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Everything posted by Lil'Cinnamon

  1. Welcome to MLP forums! I'm Cinnamon, but feel free to call me Cinna. ^^ Or maybe Cinny, your choice. If you have any questions, or just want a pony to chat with, feel free to PM me! I hope to see you around! You have been into the show around the same time as me! Though I may have been a bit before, I have gotten into the show in 2011, in june, july, or august, but before season 2 premiered. I finished season 1 before season 2 premiered. The first two episodes (return of harmony part 1 and 2) aired in two separate weeks, oh, how the first part ended, it was hard to wait a week to see how that resolved! But anyway... I hope you have a great time! And remember to have fun! See you around!
  2. Pokey poke, I have risen, from the dead. I guess. How are you all doing today? I don't seem to come up in here very often.. But heh. New signature by the way! If you still see old one refresh or view it to update it. Work is super stressful like usual, me being the only one outside... Well at least 40 hours, that's good.
  3. Boop, I don't really seem to come in here much anymore, so I am taking a peek at what is going on, how is everyone? Though I am about to leave for work. For another long week. Though it seems we will have thunderstorms. xD But anyway, -boops Ganny-
  4. Here, I will post mine: CLICK IMAGE TO VIEW FULL RESOLUTION! But anyway, thank you!
  5. Well then change it? xD Cinny is still better though. xD And me too. Though my room is always hot for some reason...
  6. Sorry for disappearing, internet went bad so I wasn't able to post and then I forgot about it. >.< Anyway, you seemed excited to see me Ganny. Hehe. I need to post more in here.. But anyway, how are you all doing? I just woke up, and I have a few things I need to do. I need to get my car into the shop to get a few things about it fixed.. Heh.But yeah.
  7. -sigh- I sure know how to mess things up.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lil'Cinnamon


      Just in general really. -shrugs- Oh well. We all mess up and it feels I just do it too much...

    3. Littlecandylulu903


      Come on dude, you don't have to be this way. I know the feeling of the sense that you've messed up. And it takes a toll on my emotional health. So would you like to talk?

    4. Cajunbony23


      not as bad as me


  8. I donated, am I allowed to get a headshot of me? Also remember to include the collar, here are a few links: (Click the images for full size images)
  9. Pokey poke poke. It's been forever since I have been in here. How are you all doing? I have been working but been doing other things too. Maybe I should come in here more often, but I get lazy.... But anyway. -pokes ganny-
  10. -boops ganny- So I got a new(used) car last tuesday. Been taking it around and I like it! Finally a car to call my own so... Now I gotta keep up with payments. Anyway been a while since I have been here, how is everyone doing?
  11. Well I don't hate Mondays at the moment cause well.. I don't have a usual weekend working at Walmart. They work me whenever they need me, so I never have set days off and I always need to work on Friday or Saturdays most of the time so... With that kind of schedule things are just different so I have no weekend, I don't have double days off in a row anymore so. That will change if I get into a new career with the normal days though. I've been done with school since 2011.
  12. Really just depends. I gotta wake up super early tomorrow though. So I gotta go to bed early tonight. I feel tired so I hope it won't be hard to get sleep. I am not all fond of early shifts but that was the only option available to get this week for an extra day so.
  13. Just woke up too. Gotta help my dad get stuff moved into this house today because it's my day off. Next day off after this will be Friday. I wonder how this week will go. Had to pick up an extra shift too cause they wanna cut hours big big time.
  14. It's been a while since I have been in here, just been busy lately with the busy work season and stuff. How is everyone in here? I got another long week but I can manage. I can't believe it's almost December.
  15. It doesn't make any sense either, my mobile hotspot (which I am using now to connect) works just fine, and that is broadcasting in the same room, but before I set up this monitor the internet didn't have much of a problem other than it being super slow to begin with, but it was at least functional before, and now that I set this up it stopped being functional, I think it may be because the monitor or the HDMI thing messes up the wifi card or something making it not transmit a signal as well, and since the other router is on the other side of the house in the basement in the garage, the monitor may me messing up the signal, I can't even load the router's setup and maintenance page, which is another reason I think that... But I may be wrong.
  16. Awww. Ganny, I have a question if you know anything, So I plugged in this new (well my dad's old one) monitor to my laptop via HDMI to have a different screen, and now my internet won't work at all with my home internet, it worked better without the monitor. Do you think having the monitor plugged in and on is having some kind of wireless hindrance between the laptop and the router making it not connect right? The router is on the other end of the house in the garage, so that may also be why.. But I wonder if you may know anything about that heh.
  17. Well at least your internet is mainly functional. Meh. This weekend is gonna be fun it seems. Halloween weekend, last and first of the month, blah blah, so that means super busyness at the store. I mean.. I wish people didn't all like to think the same way and tend to do the same thing at the same time. It's funny actually, how you see certain times of the day and they are usually the same times of the day where places like that are super busy. Meh.. I need to go more my career path and stuff like that, but that is where I am in a slump...
  18. I have not been in here in a while.. but a cinnypony might as well say hey. Been a long couple weeks, moving into the new house and also dealing with utter meh internet where I can't load anything cause they don't want to update anything cause it costs too much money and there isn't any other competitors at all. I mean right now I can not use my internet right now.... But anyway, I say hey for a bit, how are you guys doing today? Looks like you guys are talking about gaming. Something I don't really seem to do much heh.
  19. I prefer living in a semi-remote area that is fairly close to a city, close enough that I can get into it and so things I need to do, explore, and stuff. But I don't wanna be in it, cause I'd want my own house built, with a decent amount of property, and Places for me to do my hobby experiments. Right now the closest city (a city with about 200,000 population?) is about 2 hours away, in another state. So yeah.
  20. Boop, I am tired, and am on my lunch break at work. Left work at 10:00 PM last night, and am back at 5:30 AM this morning. So I am tired. At least I am about half way through. I need a nap, but I can't nap during the day. >.< But anyway, how are you guys doing today?
  21. Welcome to MLP forums! I am Cinnamon, but feel free to call me Cinna or Cinny. ^^ If you have any questions, or just want a pony to chat with, feel free to shoot me a Private Message! I hope to see you around! I have been into the show before getting into the fandom thing, and to be honest the fandom was never a thing I was into. I like some things and other things, but I am more into the socialization and stuff with the show and watching it. Though I am not into the show really at all anymore, but I still keep up with the new episodes because I have been keeping up with new episodes since the season 2 premiere. (I have been into the show since like June-August 2011) So yeah. I hope you have a great time and enjoy your stay!
  22. I close them down more, the time I have lots of tabs open now is if I am looking multiple things up on Wiki's. xD Right now I don't have many tabs open. And when I restart my browser I start anew.
  23. Oh I see. I am sure it will be something you enjoy. And you always have a million tabs open like me? xD Having lots of stuff open does make it harder to play games. So you don't need to over clock it?
  24. Oh I see, heh. And why do you have to go to the other one? Also... What is that game about? What do you do? Build cities?
  25. Oh I see, and what is an "outpost campus" anyway? Oh, is that the game that you said that you were keeping a secret? Or was that another one? And awwww. I need to play more games, I don't play much. Also my computer doesn't like to handle skype and other programs while playing the games, which is why when I do play the games I will just well use my tablet instead.
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