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Wolf General Alpha

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Everything posted by Wolf General Alpha

  1. I have finally decided to work on an abandoned drawing of mine and yet I have just completed the "draft" for it. I am not sure if I want to put it on here to see what people think about it. I, for one, am afraid of Criticism.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      :) Your not old, just a little rusty around the edges!
    3. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      Well that might just be true....

      I still feel old though.

    4. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      You'll get over it. XD

  2. My brain is full of illogical proportions and things beyond my own imagination. So I have no Idea what I am thinking because I am thinking about everything at the exact same time.
  3. We don't know what type of species you are. So we just call you a Flufflepuff.
  4. Hey guys guess what, it is something very important: :comeatus: :comeatus: :comeatus: :comeatus: :comeatus: :comeatus: :comeatus: :comeatus: :comeatus:
  5. *Takes knife and tries to stab myself, to no effect* "God Damn It Pinkie Pie! You just had to switch our blades!" Yes. I blame Pinkie Pie,
  6. *Puts gun up to head* "I'll do it! I swear I will!" *Pulls trigger and confetti pops out* "NOOOO!"
  7. No! Do not use that face in a post that is a reply to something I posted!
  8. Interesting. The Great Mighty Poo.. Here is the (actual) trailer to the game that I was stuck to when I was younger (And still today): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZMph4U0w3o I also have a Wii, I forgot to list it though.
  9. I have actually owned a lot of Nintendo Game Systems. Such As: N64, NES, SNES, Gamecube, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Micro, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, DS, and 3DS. The Good Ol' Times.... In fact: I still have my N64, SNES, Gamecube, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance SP, DS and 3DS. I love Super Smash Bros Brawl.
  10. It is rare to see me smile, but that first moment I saw Pinkie Pie when I first watched MLP: FiM, I just smiled as big as I could. I still do to this day whenever I see Pinkie Pie. All I have to say about that is: "I have no idea why that is".

  11. How did you play Minecraft while watching MLP reviews? Did you take turns switching between each thing, or literally both things at the same time?
  12. Cherry-Chonga Flavor? *Takes a small bite* I.......*Shoves face into cake and begins to eat the rest*.
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