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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Blog Entries posted by PurplePony

  1. PurplePony
    Alright so let's play a game, I am bored and sick of crap. This game is called what's up? As the game progresses more will probably be up!
    1st drink- well that passed and happened I am now on 3 :S
    3rd drink... I am so sick and tired of money. Money makes the world go a round and it sucks... you know why because I have none. I have a place to stay, addictions to feed, now 5 cats to feed thanks to my wonderful ex. Yup by by money... at least I am quitting smoking and not doing a half bad job.
    4th drink- oh yeah I forgot to mention that my drinks are at least 2-3 shots of vodka, and just enough to coke to change the drank colors. Not the drug, the pop. I can't do the drugs no more. I work..
    On another note my temp work has restricted my hours because me and my roommate could be in a relationship because we live together.. we are both sales associates and nothing more... the bs is real. So now we are making less because of what could be... god this sucks. So now we either have to fake break up or decide if we wanna do what the company expects us to do (fuuuuuu) no pun intended lol. Anyways so that means way less money and we don't make a whole lot as it is. So now I have to find a camp job and figure out when I can start working on a rig because it makes sense to live together so costs are lowered, but sense makes not when hours get reduced because we live together... so now to breed or not to breed... welp I just got out of a 2 and a half year relationship. I wonder if this said person will check my blog??? I kind of hope he does... See we were together and yes, IRL and he made an account so that he could see if I was talking about him or posting nudes on a pony site or something... I don't know, but he didn't trust me.
    Yes said 21 year old man who works at walmart did not trust me his love and someone willing to give everything to him... because apparently he was a keeper. anywhore now I need another drink
    Drink 7- so i downed a couple to keep up with my mental sanity.... this dinker that I had been with and given everything to be with. I loved the guy, only ever loved one other who wasn't my daddy... I mean we were engaged for crying out loud. at least he proposed, gave me a ring and we would let everyone know when we were more financially stable and ready sort of thing... Now I went to school, finished school and was there for a total of 3 months, 2 weeks prior to me finishing, he called to let me know a week ago he cheated and dumped me... yup that was nice. To top it all off he dumped me for someone who worked with him.... I am not stupid I had known things were going on prior to me going to school.... but with someone at walmart! Like come on dude.... Once I get a job in my trade I am making 6 figures, like really? Smart move. So now I am hurt, and while I am down I decided hey friend, let's cut costs and live together.
    Me and said friend live together, company we work for finds out and slaps us because we could be dating so now hours are cut and I am not in my trade! I am not a whore.... any more..... so why are people fucking me over??? Like come on if ya wanna take a ride you gotta pay! This is stupid, nothing comes for free so why does my love apparently cost nothing... I mean me and friend aren't together! Why are we then? Nothing makes sense and it is all dumb.
    I have come to the conclusion that life hates me because in my past life I was a very bad person..
    Alright, so I am done bitchin and if you enjoyed my random rambles lemme know, if not and somehow you made it to the end and you are now seeing this well good on ya. If you want some free art I wanna drunk draw someone's OC I have 4 slots available so first come first serve.
  2. PurplePony
    Hey guys, this is moi
    I know I am sexy. Me and my girl went out for a photoshoot, she is best photographer <3

