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Everything posted by DubWolf

  1. 1870 Something happens. Idk what it is.
  2. 1868 When is Johnson impeached?
  3. 1854 Hahah, my guess was going to be Derpyborn. Neat-o outfit she's got. Looks cute .
  4. 1850 What is your avatar supposed to be Retro? Gladiator Derpy?
  5. 1844 We can all get to know each other even just a bit by the stuff we decide to post as/with our number.
  6. I can't give any f*cks about my exam tomorrow >_<, where is my urgency when I need it?!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Legacy Dash

      Legacy Dash

      No, it's next to the milk.

    3. The Stranger

      The Stranger

      If this lack of care for your exams grows and becomes a thing you're going to suffer throughout your years of school and college.

    4. DubWolf


      I'm also changing majors, so my grades in that class probably won't be worth a dime, which is the primary cause for this apathy. Nevertheless, I should continue to push forward, giggity.

  7. 1795 So many obvious statements lol.
  8. I used to own a lot of whale and marine animal plushies. I still have a few of them stored. I had a grey shark, two small blue sharks, two orcas, a pink dolphin (that my dog had fun with, if you know what I mean), an octopus, a blue-green whale, and a small who knows what whale? Lolz.
  9. 1793 Something important also happens here..hmmm.
  10. 1791 I am born 203 years later.
  11. 1789 Washington becomes President!
  12. 1771 Mmm, anything America related happen here?
  13. 1749 Haha, your names are very similar.
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