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Everything posted by DubWolf

  1. 1303 100 years as of our 1st post at this rate.
  2. 1285 Actually I was sniped by somebody else lol, hence there is an edit.
  3. 999,993 It'll be a while, beyond our lifetimes. Heck, I've seen the discussion topic in the other Cloudsdale forum hit about 100,000 posts, but that's because there's pure discussion there all the time. Wonder if we could get the other topic pinned.
  4. How do fish get high?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hyper Tumble

      Hyper Tumble

      it was Harry being him.

    3. DubWolf
    4. Yamato


      Nah, man... I lost a bunch of those little paper acid squares on a boating trip a couple months back.

  5. 1274, I can't see the post # on the phone. Just look at the post # to make sure you are on track.
  6. 1269 Just post the post number to get back on track lol.
  7. 1259 Rascal and retro screwed up , 5252 is 2525 mirrored, which Is a number we ain't on. I also like how my phone will auto correct to the word "ain't".
  8. Trombone!! You know? BbbbbBbbb! Since when did I sleep in the garage?
  9. 999,997 Wonder how this will affect the count to a million topic. Welcome to the forums by the way! This is almost like a race to 500000!
  10. What do you call a bear with no teeth?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rockymoo
    3. Rockymoo



      That's also acceptable.

    4. DubWolf


      The correct answer is gummy bear, but all are actually good answers!... the fur coat ending is something you would want to tell to an animal lover!

  11. DubWolf

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Sorry, but I win again.
  12. The number is in the top left of this DC10's photo.
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