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Everything posted by DubWolf

  1. 2350 At first, I thought you said "kicked", then I re read and saw "licked", then I really saw "kicked".
  2. 2341 if the 1 was moved to the very left, it would say 1234
  3. Deux, deux, nein et trois (that was French and German!)
  4. 2277 Ain't no time too early to be counting up to high numbers!
  5. 2272 Lol, good morning. You're an early bird... Or just live somewhere in the east lol.
  6. 2270 Good night y'all. Somebody wake up so I can post already!
  7. 2256! Thanks, and Lol olio. A German walks into a bar. The bartender asks "dry?", the German says "nein, just one."
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