Whenever I visit my page, it's been looked at by FlameStar within the last 5 minutes. I'm simultaneously heartwarmed and feeling guilty I haven't done all that much here.
Well, my profile doesn´t update on its own anymore, so I can´t see if people have posted messages or posted new status updates. Still, I do try to visit all my friends profile pages to see if they´ve posted something.
Hello, Prons, nice to meet you! Don't forget to play your card game on a motorcycle, and you'll have a fantastic time here!
...Just lookout for Dave...
Yes, Dave the scourage, destoryer of a thousand funs. Said to lurk around, he likes to try to get peoples' trust and then BAM! load all sorts of terrible things unto them!
Hello! I'm not the "everyone" chap you're looking for, but I greet you anyways!You'll have plenty a good time here! PM if you wanna have a 'lil chat!
And watch out for Dave, the scourage...
Hello,Midnight, nice to meet you! You'll have a fantasticlicious time here, I promise you! Just PM me if you wanna talk or something!
Just look out for Dave...
Hello, newbie oldie! Nice to meet you, hope to see you around!
Since the time you were here, however, there joined the greatest menace in the land... evil, bile-filled, and never a nice thing done... he is... Dave.
Hai Warrior! As for help, there's these;
And as a tip, watch out for Dave! I think you'll enjoy your time here!
Hehe... all I could think when I saw your avatar was Woll Smoth... Anyways, welcome to the forums, just look out for Dave! On the other hand, he might be perfect company for you...
Dave... bane of joy, bringer of a thousand woes... be careful not to meet him, for he spreads woe wherever he goes... Never a good thing is to be said from or about him...