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Tech Reel

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Blog Entries posted by Tech Reel

  1. Tech Reel
    Recently I've been sketching all my feelings down onto paper. Here's the result.

    While the images aren't exactly happy, they were fun to draw. It felt nice to channel my thoughts and feelings into these, making my slight sadness into some fairly nice sketches
  2. Tech Reel
    Why is everything hitting me so hard all of a sudden?
    Why is it that, since Valentines Day, I've been feeling depressed again? There's just no rhyme or reason for it. I'm suddenly remembering my depressing past and feeling sad about my present. Nothing specifically sad is going on for me right now. No sad events, no memory-triggering people, no anything. I'm just feeling like crap out of nowhere and I don't understand why.
    Then again, while nothing sad has happened recently, not much good has happened either. The extent of my day is waking up, going online, watching tv, and going to sleep, with the addition of work on some days. Maybe I'm just lonely, I don't really have many friends. And, I have just lost the last of my friends(that I talk to daily) about a month or so ago, leaving me with only one true friend...online. And I haven't spoken to a friend with my actual voice in months...
    You know, the whole depression thing is starting to make more and more sense...
  3. Tech Reel
    Hey guys!
    Welcome back to My Little Blog: Writing Is Magic!
    Today's entry will be pretty short.
    I want your opinions on my voice for a certain character.
    Check out the video below to see me and hear the voice.
    How's the voice? Let me know in the comments.
    That's it for now.
    Talk to you guys later
  4. Tech Reel
    Some days I'm not quite sure who I am.
    In my past I've felt like a different person for each friend I'm around, due to the fact that I try to blend in with groups to avoid standing out and possibly being abandoned. It must be because I haven't talked to as many humans in the past two years as I have in these past two days. Among these friends I feel like I'm acting different ways when certain ones are around. The differences are much more subtle than they used to be, but I can still definitely feel them.
    I feel like I try too hard to impress people. I tend to think that if I'm boring for even a second then the friend or friends I'm with will get bored of me. So I end up being more of a character than a person, consistently trying to be entertaining.
    I'm not saying that I'm a boring person or that I don't like being random or entertaining through conversations. Although, I feel like there's a bit more of a serious or perhaps chill side to me that I don't show much. There's just a divide in my brain that won't allow it to appear in front of people, kind of like stage fright.
    All I want is to feel like one person, the same person. To be the same alone as I am around people. Whether it's being silly, or chill, or excitable, or the Doctor. I just want to know who I am. I don't know how to achieve that, or how long it will take, but it's my goal.
    To learn how to be a little more human.
  5. Tech Reel
    Hello everybody!
    I'm here because I just spent a butt load of time making a family for my ponysona, and I'd like to show off..er..I mean show YOU..them....yep
    So here is Tech Reel's family
    Dad: Cam Climax
    His cutie mark is a unicycle with a film reel for a wheel. This symbolizes Cam's talent for filmmaking, as well as the precision and uniqueness he applies to his creations.
    http://i1021.photobucket.com/albums/af334/ReelyRandom/Cam%20Cutie%20Mark_zpsvbq4ziu8.png (Yes I know it's drawn horribly XD)
    Mom: Cliffnote
    Her cutie mark is a torn book page with punctuation going over the edge(Made to resemble a cliff). This symbolizes Cliffnote's talent for script and story writing, also showcasing her love of suspense and cliffhangers.
    Brother: Beta
    No cutie mark yet..but he has an Irish accent....so there's that(I still need to work on Beta's interests).
    Sister: Copywrite
    Her cutie mark is a pencil in the shape of a musical note, symbolizing her love of writing songs and other things(stories, poems, etc.)
    And that's it! All the brand new members of Tech's family
    I'd like a little feedback, so let me know what you think of them
  6. Tech Reel
    Hey guys!
    Welcome to my very first blog
    I don't know how often I'll be making these.
    Probably as often as I have something to talk about
    So first, a bit about myself.
    I'm a 17 year old energetic guy who likes PC games, cartoons, and MLP as you probably guessed.
