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Evil Changeling

Evil Changeling (12/23)


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  1. My friend on here has tried to help others, only to be consumed by hate. I'm gonna point out someone that has caused my friend to be in his depression, if they don't stop. They have known what they have done, and they can't take it back. BronyDash, please, PLEASE dont hurt yourself. And to the people that made him feel this way...GOOD FRIGGIN JOB! You have caused someone to be angry with themself, after trying to help someone. (The good job part was sarcastic btw, if you neede...

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    2. deletedaccount0000


      Everyone does, dude. I always do. I bet static has! Just ignore those retards. They won't help you. We will.

    3. deletedaccount0000
    4. Static


      I've been criticized as well...but the fact that I did stand up for my convictions was also meaningful. Like Fluttershy, we all gotta keep our hooves down and stand up for justice- even when the enemy's stronger than us and appears to be beating us down.


      Yeah, it's happened to me as well.

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