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Everything posted by DubWolf

  1. I think it's analogous to lifting something up. If you lift up a pencil, it'll be easy like a unicorn's levitation spell, so it wouldn't hurt. Lift up a 100lb weight and you'll be popping veins, and this we can say is equivalent to harder magic spells, so it could potentially hurt or put strain on the unicorn.
  2. 3470 Actually I think it's spelled nein.
  3. 3468 Awesome, because 34*2=68 Just keep counting, just keep counting. Just keep countin, countin, countin. ---Dory
  4. Today I learned, Hail Lauren Faust Magic Yank.

  5. *clears throat, tries to keep professionalism* This is probably my favorite episode of season 4 and the overall show...meh, I LOVED IT! It put up a lot of challenges for the Cutie Mark Crusaders (mostly Scootaloo) and Rainbow Dash like keeping their act together, dealing with disabilities, or being able to keep calm whenever necessary, so the plot wasn't very flat. Also, I like how Miss Harshwinny's mouth is animated when she talks in the beginning; blableblahblehblah !
  6. 3441 There is no character limit in this sub forum its a glitch. I should probably mention that in the first post.
  7. You play plenty of Slender?

    1. Somepony is Evil

      Somepony is Evil

      i play way more than i should


    2. DubWolf


      Hahah, same.

  8. Today the weather was dry and in the 30s, though it warmed up a bit into the upper 40s. Cloudy skies. This is normal for Central Texas.
  9. Nothing better than solving line integrals.../at niiight!

  10. 3418 This game can indeed, get very boring. It's probably the boring-est (lol) of them all in this sub forum! It's more of a "I have nothing else to do, let me just post a number and contribute to a game without having to think lol". This is a game of patience, laziness, and collective procrastination.
  11. 3 thousand 4 hundred and twelf.
  12. 3406 Almost forgot! The a340-600:
  13. 3399, ERHMGRDD!!! SO F*CKING CLOSE!! I can almost taste itt...
  14. 3397!!!! 3 to go and we'll be a hundred short of being half way to our next thousand!
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