    I only became a Brony months ago and I'm loving it
    Since this is an intro, I'll make this blog about the reason I'm even on this website, how I became a Brony.
    I had heard a lot about the Brony craze and was very confused by it.
    I actually made fun of the whole idea.....sorry
    Anyway, I first heard the theme song from a show called "Teens React" and was addicted to it. I returned to the video too many times to count until I finally got up the nerve to watch an episode. I was curious why guys actually liked the show and wondered if there was anything good about the show. At the same time I was actually a bit nervous that I would like it too much and go completely crazy.
    I watched the first episode and thought "Meh".
    It wasn't great and it wasn't horrible, so I moved on to the next episode.
    Then I went to the next one...and the next one, and the next, and next, and next, etc.
    After about two weeks I watched seasons one, two, and three...Wow
    It was better than I ever expected it to be.
    I saw more slapstick comedy than I expected to see in the whole series in the first few minutes.
    This show is probably the best example I've ever seen of "Don't judge a book by its cover".
    So, there's my story.
    What's yours? Write about your "Bronyfication" in the comments
    So, I hope you enjoyed my first blog, and I hope you'll enjoy the ones in the future.
    Talk to you guys later
  7. Tech Reel
    Hey guys!
    Welcome back to My Little Blog: Writing Is Magic!
    Over the past week two people told me that they think I could be able to voice act based on my normal voice.
    I don't really understand why, and honestly, I disagree.
    I don't think my voice is good for voice acting.
    I've tried doing voices many times but they never come out right or sound anything like the character I'm impersonating. They just sound like either a higher or lower pitched version of my normal voice.
    Is there a secret that I just don't know?
    I don't know, maybe there's a tutorial or something that I can look at.
    So, in the last blog I posted a video to get some opinions on a voice I tried doing for a character.
    When I looked back at the video I realized that it started okay(kind of) and then just turned into my normal voice at a high pitch.
    I'm sure I can do better and feel I should have a second attempt at the voice.
    Let me know what you guys think in the comments and if it's good then I'll use it, if it's bad then I'll probably find someone else to do the voice.
    Here's a new video with attempt #2:
    Is the voice better. the same as last time, or worse?
    Let me know in the comments.
    That's all for now.
    Talk to you guys later
  8. Tech Reel
    Hey guys!
    Welcome back to My Little Blog: Writing Is Magic!
    In the last two blogs(and videos) I've told you that I'm going to be starting a YouTube channel soon, so I thought I'd tell you more about it.


    My Little Channel: Videos Are Magic

    This channel will be run by myself, Pink Mist, and Ponyboy15.
    On it we'll be making videos such as:
    -Analyzation videos
    -Episode reviews
    -Blind commentary
    -Reaction videos
    We should be uploading the first video sometime soon hopefully. Up to now we've been preparing. Getting the channel banner and avatar made, OC's vectored, intros and theme songs made, and more.
    Although we can't use video from the show because of copyright, we should still be able to make things work with pictures and audio(As long as that won't be copyrighted too ).
    I'm sure it will all work out fine, and when we get started it's going to be a lot of fun .
    We couldn't have made it as far as we have without the help of the generous people on the forums.
    I'd like to thank:
    Dilarus: For helping me by making the sketches that brought my character to life and were vectored for my videos.
    BlueBay: For vectoring my OC for my videos and the avatar for the channel.
    NitPick: For making an awesome banner for the channel.
    AppleJared: For making the intro music/theme song for my videos.
    If you want to see what the channel looks like so far, click here -> http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVeVoit5WL371vuGbW2XP2A
    That's all for now.
    Talk to you guys later
  9. Tech Reel
    Hey guys!
    Welcome back to My Little Blog: Writing Is Magic!
    There are times that I'm on the forums while none of my friends are. This makes me think about the lives they have, and how they often seem to have things to do, places to go, and people to be with.
    Why isn't my life like this?
    I don't have many friends. To be completely honest, I have about two "real friends" that I talk to offline.
    What do I mean by "real friends"?
