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Everything posted by Lil'Cinnamon

  1. Well goodnight everyone. -falls over- I am a tired Cinny pony. Have sweet dreams everyone!

  2. Well goodnight everyone. -falls over- I am a tired Cinny pony. Have sweet dreams everyone!

  3. ^ Yeah, very, about to head to sleep now. >.< < Has to work tomorrow for 8 hours. Gahh, long day. Got two long days, then a day off. v Has things they have to do tomorrow (or today.. Depending where you are at)
  4. Feeling so lonely lately.....

  5. Boop. how is everyone doing in here right now? I am about to head to sleep, but I am here right now. I'm tired. Got work tomorrow earlier. I hope I get good sleep tonight. Well anyway.... Who is here right now?
  6. I have it, yes, and yes it can be a pain half the time. I am what you would call "different" from the rest and stuff like that, and I don't get treated the best and stuff, I can be very awkward and such, and stuff that we would normally deal with. Mine would just be high functioning Autism, and yes it has taken a toll in my life, but to be honest, I don't wanna get rid of it cause it is what makes me who I am, and I can use it to my advantage and stuff like that. I might have different interests then most, but I can take an advantage of that for a career in the future. It can be a pain to deal with, but I am still trying to make the most of it.
  7. For me, I do not like sleep, I hate having to sleep and all of that. But I know that my body needs it. I did just wake up, and I feel sure enough pretty tired, and I also have to be going into work here in a bit. >.< Work did call me earlier today but I never answered. I guess they wanted me to come in just a little bit early. But I was still mainly asleep when they called me. >.< Anyway, who is here, and how is everyone doing? I still got more than an hour before I have to head to work though, and I may end up staying late.
  8. Whelp, going to head to sleep, goodnight everyone. It has been a super long day off today. I hope tomorrow goes well and I hope that there won't be any drama tomorrow. Whelp, goodnight all!

  9. Nah, I would not call it pathetic. But anyway. How is everyone doing today? Me? Not the best. Been a long day and stuff like that. I got a new keyboard for my tablet and stuff, it was cheap and clearance and "open box" and it a nice keyboard, it has a nice feel and such. But yeah. I am also a bit peeved about how I got a 15 dollar screen protector for it and then when I installed it the screen protector got ruined. >.< But yeah. Today was a long day. What are you guys up to right now?
  10. What kind of phone did you get? I got a new tablet the other day, mainly one so I can do some drawing or something like that. It has been a long weekend though, I am pretty stressed out and such. >.< But yeah. Might be heading off to bed here soon, I am super tired and such. Since I had to get up super early this morning.
  11. What happened to you? Cause I did not hear about anything that happened. I'm on my first break now though. I am tired, but not as tired as yesterday at least. But yeah.
  12. Good morning everyone, how are you all doing? I am just waking up for work, I am tired definitely. Got almost full shift today soo... Who is here right now? Though I will be gone here shortly to work.
  13. Why can't I get ANY sleep tonight? The other night I got not much sleep, and tomnight I go to bed at 1:30 AM. 2 hours later I'm still not asleep, then another 2 hours pass and I am still not asleep. Uuuugh. I just want sleep so I can function.

  14. Oh what a week. I am certainly very tired. SO much stuff going on, and I am already pretty done with everything now.

  15. Oh, me do like, even though I don't think it is very accurate. xD Kinda I guess. Why are you drawing that?
  16. Hmm.. no one seemed to have seen me. Oh well. How are you guys doing? I'm pretty tired, long day at work, and I gotta be back in early. At least two days off after that. Heh.
  17. Hmm, 2 days from last post. I might as well re-live it. With a new vector of me. Well anyway, how are you all doing? How are you guys? Might there be a ganny here lurking?
  18. Wow the flooding is real outside my house... My house might get flooded...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Attack of the Pwns

      Attack of the Pwns

      Woah...be careful, and use your head! Floods don't look as violent as they are!

    3. Sapphire Lightning

      Sapphire Lightning

      Stay safe lil brother!

    4. Lil'Cinnamon


      It went back down already to normal level, but here is what it looked like earlier today: http://siggeh.disasterous.org/flood.jpg

  19. Sorry about that last status.. Going through a hard time. -sigh- How others treat me sure make me feel like I am worth zero in this world.

    1. CheeryFox
    2. Carl Poppa

      Carl Poppa

      Try to remember that they don't determine your worth. You do. Try to value yourself even when others don't. It's hard, I know... but it can help somewhat.

  20. Yeah, I need to get a card for her at my work before I clock in. And stuffs. I will be spending time with my family tomorrow too, her and my uncle and my dad and stuff like. And yeah, I am having an energy drink right now, they help ish, but not quite heh..... So yeah. I am more awake now but I have no idea how good my sleep was last night...
  21. Oh I see, that is always fun. I need to clean stuff today and tomorrow. I finally get a day off tomorrow at least... And yeah I know how that feels. I am tired like all the time and I don't like it. >.< Why can't I just feel completely awake for once? Hehe. xD
  22. Oh that's fun. What kind of stuff are you building? And yeah, waking up is meh, and when you finally awake things are better at least, and I do not think that I am fully awake yet...
  23. Oh I see. What do you have to to today? I got a while before I have to head to work. So yeah. I am tired though, I hate waking up. My sleep hasn't been the best lately...
  24. I'm gonna wait to watch the new episode when it comes out on iTunes I guess. Though I may watch it before then. -shrug- I am never as excited about the new episodes as most of my friends are. I don't really care much for them, though I still wanna watch them to keep caught up and such. Anyway, how are you doing?
  25. True that. I have seen deader topics and deader forums and stuff. And yeah. Anyway, I just woke up, I am tired, I don't have to be at work for a while soooooo. Who is here right now at this time? It's kinda early? I guess. heh.
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