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Misty Rose

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Status Updates posted by Misty Rose

  1. If I had known love would thrust me into such a depression, I would have just listened to my mom and shut the door on love in the first place :/

  2. I wouldn't describe my current modd as cheerful, but at least I'm less frustrated :)

    1. Proton


      That's good to hear! ^^

    2. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      That's good to hear



      Good, hope you feel better soon. *hugs*

  3. So does financial aid count as a student loan?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      So financial aid falls into that right?

    3. Troblems


      It's all financial aid. Loans, grants, scholarships and working for the school itself. Forget exactly what that's called though.

    4. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      *chuckles* Thanks :P

  4. I may only give the Season opener a try. I don't think I'll watch the rest of Season 5 :/

  5. Gonna continue binge watching Without A Trace, hopefully I'll be a little more cheerful later :) I need to get caught up on Once Upon a Time too xD

    1. VitalSpark


      Yeah, "Without A Trace" is such a cheerful show. ;-)

    2. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      I don't want to watch anything cheerful :/

  6. Damn dance practice today was hardcore. My feet are killing me! xD

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Well, that means you worked hard ;D.

    2. Dawning Demon
  7. I've hear mny people change their names to really get a fresh start in life, I might just consider that...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      It's not even my family's name, I'm the only one here with my last name, not even my mom kept it >_> And changing my first name is just a personal preference so I can change my full name altogether, new identity new me.

    3. VitalSpark


      You should change your actual name to "Pink Mist". Or actually not because a good name for a pony isn't necessarily a good name for a human.


      I think if I changed my name, or my first name anyway, I'd be eternally confused about whether people were calling me.

    4. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      Why would I change my name to that? xD I already have a name chamge in mind :P

  8. I don't know why people make such a big deal on Youtube when a guy says his girlfriend preferred to watch Kingsmen over Fifty Shades, that's actually quite common. Plenty of girls would do the same! xD

    1. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      Well I hear 50 shades is crap so...

    2. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      Doesn't matter, just because a girl has a brain doesn't mean she's wife material xD

    3. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      Hard to tell if the commenters are being sarcastic. That be like me instantly falling for a girl because she likes MLP.

  9. I hate how my cousin forces me to show him my face when he thinks I've been crying. It's as if he loves humiliating me and criticizing me for crying :/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      I can't or I'll just get more hostility from him. I don't want to make my life worse :/

    3. Ryzu


      then lock him out of the room you're in

    4. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      I can't because it's my grandma's room :/ And I can't exactly lock him out when he's inside -_-

  10. Just knowing no one will be there for my graduation really sucks.....even after all the effort I'll have put forth by then, all the delays....no one will be there to support me ;(

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Pinkie-Guy


      You have to accept it.

    3. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      It's not as easy as you may think dude...

    4. Pinkie-Guy


      You're right, it isn't easy and I went too far with that. I was insensitive. You can still talk matter of factly. I don't think you should be afraid of their response.

  11. All those years I put up with bullying without telling anyone, getting good grades in Honors classes and not giving my mother any problems and what for?! TO GET A FREAKIN 0 ON A SCIENCE TEST?! *cries* It's times like these I really hate my life :(

    1. Show previous comments  40 more
    2. Ryzu


      No one is gonna stop talking to people in general, that's nearly impossible. I'm saying it's better to keep to yourself though as you will notice the others keeping to themselves and be able to join with them as they will understand.

    3. Pinkie-Guy


      That's reasonable. Some people do stop talking to people in general. They put up walls and actively push people away. That's what I'm arguing against.

    4. Ryzu


      Pink isn't that type of person she knows what she needs to do to stay out of darkness

  12. Lol I think of that song and it comes on the radio xD

    1. Finesthour



  13. Love Me Like You Do <3

    1. Moved to Elsewhere
    2. Yuna Crescent

      Yuna Crescent

      i don't care much about the movie the it's from, but i LOVE the song

  14. Well that was quick...here it is! I knew it had to be a Ford Fiesta ^_^http://m.imgur.com/QT9Kerw

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NothingIsEverything
    3. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      Hopefully I can get this beauty once I move :3 It'll only be two years by then :D And the term payment isn't too bad at all :3

    4. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      * two years old

  15. I'm gonna see if I can find a picture of my dream car today :3

  16. Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again....

    1. VitalSpark


      Because a vision softly creeping...

  17. Well i know I'm gonna have a boring day xD I have absolutely nothing to do :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      Well I definitely prefer to do something than nothing xD *sigh* I miss my laptop :/

    3. NuclearBurg (Dawn)

      NuclearBurg (Dawn)

      Want to have a random chat if you have nothing to do? :P

    4. Misty Rose
  18. Being an orphan I wonder what it would be like to live in an orphanage xD Depends on the place cause I doubt all of them are nice :/

    1. Jellal Fernandes

      Jellal Fernandes

      Almost none are from what I understand, most are actually nightmarish.

  19. I still miss cuddling my mom at night ;( I'm so terribly lonely and sleeping by myself hasn't gotten any more pleasant after a year -_-

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ryzu


      Prove it

    3. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      My mom never found something like that. She never got such a relief. That's proof enough man :/

    4. Ryzu


      Maybe she didn't wait long enough or try to go after it

  20. Bored :/

    1. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      Time to build a roller coaster

    2. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose

      Lol I wish I could be Isabella and witness such an event xD

  21. I'm back from the excursion. All I can say for now is that there are still some things that I can appreciate about my country :) It's cultural and natural beauty (outside of this city) is definitely one of them :) I'm gonna make a video with all the pics z

  22. I'm back from the excursion. All I can say for now is that there are still some things that I can appreciate about my country :) It's cultural and natural beauty (outside of this city) is definitely one of them :) I'm gonna make a video with all the pis

  23. Thankfully I get to go on an excursion tomorrow :D I'm gonna see more of the country and hopefully go hiking :P Wish me luck! I'm leaving super early xD

    1. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      Good luck Mist of the universe. Hiking is fun an tiring.

    2. Ryzu


      Cya! *Boops nose*

    3. Monsoon
  24. I had a weird thought while coming home from dance practice today. If I had the miraculous opportunity to spend only one day with someone.....would I spend it with my ex while he still loved me, or my mom? :/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NuclearBurg (Dawn)

      NuclearBurg (Dawn)

      That seems like a legit thought plusle. Only the times I've had that thought it would be who would I "remove from existence" so to speak.

    3. GammaDove


      Like, there is no specific law against eating people, but you can't kill someone. So if someone killed a person and made a nice steak for you, but you didn't know it's a person, it would be legal. Then they'd tell you is people and you'd call the authorities, you'd get off no charges.

    4. NuclearBurg (Dawn)

      NuclearBurg (Dawn)

      Don't give me any ideas ;). You know. "Accidents" happen :P.

  25. So ponies are on TV right now as my cousin was scrolling through channels....this is awkward xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NuclearBurg (Dawn)

      NuclearBurg (Dawn)

      I know the feels :P.

    3. Misty Rose

      Misty Rose


      He did xD But didn't give a damn.

    4. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      What episode is it?

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