    I categorize people I talk to by how often we hang out or have conversations within the categories of "real friends" and "half friends".
    A "half friend" is basically an acquaintance. A person who I talk to once in a while, but never really have conversations with. Just someone who I talk to for the purpose of passing time(Usually in school), and don't talk to once the day is done.
    A "real friend" is just what it is, a friend. Someone you love to hang out with. Someone who you can tell nearly anything to. Someone who you enjoy being around and who enjoys being around you. A person that you talk to anytime, and not just to pass time, but because you enjoy talking to them.
    Why don't I have more "real friends"?
    Two reasons:
    1. I'm pretty shy.
    2. A lot of people around me are annoying, disrespecting, obnoxious, mean people. I honestly couldn't be friends with some of these people if I tried.
    This is why my life can be boring, because I don't have many friends to spend it with.
    Since I'm on the topic of loneliness, I might as well go all the way.
    One question I've been asked semi-recently in school was "Have you ever had a girlfriend?"
    The answer is: No, I've never had a girlfriend.
    In fact, I've never even been on a single date in my life.
    Why? Basically the same two reasons I don't have many friends.
    I've only ever asked a single girl on a date...through a valentines card...that was made by the school...and given to her by some stranger...with such a vague message that she probably didn't even know it was asking her on a date...that was also signed anonymously.
    I don't think I'd feel so bad about this if it weren't for the fact that the few people I know and talk to have had girlfriends.
    I can't even escape this on the forums as some of my best friends on here are also dating.
    Maybe one day, if I could get really lucky, I can find someone I really care about who cares for me too.
    Or in the very least I could make some more friends who are "real friends".
    That isn't too much to ask, right?
    Well, that's all for now.
    Talk to you guys later
  10. Tech Reel
    I've been feeling like I need someone again. Someone to make videos with, a new friend. Alone I've just felt fairly unmotivated. Which is why this Doctor Who quote came to mind.
    I've altered it a bit to fit my own situation. The original is here in this spoiler.
    And here's the modified version.
    Companion: "Then why am I here?"
    Me: "Because....because I can't see it anymore."
    Companion. "See what?"
    Me: "I've been at this on and off for 10 years. After a while you just can't see it."
    Companion: "See what?!"
    Me: "Everything. I look at a video and it's just a big sketch, vlog, or film and I know how to start I know how to end it..and I've done both so many times. Now after a while everything is just stuff. That's the problem, you make all of YouTube your backyard and what do you have? A backyard. But you, you can see it. And when you see it I see it."
    Companion: "And that's the only reason you took me with you?"
    Me: "..There are worse reasons..."
    Maybe soon I'll start looking for a channel partner again. Maybe.
  11. Tech Reel
    Hey everybody!
    I just need a quick little opinion on something.
    I'm starting a Patreon, and I've struggled a bit with coming up with rewards.
    I have a few here, and I just would like to know if they seem alright.
    $1 gets you access to my "Patron Only" stream. Over there I'll be posting some exclusive content that you can only see if you donate!
    $5 will get your name put in an end screen at the end of my next video, showing the world that you're helping out and I'm super grateful! This includes the previous reward.
    $10 gives you the opportunity to make me say whatever you want. Give me a message, a shout out, a movie quote, or anything that you want to hear come from my mouth. I'll say it in a video for your entertainment! Of course, this excludes any profanity or "R rated" content. And the previous rewards are also included with this one.
    Let me know what you think
  12. Tech Reel
    Who here remembers Oreo O's? An amazing cereal from my childhood and many others. Join me and maybe by showing the demand for it we can bring it back! https://www.facebook.com/restoreoreoos/
  13. Tech Reel
    Ya know what, Brain? One of these days you'll work. One of these days, maybe just for one day, one hour..a minute. Heck, I'd be lucky if it worked for a second.
    I will gain the ability to think. The question is, what would I think about? The answer? YouTube. Sounds like a strange thing to think about, I know, but I have my reasons.