    Lemme know what you think and what we should do next! Thinking of a few cosplays amoungst other things. So gimme some feedback
  3. PurplePony
    Hey guys so this is what the lady behind the blogs looks like.
    I was feeling punky and rather couragous. I hope you enjoy
    P.S. Yeah, I am dangerous
    And yeah that is from Legend of Zelda Majora's mask.
    I just wish I could go out clubbing tonight!
  4. PurplePony
    Blinking rapiidly holding back the tears, the anger the regret, and fear.
    Never again will I do this I am sorry to make you cry.
    One last time to shed the hate to be rid of all of the loathing and self hate.
    Crying red tears, I realease all of my fears
    It is gone, all gone, and I will have rejoined you once more by your side where I belong.
    I am coming home, I didn't mean to leave you all alone.
    But cry no more your baby girly is hear once more.
    I won't leave you this time, I will join you forever this time.
    To the one who caused this pain, I really hope you are happy and can live with yourself.. I know I couldn't
    Yes this talks about death. Yes this means death. Yes I want to die.. Just do yourself a favor and don't respond to this. It's not cry for help. I am not going to go kill myself, I want to I really do but I dealt with those demons long ago. I find writing to be a better alternative. So yes, this is purely an outlet... Now I am going to go and distract myself before some self ritous ass hole decides to comment and I do off my self becuase you know what??? I am going to find all of you ass holes, and before I die I am going to slit your throat and make you choke on your words that hurt so many people. How dare you push someone so low! How dare you.. If I find you, run.
  5. PurplePony
    Fuck people! Fuck them all! I do
    Yeah I am a whore, I am a drug addicted hoe. You don't wanna know the things I have done to support my habbits.... they would make you sick.
    We don't walk there alone though. No laddies, we walk to it hand in hand with all of our problems. We turn to our pimps because there is not another way out. We did not just ask for it. We were lead there.
    This is my lead.... Thank you babe, with out you I would have never been a whore. I will never miss you
    Hey Alaynna;
    Two things: I got the letter back which I sent to your grandpa. It didn't get through. (he sent my grandparents a letter about my fathers death... like fuck off)
    Secondly: Do you have anything from me still? I would like to get some of the stuff back which I gave you as it is proving to be a need in some cases. I would pick it up in August as I am in Germany til July. Is there anything I have of yours which you would like back? (dude It has been over 3 years since you left... I don't have your shit... I hawked the valuables for drugs to cope with the fact you abandoned me with a child... a dead one at that. You abused me mentally and physically, and you are an asshole)
    John M. E.
    To John:
    Go fuck yourself.
    ~A sad little hoe
  6. PurplePony
    Alright, so this is going to be a long entry maybe? It's going to touch on many different topics that not all people will agree with. I encourage you to leave comments and your own oppinions, however, no picking on anyone who leaves their oppinion. I don't care about me, I am fine with who I am, but the moment someone starts shit infront of me is the moment we are going to have a problem... So, we all have a voice, if you want use it, but under no circumstances is anyone to name names*
    Just a precaution before I jumped in to just wrighting. People either love it or they hate it. I am not trying to start anything, I just am who I am.
    Aight so this is not going to be edited, I do appologize for the bad grammar and spelling.... ma bad
    We are taking a stoned adventure though my mind. So without further speculation let us venture forth into the chaotic web of crazy that has become the mind of the fabulous and utterly amazing Purple Pony. ~yes, I know... I am a mouthful
    I am not quite there.... gimme a sec.....

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~There I am now?" there~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Lol close^^^^^ xD

