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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by GingerJoy

  1. @@Chubby Luna, "Oh Bon Bon, check your student ID!" "What? Fine..." Bon Bon looked at her dorm number, it was 13 as well. "Hey, we're sharing the same room" She said "Isn't that funny" @@Noble, "Thank ye kindly" Macintosh replied, he walked in and looked around. The room was pretty spacious, it had it's own TV and a separate bathroom, no kitchen however. Big Mac set his bags down by his bed "Ya'll got something to eat?"
  2. @@Chubby Luna, "I'm Bon Bon" She shook Luna's hoof "I know what you're saying about the college. We took a shortcut through the West district and some stallions... touched my flank" "Yeah, but we showed them! I'm Lyra by the way" "You threw your sandwich at them" "Exactly" "Ugh... Anyways, if you told me your dorm number, I could point you in the right direction" @@Noble, Big Mac's half-lidded eyes looked down on the mare in front of her, he chewed his Grain thingy ((I don't know what it's called)) from one side of his mouth to the other and said "Eeyup"
  3. @, "Humans..." Leo chuckled "What a funny subject" He switched on the TV and changed to the news channel "You thinking of getting a job here? Like, a part time one?" @@Chubby Luna, "Eurgh! Blood" Lyra cringed Bon Bon rolled her eyes and pulled out a tissue "College starts tomorrow. We're just looking around, getting a feel for the place" "And see if Soarin and Spitfire are here!" "Yes... that too" @@The Awesome One, The doctor perked up when he saw another pony walk into the room "Ah, hello!" He jumped off the sofa and walked over "My name is... Whooves, but people call me the doctor"
  4. @@Chubby Luna, The college was mostly empty, except the odd janitor and teacher working on getting it presentable for tomorrow. Two voices were heard down a nearby corridor and were getting louder. "Can we check out the P.E. department now?" "No Lyra, that's too far away. Science is just around the corner" "Bon Bon! You said we could!" "Use your indoor voice please! I don't want to get told off"
  5. @@Chubby Luna, The security stallion glances at the ID then checks the x-ray monitor. "Everything looks okay" He gives a map to Luna "Just go straight ahead and you'll find the college" He then noticed the horn on Luna's head. "Also, you might wanna... steer clear of the West district in town. They can quite racist" @, "It's been good. Hoping to have a fun time here at this college. Might try and throw a party at some point" Leo opened up his bags and started putting away his stuff "College starts tomorrow I think. But I'm still gonna head over there and see who the teachers are"
  6. @, "Boom amigo!" Leo bro hoofed Blast "Of all the ponies in the world, it sure is a damn coincidence to see you again. What subject did you pick?" @@Noble, "..And they all died. Speaking of dying, I'm dying to see that new film in cinemas..." The TV was interrupted by a knock at the door. ((OOC: I think you can guess who it is!))
  7. @, Leo burst through the door with a 6-pack of beer and travel bags. "WOOOOOOOOOOO! Let's get this party start-" He looks around and see only Blast "Aw man, this room only holds two people?" He closed the door and set his stuff on the bed "Say... you look quite familiar... It's good to meet you regardless!"
  8. @@The Awesome One, Cherilee noticed the Pegasus walk in. She could tell it was a student from the bags and the curious look she had on her face. "Well hello there, you look like you're a new student" Cherilee said with a smile, she glances over at her watch "My, you're quite early. I hope all the new ponies here are like you"
  9. @@Noble, A security stallion walked up to Aqua "Right, I'll just check your ID. Stand still for a moment please" He looked at the ID and checked his x-ray monitor "Looks like your good" He presented a map "Just go straight ahead and you'll find the college. Dormitories are right next to it. Have a good day"
  10. I think I'll have a cup of tea.

  11. @, "Yes sir, just stand still for a minute" The security stallion focused a camera on Blast and an x-ray of him came up on screen "Nothing dangerous" He said as he switched it off Handing a map to Steve, the security stallion informs him "Right now, we're at the docks. If you just go straight ahead, through town center and carry on, you'll end up at the college" @@The Awesome One, Another security stallion noticed Flash waiting and came on over "I'll just check your ID. Stand still for a moment sir" He did the same at the other security stallions and handed the ID back. "By the way... just so you know, Aella doesn't take kindly to non-earth ponies" He turns and shows a pair of broken wings on his back, bandaged up "I learnt that the hard way"
  12. @, @, All the guns flew from everypony's grip and hovered into the air. Adam put his hoofs up to show he wasn't a threat, Corporal Punch however reacted differently. "The hell-? There is no need to talk! These guys attacked us and killed one of our friends!" Punch pointed at Adam and his group "We ate your friend I'm afraid. We only did it because we ran out of food" Adam back away slightly "But I'm open to the talking idea"
  13. @@The Awesome One, "...Yes, that looks fine" The ticket collector said to a nearby pony, he spotted Flash up ahead with his ID ready. He walked up to him and checked the ID "Uhh... Yepp. That looks fine" @@The Awesome One, @@Chubby Luna, @, @@Noble, Suddenly, the speakers came to life again. "Attention all passengers. We have now docked at Aella Island. When you come out the boat, please talk to the security stallions by the gate. That will be all"
  14. @, The ticket collector happened to notice this, he quickly trotted over. "Good gravy! Stunts like that will get you fined!" He said sternly "I hope you have your student ID on you or otherwise I'm going to have to call the police. You could get charged for illegal immigration!"
