well we are all hoping for news thats clear but what do we really want from that clips,spoilers,discord,SHIPING IN THE MANE 6,PLOT? ALL OF THE ABOVE we have been waiting for this new just as half life fan have but we are not getting as srewed over we must stand togther as bronys under the same flag the flag of love and understanding we may not like everything we see but we will welcome it with open arms and enjoy it for what it is unless its anything about flash getting into the main show. That being said i have a few wants such as queen chrysalis to return once more to rule the world aahahhahah ahem and rainbow dash and fluttershy to get togther:D,for lyra and bon bon to get into cannon with there own episode same with octavia and vinyl and derpy to return once more:D And luna to go bad and leave her sister and we get more back story on her. for spike to tap rarity and they fall in love.and last but not least by any means the return of the great and powerful......DERPY!!!!! plus plot LOL ahem we can only hope and wait thank you for your time and may all your mlp dreams come true....but if you ship different then NOOOOOO to the shiping.....so yeah here's funny pic's:D