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Snowy Storm

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Everything posted by Snowy Storm

  1. I would like to join. I thought it over and decided Graceful would be good for this. Just read the SoL part, that origin story is what I will be working with for this RP. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/graceful-decent-r5120
  2. Snowy felt the pony on her back move a little. "Are you well?" She said to the pony on her back, but after hearing nothing from the little filly she walked on. Working with the weaves and bends of the weather to create a small area that was safe from the storm. Setting up a few walls she created a barrier of Ice and snow to protect them from the harsh winds. Setting the filly on the ground and took a long look at her. Relaxing, she sat down on the ground next to the filly. "Sleep well little one" Snowy closed her eyes and listened to the wind of the storm. this place would be a perfect place to protect them from the storm until morning came. "If you can hear me, My name is Snowy Storm, but you may call me Snowy. What is your name little one?"
  3. Regal awoke from his sleep. Looking out the window light flooded his room. "I should shut the curtains" He sat up and thought of what to do. He could go back to sleep or take an early start to the day. Slowly he rose from his bed and walked over to the window. Looking outside he saw a few ponies up at this hour. Shrugging he gathered his bag once more and headed out. He would go to the central plaza and windowshop for a bit.
  4. The snow made it hard to tell when the light of day had faded, But it didn't bother Snowy. Having lived in the snow and cold all her life she built up an immunity to it. However the snow storm today was wild and difficult to control, calling her magic she only calm the area around her. The wind was harsh and a lot of snow was falling quickly. Walking through the forest was getting difficult so Snowy returned to the main road. She noticed foot steps in the snow. Looking up the road she noticed a small body laying in the snow. She walked over the small body. "Little one?" she said looking at the small pony. -Why is a filly out her in the cold?- Looking up at the cloud she closed her eyes and her horn gave off a light blue aura. The wind around them relaxed and the snow began to fall more gently. Lift the small pony on to her back. She looked around again hoping to see more the little's family, if they were around or lost in the storm. "Don't worry little one. The cold Winter's grasp shall not claim you" Pulling out a blanket from her bag she placed it on the small pony. Making sure the small pony was safe on her back. Snowy walked further into the storm, making sure to calm and relax the storm for the filly's safety
  5. I would say either with Twilight or Luna's quarter. I'm not sure. Because of there origin story. A dark beginning with a lot of magic... I say Luna's since it is empty
  6. May I join? I've would have joined yesterday, but I was conflicted on who to use. I think of using Graceful decent and her brother Visionary Heart. They shall be almost together most of the time. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/graceful-decent-r5120 http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/visionary-heart-r5520 If those two don't work then I can use Regal and SnowyStorm.
  7. Snowy Storm

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    May I ask what comic you read? I'm bored. and need something good to read.
  8. Snowy Storm

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    I'll take those! *Steals cupcakes*
  9. Snowy Storm