    Currently I am listening to music that at one point spoke to me. I feel like some are new and exciting, while others meaning has changed. I hope some change once again but I won't go there right now. To protect people and their feelings I am not using any names in this post, as this is not anything but me and my oppinion and my thoughts and facts. (yall gonna hate, hate on me)
    it gives me great joy hearing this song, I remember not wanting more. I remeber being content with screwing myself. Now I mean this both literally and figurativly speaking. We all have needs. I rushed into this relationship and this is the song that just jit with us.. just this cute love and it looks so perfect and fun and then all of a sudden it doesn't work out to be quite what you thought it would be. It feels like a smack to the face, the smile is both happy and knowing, I wear it with pride and confusion. It is the same confusion I once had before.
    This one is past me, not to this extent but quite close. It is something I still struggle with, something I want to go back to, something I miss. Perhaps it's just thhe past that I miss, but it was easy and satisfying. It was life. I am better than that now, I don't regret it or anything I did or anything that happened. I don't want to go back but it seems I want to. I just want to feel again. This would ruin everything. I can not, but I want. To hurt is to feel, to feel is to live. I just don't care, but then I do. It tears and one side will eventually win. I am sorry. I can't do everything and make everything work.... no one will be happy in the end.
    Mmmmmmm Legalis (or however you spell his name) I can't even begin to explain the things that we would do and perhaps did do...... Oh the interesting memories.My obsession with him turned into a LOTR obsession, and then a Hobbit obsession lol. This song explains an unachievable feat. This song has been my new inspiration for my RP, as I write I feel this song. The words "I hope that you will remember me." rings through my ears.
    I will finish this, no matter how long it takes. For my guilty pleasure... it feels beautiful <3 I know it has changed a lot, however the roots remain the same and it is nice to see a small constant that has stayed with me. I will finish
    This one is slightly embarassing.... I haven't sung this song in a very long while. I don't know if I can. I feel sad, guilty, but some how there feels like hope. Maybe the stars will shine for a future, but they have been dim for a very long time. It is not you it is me. You need something better. I am no good, I am nothing you should want, nor deserve. You want a good girl, you don't need someone like me. I am sorry this probably isn't what you wanted to hear...
    The song makes me sad because I will always love you, it's just too bad. Maybe one day the stars.... but I can tell you now they won't :'(
    It wouldn't even matter if I mentioned your name here.... you will not ever see this. I am ok with this...
    You remind me of the things I always fall for. True you are stability, but everything else tells me no. Let it go... he has to go. He is on a journey to better his life. I know you would do anything and give up anything to have a shot with me..... but I just can not jump into a relationship again, spend years of commitment only to have to pick up the pieces and move on.. It wouldn't be you either, honestly it is me.. I am so sorry for this. I should tell you but I can get it out, perhaps I like you but you are moving forward in your life, don't not because of me, I won't work.. I am far past broken. Sorry </3
    To all the nameless boys, and girls I have hurt..... I know there are a few of you. I care about all of you. All of you are cool... I am sorry it didn't work, but thanks for the night out. I just want to find myself and my own happiness, honestly thank you
    Tears no longer well up in my eyes... perhaps I am speaking too soon... I will see by the end of the song. I used to bawl when I heard this song. It portrays my idea of death so well and I just didn't get how a song could connect with me that much and make me feel so guilty for not be 'sad' and mourning the way i was expected to. I will forever miss you Danny, but you taught me the value of life. It was not imediate but it finially sunk in. May you rest in peace, but I will not make the mistakes you did. It was not worth dying.
    ps.... no tears, wow

    QuirkyUsername Clockwork ChaosI seriously am so greatful for you guys, this is our song <3 I love you both very much. You both have helped me in a really weird way that I will forever be greatful for...

    This song is a gooder I liked it back when I was an escort makin dollars for my addictions... it was my crawling out of the darkness song. I could maybe love myself............. Flashforward to where I am now and realizing that nothing has changed..... I am who I am and I will always be this.... I will always be me </3
    So here it is, without the music, with out the fluff. I was this care free young lady who took chances, grabed the wrong ones in hopes that I would not be left behind. I asked you to call me later. but in the end our love was not to be, you sent me into a downward spiral. It was what I wanted I wanted to love and to feel. Soon you learn to not feel because it hurts less. The pain of the past that every soul carries with them.. I ran and hid behind things like speed, mdma, ectasy, and many other drugs. In order to support my escape I took opportunities. I soared high with the A team. It felt great not to have to feel, to close my eyes and see a better life, to not feel pain, it was all I wanted. Then I realized we are all under the upper hand. There is no winner in this cruel thing called life.
    I crawled away from drugs*, addictions, habbits and opportunities, but you can't come out of that whole...
    I watch the flames, they burn over life. I see fire. I see death and unpassable obsticles. However I have come to realize that no matter how dead I feel I affect others, I only hope that you all wil remeber me when I am gone. I am getting to close to the flame and although I got out I want back in. because I see life not being worth anything. People came into my life and saved me. By being there the fire I saw was extinguished.
    I got better and felt like I was better than I once was..
    I have found many people I love, I am going to hurt most of you. In the end I don't think any of you will 'win' or be happy with me.I don't think anyone will to be ...honestly.... and to all of you I am sorry... There are so many names... I am sorry
    But to all of you honestly I do not think it was you.. I am just a no good whore. There is nothing about me anyone should want, I made too many wrong turns and I am afraid I am running out of gassoline. going around in circles... I am about burnt out. I know I have to let it go and many of you have shown me this. I just don't think it's enough or worth it.
    In the end, the very end. I don't think it is a costume I can just take off. I am destined to be used. Destined to fade away. I am sorry, so sorry to you all.
    Forever I will walk hand in hand with Anna, and Mia. Forever I will walk with my bruises and wounds. They are who I am. I no longer know love, or sadness. I simply do not care, the feels are gone. Like I said it's not you. It is the fact that I am used and hurt and broken... I no longer can belong to anyone, there's just not enough left to claim.


