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Legendary Emerald

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Status Updates posted by Legendary Emerald

  1. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/02/album-compilation-february-17th.html "Destiny: A Tale of Unicorn Wings" headlines the EQD album compilation post!
  2. "Destiny: A Tale Of Unicorn Wings," was released today. A nearly 2 hour concept album about Princess Twilight Sparkle, released on the one year anniversary of Magical Mystery Cure. http://heylasfas.bandcamp.com/album/destiny-a-tale-of-unicorn-wings

  3. Are you interested in being a part of a podcast that discusses a different MLP fanfiction each week? Check this thread for details: mlpforums.com/topic/59975-the-canterlot-library-book-club-podcast-casting-call/

  4. Where would I create a thread on this forum making a casting call for people interested in a MLP Fanfiction Podcast?

    1. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      First page of Creative Resources.

    2. MelancholicMemory


      Ooh that sounds interesting. I should check out that thread when you post it

  5. Please check out my new fanfiction, 6 months in the making. First storyline is complete! http://mlpforums.com/topic/51344-the-subordinate-six-fanfiction-first-storyline-complete/

  6. 6 months of writing and editing... now sent off to EQD. Feels good man.

    1. duidamasterXD


      I can imagine. Good luck :)

    2. Dave247


      I wish you the best of luck and hope everyone enjoys i as much as I did :)

  7. Just wrote a Twilight x Granny Smith joke-fic for Valentines' Fools' day. Check it out here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/83820/granny-smiths-twilight-delight

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rainbow    Dash

      Rainbow Dash

      I never laughed so hard in a while. i thank you for your genius.

    3. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      Thanks. Btw, story seems to be getting downvoted a lot, probably just because it involves a strange ship. If you like it, thumb it up plz. :)

    4. Rainbow    Dash

      Rainbow Dash

      i up-voted. people who down-voted it are in denial about their feelings if you know what i mean haha

  8. I think this may be the worst username and avatar I've ever had on this site. And that's saying something.

  9. Currently uploading my LP of Mega Man x Street Fighter! 5 vids are currently up, with more on the way!

  10. Streaming the Phoenix Wright live action film (with subtitles) over here: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/cleveland-rock-live

  11. http://g.virbcdn.com/_f/cdn_images/resize_640x640/cf/PageImage-492863-3866329-stlouis.jpg Okay, this is about the greatest concert lineup I ever could have imagined. So of course it's nowhere near me.
  12. HeyLasFas, my favorite brony musician, released a new song about Discord. It is amazing.

    1. Dave247


      I actuality quite enjoyed it. Going to have to add this genre of music to the very small list of music that I like.

    2. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      It's called "prog rock".

  13. Health Education class was cancelled. Professor had stomach flue... oh, the irony. XD

  14. Before you become involved in a drama thread/blog, look at this: https://images.4chan.org/b/src/1348497660129.gif

    1. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      Now that you're happy and feeling good, go do something productive with your time. :)

    2. SmittyWerbenjagermanjense
  15. So, someone broke one of the windows in my dorm from the outside. Either that or it exploded due to age, but it sounded WAY too loud to be that. I wasn't even in the frigging room and I heard it clear as thunder.

    1. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      Cop & RA have been here and left, reports written/filed and what-not. Now waiting on maintenance to come replace the window or block it off for the night.

  16. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/cleveland-rock-live Friend and I are streaming Super Mario Allstars + Super Mario World!
    1. Twiliscael


      Super Mario World, as in the SNES game? Best fucking Mario game, bar none.

    2. Legendary Emerald
  17. Went out and bought alcohol for the first time. As opposed to mooching off of friends. My dorms technically don't allow it, because my RM is under 21, but f*ck the police.

  18. Think you've been to the weird side of youtube? Man, you don't even KNOW! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AaCSA7pJII

    1. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      While searching for rock songs about Pearl Harbor (don’t ask), I came across this video by a bunch of kids trying to record a re-enactment of Pearl Harbor. There is so much wrong and awful in this video… it needs to be seen to be believed. And don’t forget to share the agony with your friends!

  19. Final episode and Cleveland Rock and I's "Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures" playthrough is finally online!

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