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Everything posted by Lil'Cinnamon

  1. Awwwwww..... I have not been all that bored, but I have been exhausted. Well, I found something not long ago that I thought I lost looong ago. Apparently it got list in the car seat long ago. I dunno how it ended up there but I am glad I found it. I lost it like a year ago and I even got a new one to replace it. Now I have two ish. xD It was an iPod touch if you were wondering. Heh. xD
  2. Yeah for now. xD I am surprised by your reaction, you miss me I guess? xD I might disappear again, though I will try to be in here. This place seems to be kinda dead lately anyway. xD So anyway, how are you Ganny?
  3. Boop, I haven't been in here for a long time, how are you guys doing? And who is here right now? Is Ganny here? -falls over- So I had fun on that trip I had, got a traffic ticket, meh. I paid it at least though. So that is out of the way. But yeah. What is up with you guys?
  4. I'm so done with everything... So done...

  5. Is there an image limit on the About Me page here on MLP forums? After a certain amount of images I post here the rest turn into links and stop showing up, I am wondering if that is just a glitch or not cause there are other profiles I have seen with more pictures then I have on my profile and they show up fine on theirs but it just won't work on mine...

    1. Bogrick Grey Mane

      Bogrick Grey Mane

      Don't know off the top of my head but the guys in technical support section should be able to help you


    2. Dark Tempest

      Dark Tempest

      Yeah there is a 10 image limit. I had learned it recently after trying to post all of the lovely art from everypony I had commissioned.

  6. 235 dollar speeding ticket.... Talk about being in the wrong place in the wrong time...

  7. It has been a while since I have been in here. How are you gusy doing? I wish I was doing better. Who is even here right now? I mean it is the morning and and there hasn't been a post for over 12 hours... So I wonder who is lurking.
  8. I wish I wouldn't have these leg cramps anymore. They are really painful and when I get them, at night it disrupts my sleep. I wouldn't be up now if I didn't get one. Well there goes my beauty sleep for the night......

    1. Ocean Aura
    2. Bogrick Grey Mane

      Bogrick Grey Mane

      *huggles* I hope they stop soon, though you hardly need beauty sleep, just sleep as you are already cute.

    3. Johnny1226
  9. I shall boop you, since you aren't opn skype at the moment.

    1. Shadow Dash DJ Rod
    2. Lil'Cinnamon


      So cwoooot! Hopefully we can chat a bit later!

  10. That moment when someone blocks you on steam, it hurts to see that happen.... And makes me feel even more worthless.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Sorry to hear it. =/ But don't take it out on yourself.

    3. Attack of the Pwns

      Attack of the Pwns

      It's probably not your fault. It'll all turn out OK.

    4. Colenso Rivers

      Colenso Rivers

      When that happens you get the privilege to know who your true friends are. We are still here.

  11. What is the highest resolution monitor you have? Also morning everyone. Or noon. 10 minutes until 12 PM. How are you guys doing? Who is here at this time? I am tired, I woke up not too long ago, and yeah... I wonder what I will end up doing today. Might a CinnamonPop be here?
  12. Whaa? What the heck is kerning? xD Never heard of that before. That is a random thing to say I guess. xD -falls over- Enjoying your new monitors Ganny?
  13. Hai Ganny, if you happen to be here. How are you doing? I still liked the picture. Who is here right now? How are you guys doing? I have a day off tomorrow at least, though 7 days in a row after that, then 4 days off and a trip! Yay! So yeah, I'm pretty tired. What are you guys up to?
  14. Sowwy. You too then. xD I was mainly mentioning the ones who already know me and talk to me, I don't quite know you yet. ^^; But hai there anyway.
  15. Hey everyone, how are you guys doing? I wish I was doing better, but I can manage. Lots of things going on at once and stuff like that.. Who is here right now? Are you here right now Ganny? Or Cinnamonpop per chance? StormGiggle? Haven, Punicpunch, and others that come here often that I can't quite think of? xD How are you guys doing?
  16. What? Did you DARE call me a human? I am a pony! (Hehe, yes I am a pony at heart, but I know I am physically a human and such, even though I don't wanna be.. But oh well. xD Just playing with ya there, don't take that seriously. xD) But meh, hopefully I am valuable, but I feel like I am not by how others treat me.. Heh..
  17. I know, but how I get treated in this world makes me feel like it, I mean I do nothing that contributes to this world it seems... I mean yes I have a job, but still... -sigh- I feel better today than I did yesterday at least.
  18. Hmm no idea. xD Just life mainly, been feeling worthless lately but I can manage. Things are getting better but there is still lots of meh going on... -sigh- Oh well. So anyway, what has been up? And I agree with the random thing you mentioned. Good in small doses, but it gets annoying after a while.
  19. I always check in here and I am never going to leave, I have just been busy with life and such.. And the random things going on in here kinda makes me not know what to post. xD But yeah, glad you are doing great! I wish I was doing better.
  20. It looks awesome! I love it! Hehe. Awesome inspiration too. Hehe. So how are you doing? What is up now? I am home for work for now, and I gotta work tomorrow too. I am gonna be up for a bit later tonight. Also hey to you StormGiggle, how are you?
  21. Morning everyone, I am tired, and I have an hour before I have to be at work. Who is here at the moment? I hate it when I cut myself shaving it is so meeeh. >.< And very annoying too.. But heh. I'll manage. So how are you guys doing right now?
  22. Cinnypony is about to go to sleep, but not quite yet. Gonna watch one more then then I will head to bed. I gotta work tomorrow at 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM. 8 hour shift. But I don't have to wake up that early at least.. So yeah. This place is quiet tonight, how are you doing?
  23. I feel so worthless in this world..... I want to mean something.. But no one has trust nor faith in me...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carl Poppa

      Carl Poppa

      I'm sure you mean more than you think you do. If not, one day you will. :3

    3. Bogrick Grey Mane

      Bogrick Grey Mane

      I have trust and faith in you my friend

    4. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Above anything; have faith in yourself. You're worth more than you realize.


      If you ever need to talk don't hesitate to reach out. :)

  24. It's retail, I will of course tend to work on days like that. Even though Sunday is never really the most busiest day, it is still a day the store is open and they need me. I like it so far! It's awesome! I could also be a boop pony, I boop all the time, mainly with my hooves. You don't want me to boop you with my unicorn horn cause it be sharp and might poke you hehe. So I do it with my hooves. Is Cinnypop still here? I want the cinnamon invasion to continue!
  25. My day is alright so far, but I dunno if anything could happen. I work full shifts the next three days, and then a short shift, and then a day off. After next Wednesday I have 7 days in a row to work without a day off, then after that I should have 4 days off in a row. And I plan to so something fun for those days. Hmm.. -sigh- I have to be getting to work now at this point.. I'll be on here during my lunch.
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