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Tricksters Pride

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Posts posted by Tricksters Pride

  1. Shadow

    @@Midnight Scribbler,  @@Windbreaker@,



    Shadow had followed behind the group for a while, content to trail on hoof behind the others while contemplating the potential of Clockworks inventions. After a time he only found one conclusion and was fairly pleased by it. Though the inventor continued to prove that he was worth a fair bit of attention with his views and words alone regardless, (One of the few with any sense it would seem.) even his comments on survival where most pleasing...And the sound of more inventions and blueprints was enough to make Shadow even more interested in the inventor, (Even hidden and secure as is practical.) he was most curious about what the clever little pony could achieve.


    Soon the Blue one approached and introduced himself as Midnight Sky... Though he, like the others, seemed to be missing the point. (Not to mention asking for things without offering anything again.....) "I don't mind the violence that much, its irritating when its without reason but predictable... Though you all seem to think that i have a reason to help you... And i don't. The part of being here out of self interest seems to have escaped you ponies even though i've straight out said it quite a few times by now. And my world is boring and neither is anything free."  *'Especially something as valuable as knowledge.'* He then moved forward and fell in step beside Clockwork after the (... Mare?... Whatever the confused pony thing was.) made their speech and rolled his eyes and though he found the chasing after Ammy part humorous... He wasn't really going to comment on anything while the dread got even closer and would much prefer that Ammy didn't bring it up. Eventually Clockwork made his way to the front of the group and Shadow decided to speak up... (Easy to go unnoticed when its in your nature.) After a small bit of black mist detached itself and faded into the inventors coat. "Negotiations are probably for the best if you can pull them off i'd imagine. Common sense to let your enemies break themselves on each other without expending much of your own energy... But which one would be easier to negotiate with is the real question hmm?... Besides, there's always time for interesting things. Why else would the world be worth saving unless it was interesting enough?"

  2. @@Geek0zoid,


    Oh he won't just abandon the group, not yet. He's just moving ahead cause he's tired of waiting right now. But you may end up having this happen. Clockwork's loyalty depends on where he will gain the most out of a situation. If he sees being with a group more beneficial to him, he will stay with them. On that note, team brandy hasn't done a whole lot to make him want to stick around yet. They've even been somewhat hostile towards him at points.

    This. I agree with this exactly. to the letter.

  3. Shadow

    @@Midnight Scribbler


    The idea of storing magic seemed to interest Shadow. He dropped his casually curious manner to a more serious one, reformed into his physical form, and drifted down from his height to just beside Clockwork to get a closer look. He then proceed to eye the creations in question with interest, especially the battery pack. "... This from a non-magical pony hmm?... Impressive..... How do they work?"

  4. Shadow

    @@Midnight Scribbler


    Shadow eyes Clockwork with interest before rolling his eyes and grinning. "Good to see at least one of you isn't a brute, a pleasure to make your acceptance Clockwork... I suppose i go by Shadow here but you may call me whatever you wish really. Hmm... Well it was skipped over horribly in the summary but where from the world that's now on a crash course with yours, and as you've noticed we have much more magic there than here so a collision would only end one way and that wouldn't be much fun......" He then eyes Clockworks battery with interest and curiosity before adding a last question to his response. "What exactly is that anyway?"

  5. @

    Yeah but he still remembers that moment. Would you like a new race that attacked you before you even did anything? And continued to do so?... The point is that you've already done enough, more effort is not required. :P




    You know i have good arguments but frankly i don't care nor is it worth my time. Your right and i'm wrong, i'll stop with reasoning that never applies.

    Nothing personal i'm just not going to argue, there is no point to this. 
  6. @@SilverHeart

    You know i have good arguments but frankly i don't care nor is it worth my time. Your right and i'm wrong, i'll stop with reasoning that never applies.



    Flaming ranged attacks..... You could have easily done something. (Weather it works or not isn't relevant what matters is that you try something.)


    @~chaotic biscuit~

    He actually hasn't been a dick for some time... And the first thing you guys did is attack him, his attitude is your own fault. -_-  (I'd planed on playing nice but thats dead now thanks to the reception...)

  7. Shadow

    @@@Midnight Scribbler, @ All the not very entertaining ones...


    *'.......... These things are incredibly stupid, come on guys first i'm a threat then i'm left at your backs in face of this dramatic display... Well at least the green one has some sense, lets ditch these morons.'*  As opposed to answering the... curious and interesting green one. (Apparently intelligence is a rare trait around here...) Shadow merely deformed and followed taking care to keep the sparks away from his particles... they might sting a bit. The swordspony (whom was apparently just hostile to everything, including teammates.) decided to argue with the green one for a moment... But there was no need to intervene, it would seem that the green one was pretty decent at talking idiots down... And looking more interesting by the moment as well, a pony with common sense was quite the anomaly here. So he decided to try speech for once... At least this one had promise. "Believe me when i say that's a bad idea. First encounter included lots of stabbing and hitting, i can only imagine that there would be a trail of dead ponies by the end of things..... The stabbing and hitting was on your end of things by the way."

  8. Shadow




    Having drifted unnoticed to the roof after being disregarded in the face of a proper threat, (About time the ponies showed some sense.) Shadow drifted silently from his resting place (A few meters above Amethyst.) to tap her shoulder with his tail on the opposite side from him and point at the white pegasus with a pink mane and extremely feminine figure... Apparently he couldn't decide between male or female when he picked his form. "Check out the gender confused pegasus out front, i mean it sounds like a guy but that isn't a guy... Is it?" He then looks down on the swordspony with a clearly irritated look. "Seriously i've said it several times but i'll say it again. You. Have. Not. Bought. My. Help. Nor is it free."



    Sorry man, I just couldn't resist XD if you don't get the joke it's a meme.
     First i'll answer your Meme with an appropriate response.


    Yes i do.  :catface:  (I'm using the internet (Not to mention i'm a brony.) i know what a meme is... :huh: )



    Please try to respond soon because like you i was busy all day and i want to post... But i cannot modify the one that i spent the last hour typing out till i know how you'll affect it. So please figure it out soon.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. @@Geek0zoid


    Amethyst Void.

    Perfect... there were more ponies ahead. Just when the day couldn't get any worse - as it was.

    "Your kind can't get much softer, to be fair..." She snarked before catching the aura of a familliar essence and flitted ahead.

    "Finally!" She declared - appearing at the far side of the jump to see a familiar form and numerous other ponies... 



    (There all caught up with what your responding to... Please answer me so that i can do something...........)

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