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Posts posted by Wayzer

  1. I had a GameCube as a kid, I remember my friends being all about the Xbox and the PS2 but I’ve always been a Nintendo fanboy. :fluttershy: I remember I played melee so much as a kid (and never actually got good haha!:twi:


    I also had a gba but never got that many games for it. I remember the DS being introduced while I was still in elementary though and it was super popular. I got one at some point as well

    • Brohoof 1
  2. 49 minutes ago, CopperSpirit said:

    I'm watching Code Geass with @Wayzerright now, just finished season one (I've been spoilered, but it's still fun).

    The last one we really completed without any new seasons coming up was Anohana. 

    Oh *crap* I really need to catch up on that one. :blink: I'm two seasons behind now. 

    Aaaah yeah we totally have to finish watching AOT as well! But I’m like totally invested in code geass right now.

    Me and @CopperSpirit are also watching MHA the fourth season. Also didn’t we finish food wars after anohana? Or doesn’t that one count since there seems to be another season coming up.

  3. 2 hours ago, Lucky Bolt said:

    I'm not even tryin to flirt but damn how does one just go around lookin that cute??? :wub: If you're reading this Copperspirit I PROMISE I'm not trying to steal your love! :ButtercupLaugh:

    :blush:Omigosh ah thank you so much!! :blush:Wow ah you’re so nice to me it’s like, well honestly I don’t even know the right words but it’s a total surprise and really nice so thank you again!

    And I think <3 @CopperSpirit <3 knows I’m his and his alone :wub::wub: so I do not think he really minds as much. He’ll probably just use this to rub in my face how he was right heheh:derp:


    @Bas and thank you so much as well! Wow you people are all so friggin nice it’s like unreal! :blush:


  4. 10 hours ago, Emerald Heart said:

    I don't have anything new, so here's an old picture of my Aunt's dog Violet sitting on my head. 


    Nice picture!! Wonder what the dog was looking at, maybe a car outside?:wacko:

  5. 22 hours ago, Lucky Bolt said:

    Why thank you kindly! :mlp_icwudt: It only cost me 80 bucks and came with the amp and all....it's a little sub but it packs quite a punch. ^_^ Vibrates my whole truck. 

    Wait so that is a little one :blink: I’d love having something like that in my car but as of now, it’s so small I barely fit in it myself haha


  6. On 2/25/2020 at 1:57 AM, Axel said:

    I totally forgot I had an account here. Hope this makes up for it. 

    Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 7.42.00 PM.png

    Wow I think you've got a very unique eye colour there, looks great! Lucky! :grin:


    On 2/25/2020 at 11:22 PM, Lucky Bolt said:

    I know the quality of this picture is TERRIBLE but.....this was me during the drive back home today from picking up my new subwoofer. Took 4 hours to wire in but it was worth it. 

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    Damn that looks like one heck of a subwoofer :o so how does it sound!? :catface:

    Also even with the fuzzy picture quality you've got a very nice smile! :fluttershy:

    17 hours ago, Cash In said:

    Why yes, I do look like a zombie.



    Honestly I don't think you do at all :) You should stop underselling yourself! You look totally fine!


    • Brohoof 1
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  7. 4 hours ago, Lucky Bolt said:

    You’re cute not gonna lie :Daydreaming:

    @Lucky BoltAaaaaaah! That's really really nice of you to say! I didn't really expect to hear something so nice:blink:! I'm not really that confident about my looks in general so it's very nice to hear. :squee:

    10 hours ago, Starlighty said:

    You have some curly hair my dude and I am diggin it (: 

    @Starlighty Oh thanks so much! I'm quite happy with my curls too, well... until my hair decides to become impossibly hard to manage and just about explodes that is. Which happens regrettably often :laugh:

    18 hours ago, CopperSpirit said:

    Well, guess I'll join in as well. This is a relatively recent one of me. 


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    @CopperSpiritAh wow! I've said it before but you do look absolutely stunning on that picture my cute. I'm so lucky with you... in so many ways! :wub:

    Also now everybody is saying you look fantastic you can't deny it anymore either :toldya:


    • Brohoof 1
  8. On 1/10/2020 at 1:18 AM, Kronos the Revenant said:

    I just had a temporary high moment where i was watching YouTube on my phone then started to look for said phone. 🤣

    This happened to me as well, more times than it should have. Haha!

  9. On 2/18/2020 at 11:45 PM, SparklingSwirls said:

    I don’t think so. We’re also long distance but we work really well together and he’s some of the only stability I have in my life.

    Where should my SO and I go on our next trip? :ooh: 

    Oh me and my boyfriend totally have a long distance relationship as well! :) 

    It’s nice to see other people in the fandom have lovely long distance relationships that are working out as well! 

    Wherever you end up going I wish the two of you an amazing trip! 

    And I hope you’ll eventually get to end up living together!

    • Thanks 1
  10. Holy crap, I didn't know you were a KISS fan.

    Awesome shirt and pic, mate.

    Yeah it's mostly my dad who got me into that! He always loved the band and took me to a concert, that's where the shirt is from!!



    Looking good wayz ^w^ loving the scruff x3

    Aaawh thank you so much! *blushes a bit* :D

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