  15. @@Noble, A ticket collector was nearby, checking the ID of every pony he passed. "Student ID's please. No free loaders" He eventually came over to Aqua, he stopped and looked at her "Might I see your student ID ma'am? Or do I have to throw you off this ferry?" @@Chubby Luna, The ticket collector also noticed Luna. It made his job easier when ponies sat nearer to each other. ((OOC: Use this as a good moment to establish your character!))
  16. http://mlpforums.com/topic/70131-to-the-top-occ/ “Hello potential student! You have just been accepted into Aella College. One of the most well known (Yet, controversial) places of education in all of Equestria! As promised, we have arranged transportation to Aella Island and suitable accommodation. When you arrive, you will be required to show your Student ID card that has been issued to you through email. Once on the island, you have a day to settle in, explore and talk to any of the teachers. Lessons will begin the day after! If you have any queries, just dial the student helpline: 01372 977070” Aella College does not take responsibility to any injury, death or tragic misfortune that you may obtain. “Attention passengers. The ferry will arrive at Aella Island in five minutes. Please have your student ID ready” Said the speakers This is it. Your attempt to live a life away from home. Leaving any friends and family behind, you are a now a new person. It’s time to make a name for yourself here, as your reputation will affect your future relationships, jobs and outcome of certain scenarios. Get ready to take your first steps…
  17. I'd say I'm a patriot, but just because I like my country doesn't mean I should turn a blind eye to it's wrongdoings. Just like a parent who loves their child but will take action if they do something wrong. Although it may have it's flaws and downsides, every government does. And I can think of quite a few places that are worse off than others. I just try to appreciate what England has to offer.
  18. @, "Oh bloody hell..." Rock quickly pulled his family in a tight embrace "What the heck is happening now?" qwertyuioppoiuytrewqqwertyui qwertyuioppoiuytrewq qrtyuioppoiuytrewq asdfghjklkjhgfdsa xcvb nm,mnbvcxz asdfghjkloiuytr ertyuiokmnbv
  19. @, Corporal Punch looks at Leo "Nope, never seen that guy in our lives. What happened to his leg?" Suddenly Adam and his group appear from behind "You don't need to know-" Punch and his group quickly pulled out their guns and took aim, Adam's group retaliated with the same move. "What the hell are they doing here?" Burns screamed "Everypony calm down!" Peppermint shouted, he had his pistol out but it wasn't aimed at either group @, ((OOC: Feel free to intervene here!))
  20. @, Adam quickly turns to his group and they mutter amongst themselves. "If you're rebuilding ships... then that must mean you've got food. Heck, we'll go with you straight away!" Peppermint turned to Blast "I'm surprised they came around so quickly, I hope this doesn't interfere with Corporal Punch..." @, ((OOC: I'll give you the signal to come in, it'll be at an awesome moment, is that alright?))
  21. @, ((OOC: Rise and shine! Anyways, I'm awake. I'll try and get the conversation to a good point to include you. But first I gotta wait for Stevey to reply )) qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, qwertyuiopsdfghjkxcvbnm ertyuiodfvgbnmr5tyu67op8 3ertuydfghjkfdghj
  22. @, ((OOC: Off to bed now!)) "A safe place? An interesting proposal" Adam stroked his chin "Considering the fact you haven't shot at us. I am inclined to believe you. However, I'll need more than this before we go with the idea" Adam signaled for his group to hand over Leo. "We'll let you take him on good faith of our friendship. Now I must ask, what is this place of yours like?"
  23. @, The unicorn looks at the saddlebags and then back at the other ponies. "That doesn't look like a large amount of food..." "Adam, I think they mentioned the Marines!" "Quiet" He said "I'm sorry you have to see us like this. At an all time low. I'm pretty sure you must think we're monsters for doing this... to your friend"
  24. @, ((OOC: I'll do that right after me and Steve get out of little scenario ) @, The duo walked up to the group. One of the ponies alerted the others, and they all armed themselves with melee weapons. "Woah, woah... I don't think they came here to fight" Their leader, a black unicorn, said "I might assume that you ponies are here to talk?"
  25. @, "I got some oats... However, I could arrange a trade agreement with these guys" Peppermint pulled his pistol out of his saddlebag and kept it close to his side "Better be prepared though..." He looked over the rock again, the group of ponies started to eat. "Okay, you ready? (OOC: Ponies with pockets :3 interesting...))
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