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    I have joined in this game.
  10. Regal sat on his bed. His bag was hanging over the bed. Laying down on his bed, he closed his eyes. He enjoyed his walk under the moonlight, but he wished he could have enjoyed it with somepony. "Goodnight" he said to no one and quickly drifted off. waiting for morning to come.
  11. Granted, but as you raise the barn one of the walls was poorly secured and falls on the Apple family. You are the only survivor. I wish for a X-Box1 and/or PS4
  12. Granted, but you get jailed for evading the IRS and forced to pay them 20,000 dollars for the next five years of your life I wish to travel the world and be able to visit places.
  13. Regal sat on the ground before the pond in the park. Levitating a rock he tossed it into the pond and watched the rippling effect of the pond. Sighing, he rested his back against the ground and looked up to the night sky. "Another day down..." He closed his eyes for a while and smiled. "Looks like I missed the chance to have fun this day" He said with a grin on his face. It disappeared and he opened his eyes again. Lifting another rock in front of his face he changed its color to a bright red. Changing the tone of red to one he liked he also tossed it into the pond. A small area of colored rocks was forming on the bottom of the lake. "Maybe I should just sleep here" He said to no one. Picking himself off the ground he looked at the lake. "its not like I have anything to do at my home anyways" -I'll take a small stroll under the light of the moon- He thought to himself. Gathering his items and placing them in his bag he set off for home, but he was taking the long way home.
  14. Sorry, been busy this week. I'll try to post something on this rp. I'm sorry for not saying anything.
  15. Granted, But your animals glitch and delete themselves. ... You never see them again I wish to find my soulmate and live a decent life with them.
  16. @, Icy stopped and looked at Kingfisher. "Are you Ok?" Icy said unsure what to say. She looked at the thing and let out a snort. She was happy they were outside again, now she could tap in to the cold again;. "I guess it time for round two than" Drawing in the cold and Ice and slammed her hooves into the ground. Ice shot up from the ground and created a small wall of ice blocking the exit. hoping to delay or trap the thing in the cave. -I hope I didn't trap anypony with that thing she thought to herself- Pulling out her crystal of Black Ice she put it around her neck. She could try to enchant to Ice to became Black Ice, but that would drain her in her still recovering form.
  17. @, Icy awake to the sound of yelling and shattering of rocks. She rose slowly, still dealing with some pain. Looking behind her, she saw the strange mass of light standing where she once stood. For once she was glad she decided to sleep near a fire instead of sleeping by the entrance of the cave. She quickly stomped out the fire and began to draw in the cold and Ice about her. Sadly the warmth of the other ponies and the fire reduced how much ice and cold she could draw in, but it was enough to ease her remaining pain. "What the heck is that?" She yelled running back away from it and ran towards Kingfisher.
  18. I don't know if I am late, but I would like to give this a shot and I think I have an Oc just for this. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/snowy-storm-r3409
  19. Is River Note good? I know I'll have to scale him up on the sheet Trickster sent me.
  20. Granted, but the site crashes and the funds are lost. No one every donates to it again. I wish for good luck this year
  21. @@Snowdream, He shook his mane and smiled. "Don't worry about. I havent called Canterlot my home for a long while" "I have nothing here anymore, I'm usually traveling around. I take odd jobs to keep traveling. So I really don't have a place to call my own" He said as they walked through the park. For a moment he seemed to be gone remembering things about his travels. He looked back at Snowdream "Mind if I ask why you hate Canterlot? I understand if you don't want to talk about" Looking up he noticed they were almost in front of the cafe.
  22. @@Snowdream, Regal nodded and began walking towards the cafe. Looking around he saw other ponies walking around. He really did except too many ponies walking around the park with the festival being so close. "So are you here to see the festival?" Regal said hoping not to sound to boring or plain. "I hear that this year is suppose to be better than the past festivals" (OOC: Sorry about responding so late)
  23. @@Snowdream, "I'm Regal" He said with bow. -I have to stop doing that- he thought to himself. "Good to know you are ok. You should be a little more careful" He hesitated a little before going on. "Would you like to join me? I was planning to head to a cafe to eat soon." he said pointing to a small cafe on the other side of the park. Normally he ate alone, but she seemed a little lost and he could use some company. "I mean, If you don't have somewhere to be first"
  24. Regal looked over the park and smiled as he walked. -I wonder what I should do today?- he thought to himself. As he thought about what to do he felt somepony run into him. @@Snowdream, "Careful" he said to the pony that crashed into him. He felt the pony's horn jab him a little in the side. Turning to see who it was and seeing her look of shock, made him smile. "Are you ok?" he said smiling. He noticed a bag on the ground and picked it up. "I guess, this is yours?" he said holding up the bag towards her.
  25. Regal walked around looking at every pony passing him. He was staying in the city to see the festival. it was easy for him to move from one place to another, he only had a few things anyway. Still, he had no idea where to go after the festival. reaching into his bag he pulled out a small gem, a gem he found on his travels, it meant a lot to him. Putting the gem back in the bag he headed out to the park. To him it was a good place to waste time for a while.
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