    Alright, so there... that is me in all my shame I feel nonw, I am who I am... It's just realizations and interesting moments that has brought about my crazy confusion. If it wasn't for these events though, I would have realized later just how damaged I truly am.
  7. PurplePony
    *Quick edit this was written when I was really down and not sure what on earth I was going to do. I had a lot of conflicting emotions. The thing is, I realized I had to take my own advice. That was a hard pill to swallow. I was wrong, I am still here but this is a bit of what was up #eatinghumblepie
    Hey guys this could be my last entry here on this forums. Now before you get mad. Please take a second to at least listen and hear me out. I am not leaving because people are mean, or I stopped liking mlp. I feel a lot of emotions surrounding RP's and people.
    My OC or ponysona Aixi was born in a round about way. It was never intended but it happened. I am very happy with my boys and what they did with her story it was fantastically wonderful! Stuff happens. I have completed RP's and I haven't. I was really hoping it would be one that got the attention. Unfortunatly I think I am going to have to shelf it. For now that one is broke. Whatever, I will pick up the scattered remains of my heart and fix it later No big deal.
    *NOW k so now after I took some time to breath and just step back and realize what I was about to throw away. Yes Aixi is my baby. I intentionally backed away from her and her story. In all honesty at that moment in time it just hurt me too much. I cried everytime I wrote and I was begining to portray a character that I did not want to and that bothered me. After a step back and a good look at what was going on, I believe I have a better handle on my emotions and where me and my boys should take the story. It would be wrong to rob myself and my crew of this opportunity, We have become a family of sorts. I want to take the time to say each and every one of them has helped me in some way, they have all helped me significantly I owe them so much......... If only they knew. Honestly they could have saved my life. I owe you guys lots, you have made me a better me. I am so grateful for you all and I love you all so much. Please forgive me for my dumb stupidness. I have been careless as of late and I am sorry, Here is my word, and that is to revamp, restart our journey from where we left off and go out with a LOUD BANG! You all rock and I know we got this. Again thanks. If you (my RP crew wanna know more on what happened send me a PM I will tell you there... It's just not for others eyes and each person impacted me differently.)
    The other parts well. I just can't deal with! People, I can't just make a choice! I have none to make at this point. I am stuck and I can not do anything. The choice isn't mine to make. I am making myself myserable. So perhaps my time here is done. Maybe it's just time to throw the towel in. Either way I need to think about stuff.
    *This is one that is frustrating.... but ever so slowly my choices are getting better so I will try to remain hopefull for the best and not be so negative. I really hate when I get down on myself.
    So yeah, no pitty please. I don't want it. I am ranting to myself ATM and I guess I will decide later.
    ***So I ranted and thought, let you see my raw emotions (don't judge too hard pls) and I came to a conclusion, I will stay, I will work, and I will give back to those who helped me when I couldn't see anything but darkness
  8. PurplePony
    I am leading a horde of evil minions, all of which are important to me so I should rank them no? I'll do that in a sec. What may be odd... maybe I shall have a female rule with me! *possible video cumming soon (lol I noticed this unfortunate typo reading over it.... I think it stays ). What's odd about this? It's real life... so we may start videos together... a youtube channel perhaps? That means growing our reign!!! MUAHAHAHAHA! Taking over the world= a piece of cake
