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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Double Stitch

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Everything posted by Double Stitch

  1. Stitch has always been a large inspiration to me, so I can see where you're coming from! Sometimes I accidentally incorporate traits from characters I like into mine.
  2. Various doodles of my characters I've done recently Skud Mynos ??? Trick I draw a ton but I don't post a lot of my doodles anywhere other than tumblr. Please check this thread every so often because I'll probably post other things.
  3. Sure thing! Sorry for the confusion :3 I must have accidently squished her a bit while I was re-sizing the image! I'll be sure to fix it as soon as I can.
  4. Thank you for your input! I knew I had made fluttershy too big, but I guess I didn't realize it until afterwards! The rainbow dash one was supposed to look odd as it was originally just supposed to be my own personal signature, but I decided to do the other 5 afterwards. I love silly RBD pictures haha. I'll probably redo it and the fluttershy one in the near future! I just picked out a general image of rarity from google, but I'll try to find one that fits her more!
  5. Fluttershy used to be my favorite of the mane 6, but after being part of the fandom for a while RBD grew on me. Fluttershy will always be near and dear to my heart though. Thank you very much! I really hope to see them around! Rainbow Dash represent :3c
  6. Thank you so much! It's a good start for people who don't currently have custom signatures. I'm glad you like them! All hail Rainbow Dash
  7. Free to use signatures of the mane 6. Choose which pony is the best pony and display it proudly for all to see! *WARNING* possible side effects of using these banners may include (but are not limited to): -Being challenged to a heated debate over which pony is best pony -Finding others who also share the same best pony preference as you
  8. Watching television , playing with my birds, or playing AC:NL on my 3ds. Oh, yes, sleeping too. I spend absurd amounts of time in front of the computer.
  9. While there is quite a large possibility that it is in indeed a hoax, everypony needs to understand that we've been seeping thousands upon hundreds of thousands of pollution and (possibly) toxic waste into the ocean for as long as factory production has been around, or even before that. That being said, if this weren't a hoax, radiation comes in a ton of forms already that aren't from nuclear waste. In California's bay area alone there is so much mercury in the water that we're advised to not eat anything we catch in the Bay, I mean people still do it, but we're told not to. I feel like it would probably be the same for if there was nuclear waste in the water as well. I'm not a scientist, so of course I can't vouch for anything on this one. The best I can do is tell people/ponies not to worry and hope that this is just a hoax.
  10. oh thank you for pointing that out to me! I guess I missed that when I was erasing pieces of the clouds! I'm going to fix that right away. Thank you so much for your input!
  11. Decided to draw up some RD fan art because she's probably my favorite of the mane six. I don't really do a painting style very often so some of it looks weird. Deviantart | Furaffinity | Tumblr
  12. Ah, I decided I should probably post what I've drawn of my ponysona, Bone Breaker ;v; His name was originally Bridle Bad, but I've started calling him Bone Breaker. His cutie mark is a snapped bone, because he has a tendency to break other pony bones or even his own, on accident of course. He's pretty clumsy. Don't chew me out, I'm new to this and it's kinda hard for me to explain things. ((woops i forgot his wings in this picture and i just realized)) I really dislike the canon male head style so I tend to draw all my ponies with the mare head style Sorry for the large files, I couldn't be bothered to shrink them down.
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