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Status Replies posted by Malinter

  1. I’m too fed up with life. I don’t ask for much and try too stay positive, but it’s pointless. Every year things get worse, people get hurt, the innocent die and the rest of us suffer. My family are either pricks or are too distend, I don’t have any friends to see, I get treated like trash because I lack the most simple of intelligence. I can’t connect with anyone because I’m brain dead. I can’t kill myself because I lack the courage. I really don’t know what I’m doing with my life. I’m selfish, rude, not at all friendly and being aware of it all and not doing anything about it just shows how evil I am. All I’ve got left in life won’t be around for long and would be better off without me. Things won’t look up for me as I’ve heard the same phrase since I was able to listen. I don’t want to harp on about this like a broken record. I just want someone to know how I’m feeling when I’m putting on a brave face, because I’m sad enough to ask for attention. To think there’s people who are worse off than me just makes me sick. What a disgusting world we live in.

    1. Malinter


      You can't fix all the ills in the world on your own nor should you be made to feel responsible for it either. its not your fault someone succumbs to drug abuse or some idiot fires a gun at a defenseless person. Just remember that for all the nastiness that occurs in the world, some good also happens as well. Its just that good news doesn't make "interesting" news so don't be surprised if you never find "Good" news on a news station or website.

      As for feeling down. Don't feel bad about yourself. Your just emotionally burned out which can make talking the bull***t of others more of a slope to fight against than it should be. It's ok to feel mentally fatigued from the stupidity of others but don't let their excuses for their behaviour get YOU down. You just need find somethin new or different to do. 

      Family around you being pricks? You've got legs. Find somewhere or something to do that gets you away from them. Think your not intelligent? Pick something new to learn. You have access to the internet. There is nothing you can't learn from scratch online.

      Don't be afraid to voice how you feel online. Even if its just to vent. Just don't say how you feel then do nothing about it. The only person who can solve the problems within you, is you. 




    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. *lurking Intensifies*

    1. Malinter


      just lurking on my pc while updating a few things


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Wonderful day out side sun is out and things looking up. Things are good to day. :3

  4. My oldest dog died while I was at work today. :(

    1. Malinter


      that sucks. I've dogs of my one and they are getting on in years



    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Ahhhh...... pangs of depression take control

    1. Malinter


      you'll beat it down


  6. being sick sucks but hey i still got to live my life

  7. Seems like attempting to be positive doesn't mean a goddamn thing in the end.

  8. I love every pony , big HUGGS :)

  9. boop

    1. Malinter


      I can't just yet. Busy with a lot of things and I've literally just work up >_<

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. I am either thinking far too much tonight or I am not thinking enough. Either way, it has me feeling uncomfortable. Think too much and everything will feel wrong, don't think enough and you will never know if anything is right.

    1. Malinter


      feeling bored can make you feel like snacking alot. I've have that problem myself, of course I usually just have a tea XD

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. I am either thinking far too much tonight or I am not thinking enough. Either way, it has me feeling uncomfortable. Think too much and everything will feel wrong, don't think enough and you will never know if anything is right.

    1. Malinter


      well music isn't so bad to lose yourself into. :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. I am either thinking far too much tonight or I am not thinking enough. Either way, it has me feeling uncomfortable. Think too much and everything will feel wrong, don't think enough and you will never know if anything is right.

    1. Malinter


      I sometimes do, sometimes don't. Problems of having no one to actually talk with. XD


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. Time to do my thing where I lurk people's profiles and add random people that look cute/cool

    1. Malinter


      i've never added anyone to my friends list, i let them add me XD

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. Whenver I see someone say that a victim of bullying is just 'victimizing' themselves, ooooh that pisses me off beyond belief. Also, on a slightly brighter note, hi everyone. You all ready to PARTY??? Because I don't know if I am. :P

  15. It is now raining super duper mega crazy. :o Didn't expect that. Anywho, high everyone. Also hi. Hope you all are doing well today. I am at least doing better than last night, which last night was awful stuffs.

    1. Malinter


      Watching people play KSP on xbone using Twitch... i want the game more because none of these plonkers can build rockets that work XD

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. It is now raining super duper mega crazy. :o Didn't expect that. Anywho, high everyone. Also hi. Hope you all are doing well today. I am at least doing better than last night, which last night was awful stuffs.

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