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Retired Commissar

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Status Replies posted by Retired Commissar

  1. Man, I can barely keep my eyes open. G'night!

  2. I should never leave projects to the last minute. One down, one more to go!

  3. Goodnight forums.

  4. There aren't enough hours in the day.

  5. How am I gonna get $832????

  6. I still haven't played Watch_Dogs. *Hides under desk*

  7. Anyone on here fluent in Spanish?

  8. Somebody at work thought it would be funny to piss off some wasps that built a nest right next to our door. >_>

  9. Good night :) I love you all. Especially you. No, not you. No... No, him- No, not you. GET OUTTA THE WAY. OH. Yes. You. You most of all. Love you.

  10. 500! :P . You guys are awesome!

  11. I made a topic for the first time in like.. 2 months.. woo!

  12. I wonder if Harry Potter ever actually had a hairy pot.

  13. Good night peeps. :3

  14. ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: A Shine of Magnificence - Obtain the Crystal Pony Rank on the forums.

  15. 499 Brohoofs /)^3^(\

  16. I'll be the toast of the town.

  17. its 2AM and sick.............dangit

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