard. After the final flip she landed on her back. She felt tremendous pain rock through her body. She let out a small cry before setting herself to her side. She laid there for a while before trying to get up. She tasted a little blood in her mouth. Using her magic she made her body colder so to ease and hide some of her pain. She was running on her magic of the cold and Ice now. She heard the other on the train calling out. "I'm ok" she called out to the others, not sure who she was responding to. "What happened?" she said standing up slowly, so not to hurt herself.
  4. @, She stood for a while before she gently set his body to the floor and pulled her rapier from his body. looking over her wound she noticed that his sword actually left a small cut and made a small area where the hair on her coat was shorter then the rest, almost like she was balding their. -Ah I need to hide that now-. She thought -I guess I should get a cloak or dress if I want to hide that- She wiped her rapier off on his fur as the crowd of ponies swarmed her. Seeing them gather around her made her a little tense. She never did like crowds. "Ah? you're welcome?" She said unsure. In all honestly she did it to protect herself not to help them, but she wasn't going to bring that up right now. However seeing the gold being given to her made her feel bad. "I will accept your thanks, but gold is a little much" Looking around she hoped to see somepony get her out of this. She hated being cornered like she is now. plus she was also trying to hide the cut area.
  5. @, Seeing the stallion take off his armor made Graceful shake her head. his chest was open and his swings were slow. he would not understand having speed would not match her grace. She stood waiting for the perfect moment,She knew a thrusting motion was faster then a swing, his blade had to curve. She had to be up close and personal to finish this fight. At the last moment as he swung Graceful take a step close and moved to the side.the blade grazed the side of her body. "Embrace the cold void of Death" She said trusting her rapier into his chest, to where she believed his heart was. even if she missed she had dug her rapier deep into him and more then likely hit something vital. She stood with her rapier in his body hoping he was dead, if not she was in trouble.
  6. @, "Again sorry about the seats. I'e only heard of the crystal empire from other. To see the world is what I want to do" She looked away from the window to Kingfisher. She hoped the snow would relax enough so she could see what was going on, passed the window. "So you are a sailor mare than? how is it out on the sea?" she said interested in what Kingfisher had to say.
  7. @, "Oh on you don't. It will be you who goes to hell" Graceful dodged to the side to avoid the swing. With a fluid motion she drove her rapier into opening in his armor. Sure she couldn't kill him in one hit like he could do to her. Instead she would land repeated hits in chinks in his armor and dodge his swings. "Having power means nothing if you can't hit" just like water she moved with his hits. Waiting for her moment she made a lunge to pierce his neck with her rapier.
  8. @, "The crystal empire" she said to herself. "My mother always wanted to go there. I'm kind of happy we are going there" She looked out the window to watch the snow against the window. "Feel free to sit down" She smiled and quickly remembered about her magic. "Oh, sorry about making the seats cold"
  9. @, "my life has always been on the fast lane. From the moment I was born my life was cursed. Death is only being a stone through away, and darkness being my only friend. Being born without pupils is just one curse of my power. I rather live my life slowly, no need to bring my end any faster then it should" She closed her eyes and thought over some thoughts she had. opening her eyes she turned to watch the fight. "If I win I'll undo what my father has done, both on me and my half brother. If I lose my powers, That is a loss I can deal with" Her brother, how she missed him. He might not like losing his powers, but it would be better for them. "Will you spend your life in fast line to the day you die? If so then you will end up on the door step of death before you know it"
  10. @, She looked up at Kingfisher. "I didn't miss the train I've just been silent all this time" she said lowering her shard of Ice. "And yes my name Is Icy, sorry for not saying anything earlier" she putting her shard of ice back in her bag. "So where are we going? I did just kind of followed you guys without thinking" she said with her hoof behind her head and a rather odd smile, almost forced. it was rather rash of her to join them, but at least they were someplace with snow.
  11. @, "Your opponent is me and learn to wait a little, to rush into a fight is only to temp fate against you." Graceful said. She then noticed he was scratching himself. "What are you a child? scratching an itch will only make it worse then it is already." Still getting to see other ponies fight before she went into her match would allow her to learn a little of them.
  12. (OOC: sorry I've been gone for a long while. I will have time now) Icy sat on the train apart from the others. She was toying with her shard of black Ice the seat next to her was a little colder then the rest of the train. She didn't mind sitting alone, rather she enjoyed it. It gave her peace and time to think. Looking out the window and seeing the snow reminded her of past memories. Still as much as she enjoyed the peace of sitting alone and focusing on her magic around the shard of ice she wished somepony would take to her.
  13. @, Graceful was only traveling through the area when she noticed the fires. She never did like fire much, but deciding against her better well she went to see the fire. Crossing through surrounding area she came across a town... or rather the remains of a town. "Hello?" she called out. she had her rapier ready, just to be safe.
  14. @, I can post today, but I have no idea how to jump in without causing to much trouble.
