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Everything posted by DubWolf

  1. DubWolf

    Gender Race

    984 NooooooooooOOOOOOOOOoooo......... that is not funny! Go to counting school!
  2. I think the autism comment is more of an insult than a statement. I have actually noticed that I have a fetish for airplanes considering I watch them often on YouTube departing, arriving, blasting off (agaaain! *twinkle #pokemon reference), et cetera. My Little Pony is not as prominent, but it's still something I desire unusually. I guess you can say I might have some form of autism, but I do have a relative who actually does have autism, and I am not so similar to him considering I'm a lot more social and vary my interests, so it's safer to say I don't have autism. Again, I might be a normal aviation geek (who can't fly dammit!) whose hobby is... aviation! Basically... we all have our hobbies. Other people will insult you with a comment (ie, you have autism) so they can feel better about themselves.
  3. I really like the show and can say I am proud to be a brony online and all, but in real life I'm a closet brony. There is a lot of opposition towards bronies and I'm not sure how my reputation would be affected if people knew I were one.
  4. 8/10 Simple is the best. Go ahead and rate me. However, you cannot divide by zero!!
  5. DubWolf

    Gender Race

    986 This game sort of died after Sugar Cube's departure and hence all the excitement we had for a few days, not to mention two of these games have been finished in under a month (that's an academy record!).
  6. My heart belongs to another! Nice banner btw. From Children of the Night.
  7. 1444 I think there was a war in this year.
  8. Welp, here ya go: This was actually me four months ago (I currently have shorter hair). Wolf
  9. I don't think I've seen you for a while! If so, welcome back! You x Jaimie.... X Sweet Dreams!
  10. Five hundred and fifty five (555) years after the year 1439, wolf is born!
  11. Sooo someone should shoot me a message!

  12. Granted...you forget by getting into an accident that makes you brain dead. I wish the person below me could be an unsure unicorn captain.
  13. If Derpy knocked the muffin off my hand that she just gave me, I'd be "no problem Ditzy! I wasn't going to eat it; I was going to put it in a cryogenic chamber so your gift can last for as long as I live!"
  14. What do you call a deer with no eyes?

    1. Yamato
    2. Lateon





    3. DubWolf


      You win Handman!

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