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Tricksters Pride

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Posts posted by Tricksters Pride

  1. Shadow

    @@Midnight Scribbler@@Windbreaker,



    -'Right then... I'm just going to keep consuming the lights as we go, they have a magical charge in them that's pretty decent in mass... Has the added benefit of allowing me to play around with the cavern's properties should i feel the need to make a pit or two hehehe.'- After clockworks last words Shadow drifts towards the crystals and starts to break them as they go along. "Oh don't worry about eavesdropping, the tunnels behind us will echo the sound so that it wont go very far... Anyway cheer up missy where catching up with your boss, shouldn't you be thinking about the two that you can help?"

  2. Shadow

    @@Midnight Scribbler@@Windbreaker,



    -'Not a problem, all i did was make it a little dark and he ran away... Rather smart of him t-... Wait.'-  Shadow drifted out of Clockworks shadow and drifted slightly ahead of the two. "Well i don't know why you guys want to go back... There's magic ahead so we might have gone the right way, why not let them wander around in the darkness while we 'take point'?... Come on it seems like pony magic."

  3. Shadow

    @@Geek0zoid@@Midnight Scribbler, @@Windbreaker,


    " *Amused laughter* I'll be honest... I have no idea where you've wandered to so i'm just going to say that your friends are somewhere to your left and the right splits off in a few ways... Your choice but i'm done playing and the crystals are broken so i don't need my spell anymore. Enjoy!" After dealing with the unicorn (And leaving him to decide his fate in the darkness.) Shadow flitted back towards Clockwork and Aegis and settles his misted form back into Clockwork's shadow. *'Shit... well there goes form shifting for a while, gonna have to stay a mist till i can choose another form.'*  -'Done... If he gets lost and dies it'll be his own fault.'-

  4. Shadow

    @@Midnight Scribbler@@Geek0zoid,


    ((OCC  Just a basic darkness spell paired with an area of silence, nothing serious.))



    -'Of course, wouldn't have it any other way *hehehe*'- Shadow then blocked out all sound over the Clockwork and the mare and then 'turned off the lights' for Eclipse. "Heh, i think your going the wrong way there Eclipse... Might be a good idea to turn back while you still know which way back is."

  5. Shadow

    @@Midnight Scribbler


    Shadow noticed the odd murderous one following Clockwork and Aegis and practically rolled his eyes... Then he noticed Amethyst's breath. *'Getting weak so fast are you... *Cruel chuckle* Well its your fault for choosing a pony as your physical form. Poor little Ammy's going to have to rely on her barbaric allies soon... Anyway time for pest control.'*   -'Clockwork... You have a tail. Shall i open up a temporary line between you and your friend here?... Half price, this one is rude.'-

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Shadow

    @@Midnight Scribbler@@Windbreaker,


    After the fight had finished Shadow brought his form back together and sat beside Clockwork in a lazy manner though he eyed the... Mare?... Yep going with that. Anyway he eyed up the mare with a bit less hostility than the barbaric ones. "Remorse is good, means you aren't a monstrosity yet. But if it was it or you then you shouldn't dwell over it. Besides i'll confirm that those things aren't quite sentient so it would have killed you and eaten you, so feel remorse for the loss but don't let it get to you too much... Remember that you killed another living being but don't stress over something that you had to do to survive."

  7. Colors



    After the mare had teleported away and Aphrodite asked her question 'Strings' (Colors) sat on one of the steps and sighed, this looked like it was going to get really busy soon... "Well all you need to do is make sure nopony hurts me or kills me, i can defend myself but if push comes to shove i don't have much in the way of offensive spells... Honestly though i don't even know what i need to do right now, i need to go see what the heck is going on first before continuing with Ice's evacuation plan. I could use some help?"








    After getting the off duty guards mobilized to try and escort the surrounding populace into the caverns (Having dug an entryway into them in case the 'Royal Guard' decided to crack down on them.) Ice decided to wait at the main entrance (Guarded like the others.) for Noble and her guards to see how negotiations went with the militia, while they weren't very important by this point they could be useful in a successful evacuation should they wish to work with her in a beneficial manner.





    Bolt (And guards)



    In the beginning the creatures that where dumb enough to attack (Or get within range) where dropped quickly but they learned fast, it was still fairly easy to kill them but they had started working together and attempting to ambush both the guardsponies and the civilians that they had picked up along the way. (Currently being shown how to use crossbows and light arms just in case.) Thankfully they couldn't effectively attack the formation yet but soon they would figure it out and the guards would have to change tactics before they lost somepony. 


    Bolt had decided to train the civilians and Gwyn (A surprisingly quick study.) to use some of the crossbow's and light weaponry while they where moving, and though he felt a little sympathy for Gwyn and her brother he kept his mouth shut. Not only was it none of his business but there where more useful things for him to do. (He wasn't a psychologist.)'*Well he may be a bit off key but at least he cares for his sister... Alllllmost there now, just a few more blocks.*' Though shortly afterwards he heard a clang and turned around to shoot one of the monstrosities... only to see that one of his ponies had dropped his weapon after 'Artorias' had done something to it... and picked it up, leaving the guard unarmed. Bolt sighed in exasperation and a mild irritation before speaking up with an irritated drawl. "Could you give Living back her weapon, i don't think its a good idea to go unarmed right now... And could you save the testing till we get back, its nice of you in all but where almost there and playing around with our weapons in a hostile situation is a bit risky. Calm or not those things learn too fast."

  8. Shadow

    @@Midnight Scribbler,


    Still dispersed along the shadow that Clockwork cast Shadow laughed quietly his voice echoing with condescension as Amethyst consumed one of the wounded Stalkers. "And now they know that she's here, clearly showing herself to be the most appetizing target in the room without waiting till there where to few of them to harm her... All the better for the one left to pick up the pieces little one. Such small meals are not worth that much effort in the end of things." He then directed his attention to Clockwork. "I'll handle it if one of them goes for you doctor... Proper compensation would be most welcome if i'm required to help though."

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