    My evil minions contributing to the society of evil: http://mlpforums.com/topic/88929-evil-minion-sign-up/
    We are always accepting.
    Minion's +rank:
    Wayzer aka Kronk Right hand Commanding officer to The Lord Queen Her Majesty RoguesWolfe aka PrivateTatsu
    Evil Nightmares aka Comanding officer of project S1 Pinkmena
    Charcoal Embers aka Comanding officer of project Sabeleye Whiskers
    The Author aka Second in command, Swanky, overseeing opperation Sabeleye
    Commander Tangent aka Fluffy Chief Grunt
    mrerik314 aka Shy guy grunt
    The rankings were determined by what they sent me, a pic video, w/e that is how placing works the best show of devotion gets to start off best. This being said, rankings will change periodically as minions grow and begin to concur the world, as welll as minions who join. It is possible to have your rank stripped and be demoted.
    So your first task as my minions is to establish a way of communication between acting members. The person who comes up with the best idea will be rewarded.
    If you are looking to get in on this New World you may submit me something, anything here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/88929-evil-minion-sign-up/
    Your Queen, Her Lord Majesty, ~PurplePony
  9. PurplePony
    Aight so I got a problem. I am a slightly attractive gal who has many crushing on her....I have many ppl in my life who I love. I love all my friends dearly. You can lose so quickly.. In an instant life can be gone. I know this first hand. So I make it a point to love.
    Now maybe I love some more than I wish to and I wish you* wouldn't give up.....
    The thing is I got a bf... Dunno if it'll work or not. We haven't been good like we once were for a while. I know we both feel this way we just can't get past it. We talk about it often. I believe in being completely honest with ppl in affairs concerning the heart. I just want to love and be loved.. To be cherished and held is all I want. It's all I ever could ask for.
    Now I am at a loss for words. It seems perhaps I have loved and hoped too much. Reality shatters everything and leaves me feeling broken, angry, and alone. If you read this you will probably hate me more.. I can't lie I love and care about you. I have thought about doing many bad things with you. I want, I do.
    Right now I am so confused and I feel weird because I miss you and I care about you... and I think that maybe I hurt you. Just know that wasn't my intentions and I am so sorry if you feel angry, or hate me even. Heck I couldn't blame you if you did... Just know I care. I care a lot about you.
    Now to be honest you applies to 3 ppl...1 not on this site, 2 on this site.. I know you two both know who you are, I know you know each other... Please try not to take offense to this boys I really do love you and could see us being together
    The truth is I dunno what I am eating tomorrow, if I eat at all... Let alone who I will be with. Life is an adventure and what you make of it. Anything is possible and anything can happen. The thing is I just don't know, do you?
  10. PurplePony
    Hey so I just deleted this old post... won't be as good as the last but what ever I didn't write all that long anyway *Insert pissy face* ... I hate that.
    So I wanna talk about respect yo! I feel all of us, yes me too, I am wrong too. I will admit that. But why cant we see that everyone is? That both sides are wrong in every situation. This is always the case. Now why can't we all be decent humans be all like oh hey! I am wrong, oh yeah, man you know what? I wronged you too. Wellshitfucktittiesballs man, I am sorry man.
    You all get what I am saying...?

