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Tricksters Pride

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Posts posted by Tricksters Pride

  1. Bolt



    Bolt eyed the newly conjured crossbow bolt with a bit of surprise, though he quickly smothered it and looked back to answer Noble. "Well if you feel like walking a little the main entrance is a quarter block away, but i'm taking this equipment and the civilians to the storage entrance. Faster to unload with a bit of shelter and then we can quickly get these ponies underground where they'll be much safer. Razor's squad should be down there and with such defensible spaces they'll be fine once we them get down there and that'll free us up to start helping the rest get to safety... Care to chance it?"

  2. Shadow

    @@[member=Anyone else (Go right ahead and metagame. - _ -)]


    After making sure to keep the others between himself and Rhal Shadow nodded his head subserviently, keeping his tone polite and unassuming as he communicated with the elder being. 'Of course not, why would i even attempt such a pointless action in the presence of a being greater than i? Why i aught to be trying to appease you not anger someone whom is clearly much older and more powerful, not to mention much wiser in their years, then me... Why don't you allow me to remove the doubt from your mind by weeding out the idiots in this crew? I wouldn't want them to offend you by their mere presence would i?' He then casually stated to the ponies "Hes obviously just posturing you aught to attack him all at once no negotiations, i'm sure that'll go over reallll well..."








    Colors smirked and rolled his eyes as he stated "Thats exactly what i would like to know. It's usually just thugs or brutes who think they can run things better then Ice can but now... Well its situationally dependent really." he then held his hoof out to Aphrodite and smiled. "Anyways i'm Colors and before i show you what i do could i ask what your favorite color is? I'd hate to annoy you with the wrong kind of demonstration." 

  3. Shadow



    Upon the other beings sudden appearance and demands Shadow froze for a moment, seething with anger at the ponies that felt the need to argue pointlessly for so long and give the other time to form (Form before he could bolt at least...), and eventually paused his spell and reformed into a clearly unhappy Ethereal (Lacking his tail as a sign of humility.) who promptly dropped slightly behind Clockwork and asked in an annoyed tone. "What do you want Rhal..."     'Amethyst..... Didn't you at least sense the dam bastard forming!?! If i hadn't had to form a teleport for both of us we would have been elsewhere... Elsewhere as in NOT FREAKING DOOMED!!!'

  4. Shadow

    @@Midnight Scribbler


    As Clockwork exited the room Shadow pulled one last surge of magic from the illusionist, draining a significant amount of her magic reserves in order to power the spell he had been carefully preparing and as Clockwork started to walk down the hall Shadow rose up and drifted lazily alongside the inventor. "Well that was both entertaining and profitable... Do you have any particular place in mind to retreat to Clockwork, cause we should really leave and the illusionist was kind enough to provide me with enough power to break through the wards."

  5. @@SilverHeart

    More like all of her spells are weakening and will continue to do so until there is no more magic... or life force. Its basically most of the magic is being consumed and drawn out through the individual spell (The noisemaker illusion. (Clever trick though.)), its like a magical leech..... Yeah real sorry for that but Shadow would never pass up a free meal so i couldn't justify him ignoring it. (Its not that rapid though, hes feeling lazy at the moment... Best i could do for ya.)


    Actually i do thoughts *'like this'* and i do telepathy 'like this'... bit confusing but meh habit by now.


    (Yes that one :P)

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Shadow

    @@SilverHeart@@Midnight Scribbler,


    As the illusion played out around him and the others shadow mentally rolled his eyes and started to suck the power from the spell, immediately destroying the portion over clockwork and steadily consuming the casters power as she fueled the spell... Weakening the spell at the same time as consuming the caster, should it continue to cast eventually he would eat the caster in their entirety. *'Heh... Also rude to attempt to mess with my senses, you fool no one here little mare... My senses are different.'*

  7. Shadow

    @@Midnight Scribbler@@Windbreaker,

    (Sorry if its not up to my usual standards but i'm really tired...)


    Shadow drifted alongside the two as they approached the door, contemplating the best course of action for this encounter. *'Hmmm... Well if i used a physical form i'd give them something to deal with..... Nah, that'd also give them something to attack again and i don't really feel like defending myself... again. Mist it is... Though i need to hide these dammed streaks now.'*  With his decision in mind Shadow drifted back into Clockwork's shadow, the read streaks mostly hidden but still leaving a few faint traces. "You can handle the talking, last time i tried talking they tried smiteing... Strangely enough i'd prefer a minimal amount of smiteing in my day thanks."

  8. Shadow

    @@Windbreaker@@Midnight Scribbler,



    Amused laughter echoed from Clockwork's shadow before Shadow spoke up. "As if i would settle for anything el-!" As Clockwork spoke the litanic magic faded from the sparks and Shadow stopped mid sentence before he darted from Clockwork's shadow and rushed to consume them all, eagerly devouring the spare magic as it became edible. Though this time the red glow that he exhibited while feeding didn't fade and instead his misty form took on a few bloody streaks within its shadowy color. This time he didn't return to Clockworks shadow and instead drifted alongside the pair, visibly gaining in strength from his multiple feedings. "Ohhh i've changed my mind, this place is great!..." He then drifted above the other entryway and directed his voice at Clockwork and the mare. "Shall we?"

  9. Shadow

    @@Midnight Scribbler@@Windbreaker,



    *'... Mares are oversensiti-.'* Upon reaching a large wall of magic Shadow stopped, already in front of the two slow talking ponies and seemingly frozen at the sight of the wall... Well he was before letting out a gleeful laugh and drifting right into the wall, quickly consuming the magic holding the wall together and while feeding he gave off a dark red glow, replenishing his power and more...


    After finishing with the wall Shadow drifted back into Clockwork's shadow with only a few words. "Paths clear, lets hurry i smell more ahead. Its real close too... Though you can continue with your pony stuff if you want but i think the whole 'everything's dieing' thing might be a big deal." 

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