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Everything posted by Lil'Cinnamon

  1. What kind of bus do you take? If you take an over 100 mile long bus ride I woudn't think it is a bus that is like a city bus.. But also it isn't a greyhound or something like that cause 100 miles is too short for those.. So... I am confused about that. Also I just got off work, internet is utter meh, and I probably should be going to sleep soon. I got a long day ahead of me tomorrow, helping wrap up my moving out and then go to work for 8 hours. At least I have Sunday off.
  2. Heh. No idea. I mean, some buses may have a way for you to do that but. I am on my lunch break right now, on my tablet and now since I live 30 minutes away from work now I have to stay here during that time. I have about 30 minutes left on my lunch break though.
  3. You could always get a segway, I mean... Meh. Those are too expensive, but wouldn't those be cool to ride on?? xD If I could ever afford one I would want one of those, but what places would they even be allowed?
  4. I just woke up not long ago, and I am tired, Got work soon, but I feel a lot better than yesterday. Still cloudy outside though.
  5. How would you move around the university faster? A bike or something? I mean that works. I guess.
  6. Whelp, today (the 14th and when I actually make it there to work) is the day where I have reached 1 year at my job. I can't believe it has been that long. And we are in our new house now too. Milestone for me, that I have kept a job for so long finally. But anyway, about to sleep, but I shall say hai. Hai ganny, haven, and Punic, Zyriel or guy with the kitty avatar, and others, whoever is here.
  7. Oh I see, you sound like me. I don't game much either. I haven't actually played a video game in a long time, and the only series I have been playing recently is Kirby. Though there are some new games coming out. Plus I have been moving. So yeah. I am very very casual when it comes to games, I just go drive everywhere when I am bored and explore. xD
  8. Oh I see. Must be a nice card. My laptop just has integrated graphics. Well most do. But it is decent, and it is a low end i7 so it's pretty decent. I don't play many games anyway so.
  9. Oh that is an intensive game. xD And doesn't overclocking start to overheat it? What kind of graphics card do you have?
  10. I just woke up, been out on the road all day yesterday, and I have to work today. I am tired, and still needing to wake up. xD
  11. What would the new game be? Don't you have a nice gaming computer? What needs revamping? Also nice picture!
  12. Tired, just woke up, and ready to go somewhere today. Day off from work, which I am glad, it has been a long few weeks moving into the new house, and we aren't quite done yet.
  13. I told you earlier, MLP forums changed their sig things, now when you direct link a image in your signature, it uploads to their site now instead of it just being a direct link. I dunno why they did that, but they did. Probably to prevent things like signature rotations and stuff I guess... But.
  14. What are you needing to read? I need to go to bed soon. I got a day off tomorrow but I wand to go over to Kansas City.. That is if I can make it.
  15. Oh what a day, been a long day at work, I just got home, and I got some things that I need to do... Heh. How is everyone doing right now? And who is here right now?
  16. I know they do. I drive around a lot and I have been on many long trips. So I know. xD Bah I need to get to sleep soon.....
  17. Uuugh. I don't want slow internet again.... it takes forever to download things... Meh. But anyway busy day for me, more moving stuff in and out. Got my room done at least. How is everyone doing?
  18. Heh, I don't live in an area with a decent bus service either,, but I have a car, and I can drive, so that is how I get about. Not like I drive to different parts of the country many times anyway. xD What kind of bus? Must be a special one if it goes that far.
  19. Tired, like I said. Just took a shower. About to start doing some errands. This internet is still too slow. >.<
  20. Are you driving or are you riding? How do you get there and back?
  21. I'm tired, just woke up, and ready to do some work on moving stuff and cleaning my room in the old rent house we are moving out of. I got called by my job if I wanted to go into work but today isn't a good day for that cause I need to do some of that moving.
  22. Trying to sleep while playing ANY music for me is not a good idea. My body doesn't like sleeping with music playing. Anyway, how are you Ganny? I just woke up now... I got some more work to do today.
  23. Did you camp in a tent or did you do an RV? But anyways, good morning. I Just woke up, but I don't think I'll stay up. Probably should as I have to go to work super early tomorrow.
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