  11. PurplePony
    Hey guys this is a story I am writing. I hope you all like it. I know it isn't a pony story but I want to stray from a ponyverse and create my own. I am doing this for selfish purposes. I really just want to practice writing. If you like what you read following this blog is always appreciated. Tell me what you love, what you hate, what you wish would have happened. It won't change, but the feedback is appreciated... and who knows maybe I will incorporate an idea you have. Any who I hope you enjoy. It is going to be raw, and graphic, violent and romantic. I hope to captivate my readers, so here it goes! <3

    Fallen Angel


    Life's opportunity opened up.


    Her way to destruction, maybe, interrupted.


    An umbrella of opportunities opened up by a mistake.


    By the error of mankind, who pay to take.


    She left home, she walked away from everything she knew, trusted, and loved. It didn't matter anyways, the old home was gone, it could never come back no matter how badly she wanted. She turned her back to the fire and walked away, never looking back. It wasn't long after she left that she began to fall to pieces, that is when she met her Angel.



    "Hey? Sunny? Do yas have ta slam the door that hard?" Angel called out.
    Sunny had just gotten home from a long nights work. She rushed over to her friend and took out her purse. She began counting some money, Angel laughed retrieving her wallet and began to do the same. When the two had finished Sunny looked up with a smile, "On three." She began,
    "One, two, three, $1,850.00" Sunny blurted
    Angel frown and followed shortly after, "I got 980.00. Damn girl, you've been workin hard! Guess breakfast's on me. Where we goin?" she finished.
    Sunny smiled reveling in her victory, it had been a while since she made more than Angel in a week. Their Sunday breakfast had become a tradition, and the competition just made it better. After much thought Sunny smiled and declared, "The WAFFLE HOUSE!!!"
    She was often times a little spaztic, but in good taste. Angel laughed at her as the pair left to eat. They had sat down and received their menus. The girls contemplated their choices and after a while their server came to greet them. Looking up from her menu Sunny smiled, the boy was handsome, 'Tall dark and innocent.' She giggled silently to her thoughts and licked her lips. "I will have the pecan waffle, with two eggs, sunny side up, with a water. Thanks." She said.
    Angel looked Sunny in the eyes and punched her shoulder, "Man you do like your carbs don't cha?" She winked teasing her.
    Sunny's face turned red, she knew Angel was skinnier, but that was a low blow. Before she could come back with a witty response the waiter cut in frowning. "I thinks she is very pretty. That was a little rude. She could stuff her face and not be fat, I mean not that you are or anything miss. Oh god I am sorry. That was dumb." His ramblings trailed off.
    Angel looked at him, fire in her eyes, she had a temper that flared often. Sunny worried all the time about that, not that it mattered in this moment. Right now it was rather amusing. She laughed as Angel defended herself to him flustering him a little further. When at last she ordered, the waiter hurried off, 'Probably, glad to get away from this table.' She laughed as she teased Angel. Sunny knew she just never let her guard down, how could they really? In the world they had been brought into, how could they ever let their walls down. It wasn't that she understood why, it was that others couldn't. They never could unless they had lived it for themselves.
    The pair laughed and shared crude stories about their past adventures. Every now and again they were interrupted by their waiter. It seemed that every time he came over his face had grown a deeper shad of red. The girls paid no mind and continued on. Angel shoved her plate away, "Oh my gosh I am full!" She dramatically exclaimed.
    "Wait what? You didn't even eat half of your salad! You liar!" Sunny scoffed.
    "No really, I am." Angel insisted.
    "Alright, whatever." Sunny said rolling her eyes.
    She continued to wolf down her meal, whipped cream smeared on one cheek but she didn't seem to notice. When at last the girls had finished The waiter brought the bill, Angel paid and the pair made to leave, when Sunny felt a hand on her shoulder. "Wait miss, could I perhaps have your number? At least your name? Please..."
    Sunny had froze mid step and Angela turned around causing him to flinch slightly. Walking up to her girl, Angel grabbed Sunny's crotch and licked the whipped cream from her cheek. "Mmmmm." She moaned seductively.
    Directing her gaze at the waiter she looked at him and bluntly said, "She's my bit of sugar. Got that?"
    Sunny laughed, relaxing slightly and moving from the boy's hand. Looking behind her she winked at the innocent face, "Honey, I am not the kind of girl your lookin for. You best forget me."
    With that the girls left hand in hand laughing at themselves, their lives, and circumstances.
  12. PurplePony
    I wonder if you woul ever persue me.... I love you my speecial somepony. I love you <3
    I do with all my heart, which is odd for me because I don't do interweb relations, but I find myslef loving you more and more each day. Should I go after you??? I wonder?... hmmm
  13. PurplePony
    So many members of my family have commited suicide. I will forever and always miss you my dear cousin Danny. Why it was worth it I will never know, but I will always remeber you, our last conversation, a sickening crash and then silence. I will not ever forget you </3
    The song played at his funeral. It was what he enjoyed playing on the guitar.