    It's been about 10 years since I first discovered my interest in making videos. I'd make home movies and other little comedy bits and such. Over time I found YouTube, and I realized that I could post my stuff online for people to see. My destiny was set. I wanted nothing more than to be a YouTuber. 10 years, 6 collaborating friends, and 8(or more) channels have passed. I've made very little progress. Each channel only doing slightly better than the last, but always lacking consistent views, subscribers, and worst of all, content. I always run into the problem of not having ideas or inspiration for videos. Eventually it evolved into a lack of motivation after my many failed channels.
    So why do I keep going? Good question....too bad I don't have a good answer. The only thing that keeps me going these days is this feeling in my mind that I do still want to be a YouTuber. I still don't know exactly what content I love making, and I still have problems with inspiration and motivation, but I just know in my heart that YouTube is something I want to do. But why? How!?
    I don't know. Maybe my brain actually will work for a few minutes some time. And you can bet I'll use every second to try and figure this out, because I'm stumped.
  14. Tech Reel
    Hey there!
    Why over here? Cause over here is where my channel is!
    I'm Tech Reel, and I have a channel named "MethODDical".
    A random little channel comprised of some analysis, some commentary, and some things that just make you say, "Wh-what's this guy's deal?".
    New video each Monday! Come on over and check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ6EsAEckiRg3MJrXi2_srw
  15. Tech Reel
    Whenever I'm alone, the same thoughts run through my head. Thoughts like, "What are my friends doing? They always have things to do, why don't I?", or, "Why do all of my YouTube companions leave me? Am I condemned to a life of loneliness?", and sometimes even, "Will I ever find someone who will stay with me?" All I can ever do to help overcome this, however crazy it may sound, is to imagine a dialogue in which someone assures me that things will get better. Unfortunately, these thoughts tend to work their way into my imagination, causing me to fabricate some depressing scenarios. Not even music, television, or movies can help much, as the plots for such things are either too sad, or so happy that I can't help but remember the loneliness and lack of happiness in my life.
    Now, contrary to how I sound, I'm not depressed. At least I don't think I am. All I am is deprived. Deprived of social interaction, trust in people, and a lasting friend or companion. I am fairly happy with what I do have, which is loving parents, plenty of things to keep myself occupied, and YouTube.
    Interesting...as I typed the word YouTube, I felt much different than I used to. The word used to bring so much joy to my heart. Now, all it brings is confusion. I often wonder why I make videos for YouTube. The initial answer is, "I do it because I have fun doing it." Then I think about it, and my answer changes to, "I do it because I've worked so long and so hard that I need to finish this." Both are true, but in the end I can never choose which one I believe in more.
    There's a few lines of dialogue from Doctor Who that can explain my feelings on this:
    Amy: Then why am I here?
    The Doctor: Because! [lowers his voice] Because I can't see it anymore.
    Amy: See what?
    The Doctor: I'm 907. After a while... you just can't see it!
    Amy: See what?
    The Doctor: Everything! I look at a star and it's just a big ball of burning gas and I know how it began and I know how it ends and I was probably there both times. After a while, everything is just stuff! That's the problem. You make all of space and time your backyard and what do you have? A backyard. But you, you can see it. And when you see it, I see it.
    Now to edit this to fit my case:
    Some Companion: Then why am I here?
    Me: Because! [lowers my voice] Because I can't see it anymore.
    Some Companion: See what?
    Me: I've done this for 7 years. After a while... you just can't see it!
    Some Companion: See what?
    Me: Everything! I look at a video and it's just some person doing something and I know how it's made and I know how it's uploaded and I've done both far too many times. After a while, everything is just stuff! That's the problem. You make all of YouTube your backyard and what do you have? A backyard. But you, you can see it. And when you see it, I see it.
    That's what it really is. Every time I get some new companion on my YouTube channel I suddenly get really into making videos. We'll both get so excited and talk about ideas nonstop. Then they leave, and I lose it. I lose the motivation to create. Occasionally I'll get back in it, but only for a short time. This isn't helped considering I also don't have too many viewers which could probably motivate me even if I'm alone.
    So yeah, that's all the depressing stuff I feel like writing about for now.
    See you guys next blog!
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