  15. Sorry i've been gone. I had to study and prep for finals. Just wondering if I could jump in, if I am allowed. I spent last week studying for finals
  16. @, @, "Enough bickering" Graceful said. "Stop provoking the..." Graceful looked at the strange pony "stallion" she finished. "I thought you said you had the looks, strength, and voice of a dream stallion. What I see before is a being with none of those things" "Show us what you truly are. We can see you are more than what you want us to see"
  17. I'm in, Just need to do some things first. I'll post someone later.
  18. So is Zora still in? Just asking if this related to the message about reviving the elder scroll
  19. @, (you forgot to mention me) ______________________________ @@synangel, "I will enjoy watching, or hearing about your failures in the ring" she said looking at the stage. The corners of her mouth turned upward for a second before returning to normal. This was as close as a joke she could somewhat smile at. Graceful shook her mane. "To wish for the dead is to deal with the darkness beyond sight. Something apart of me" She had hear Solstice and Seluna. Her father dealt with things of that matter to create her and her brother. Just to think about what he had done to them, boiled her blood. She looked down at her bracelet around her legs. she took off the top bracelets, but keep the bottom ones on. She had planned on removing the bracelets the further she went in, but should blue prove to be a powerful opponent she would drop her final bracelets to match him.
  20. I'm so sorry I've been studying for my finals and prepping for finals week. I'm going to have to put this off until the weekend or the week after finals... I'm so sorry. I'll try to make my first post this weekend.
  21. I'm so sorry, Things got a little wierd for me. I'll post tomorrow when I have time. Once again I am so sorry.
  22. @@EquestrianScholar, "Well those unicorns more than likely train and know the ways to use that magic. Personally I never had a teacher who taught me that kind of magic. My father made sure most of my teachers taught me to deal with the dealing of House WhiteGold and make sure I was a well educated stallion. I was groomed to be the next head of my family and knew everything that came with the position. Perhaps my sibling were trained in magics of that sort. Maybe If I could get my hooves on a book about magic like that, I can try to learn how to hid our horns without having to use magic every time we moved to another place" Regal began to think about how useful he really was. He didn't have the talent or magic to make him useful. He was rather useless when he compared himself to Golden and Spell. He didn't have the talent to fight or the magical abilities of Spell. Even his knowledge of rune magic was limited. Still he was here now and he had to do something to prove he wasn't a waste. "Even without knowing that kind of magic, I promise to do all I can to help you with the magic I do know"
  23. @@EquestrianScholar,@@Spell Shock, First Refuge Camp, Near a Lake "Changing your coat is easy that is a once and done deal. Horns, on the other hand, are rather difficult to hide since horns can be felt even when disguised. I do have the talent to do so, but should another pony run in front of us, or try to put there face in our faces. They will feel the horn, if not stab themselves on it. Also since I'll have to keep changing the color of our horns to match that of the sky and the environment. Spell, rather she likes it or not, will have to remain close to me so I can keep changing the colors of her horn along side mine" Regal thought it over. It would put a massive strain on him if he had to keep changing the color of their horns ever minute, if not sooner then that. Most of the runes he knew were only for helping him remain hidden, not prolong his use of magic. "My limits will be pushed" He closed his eyes and smiled. He thought about about his time from being a fake elderly pony. Still if they found him, he knew he had a few things to clean up about his act. "I'm been in hiding ever since I returned back to my home, Changing the way I talk and walk won't be too much of a problem" Turning to Spell Shock he made her horn disappear and quickly did the same with his own. he was good now, but He wondered how long it would take before he reached his limits.
  24. @@synangel, "Well you might not get a chance to fight him. He is my next fight, there might be a chance I might win" "And your next fight is against Crimson. I doubt you can win, but I could be wrong. If you want me to forgive you, then win your match against Crimson" @, "By the way you say your boss requires killing for everything, I wouldn't join if I ever got the chance." she sighed -His boss required death- she reminded herself "In our fight you'll be gunning to kill me. That being the case, I have no reason to hold back" "But thank you for your offer none the less"
  25. @@synangel, Graceful only shook her mane again. "I am here right now because I killed Vinum" Graceful said. "So where is your logic? I dread to say it but I must agree with Blue. You tell us things, but when Blue hit that filly, It was Crimson that did anything about it. What did you do? Nothing" she also remember Thunder had called her as "Creepy tentacle lady". Even if he said she wasn't a monster, that statement clearly called her one. He also never did try to say sorry, so he still thought of her a monster even if he won't say it out loud. -a Liar through and through- she thought. "Blue and I at least carry out our will without any second meaning behind it. What we say is what we do, but unlike Blue I do not enjoy killing. I find it to be a option, not as a ends to everything though." @, "My name wasn't meant to strike fear into others. As long as others treat me with respect I shall return it. Like I told Thunder earlier, I am not to be feared. However do not underestimate me, because of my name" She said looking towards the current fight.
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