  14. PurplePony
    Now before you think I am whining because I don't have a special pony. That is not the case. My special pony is working tonight. All I wanted was a cup of tea and I love you... Think I got any of that? No... Made me a little sad. I am not all that needy but I love you would have been nice. Boogey you will always have a special place in my heart I love you, wish I heard it more but I do.
    So I have a crush. I have had a crush on a pony here for a long while now. I don't think you will read this I don't expect you to.... But my Hearts and Hooves day crush is Mr. Critical... You are my special pony. You will always be and I love you. You have helped me get through so much, I am forever grateful to you, my special pony.... wish you knew how special you were to me. I love you man <3
  15. PurplePony
    Why must the stars be so far away? Why are the so close, so vibrant yet misleading? I just don't get why or how they exist. They hold unmeasurable expectations and in the end are giant let downs. A giant ball of explosive gas, decaying over a period of time.
  16. PurplePony
    So right now I feel like crap. I feel like I am going absolutly nowhere in life. I am almost 20 having a mid life crisis. I can't afford to pay my bills, I am stuck in a bad position and I am honestly thinking a drug dealer would be an excellent career choice. I know it's not and I won't do not worry I just feel like I can't do anything besides drugs and sex. I am just not happy where I am and I can't leave because I owe too much. But I hate being here, I hate being treated the way I am. I deserve better I know I do but I was dumb and got myself stuck. I can't see being unstuck at this moment. I can't get a job to save my life and everything would be better if only...
    There is always those if only's... But seriosly it would be better.
    Another thing that has me slightly upset is, I haven't sold one pinata. They are adorable and I want to keep them all, but not really! It sucks having them all here. I only use my Pinkie. Are they that bad? I thought they were cute
    I dunno everything has just gone to crap. I do mean everything. Everything from my love life to my dreams and aspirations. I just feel it all slipping away and there is not a darn thing I can do about it...
    Where is my prince? He was supposed to come to my rescue forever ago! I feel abandoned and dumb. I dunno what to do next. I am just running out of options and ideas. All I want is to be sucessful, but how can I do this??
  17. PurplePony
    Alright, posting this because I don't see this being a problem. I know it's a serious problem. I don't see it though. I have been dealing with annorexia and buliemia for a little over 8 years now. I am not a stick thing because I just couldn't commit. Well now I am commiting. A moment on the lips forever on the hips you know. So with that said I welcome you to join my journey. This isn't a cry for help, this is not for attention. I don't eat because I think I am fat I know I am fat. I will change this with little caloric intake and daily excersizes... I average about 2 pound loss a day sometimes more. I am happy seeing it fall off, so please don't give me the it's bad for you speech. I know it is, doesn't mean I am not going to do it.
    My daddy died of cholesteral he left me before I turned 20, before I could get married, have babbies. I am not leaving my lovelies behind because of food and smoking.. So I am quiting food, and eventually I will quit smoking as well. One step at a time.
    My heaviest weight- 297 pounds
    Lowest weight- 141 pounds
    Current weight- 149 pounds
    Goal weight- 120 pounds
  18. PurplePony
    Alrighty so when I do get a shop I was wondering if there is any interest in what I do. I can do OC's as well, however no pic is available atm.. Don't worry about price I just want to know if there is interest.
    Baby - 4 inches tall (you get 4) Each of these pinatas come filled with candy
    Small- 9-11 inches tall, comes filled with candy and toys.
    Medium- 16-18 inches tall comes filled with candy and toys,
    Large- 24-28 inches tall, with out candy and toys , with it comes to
    Giant- These are almost as tall as me and can get up to 5 feet tall, They hold crazy amounts of candy and toys. Without candy and toys with candy and toys
    The pictures are of Small ones, you can see they are really not that small but that's as small as I go in full detail. The baby ones (don't have a pic yet) are cute but not as detailed.
    I am currently working on a giant (no pic yet) I haven't finished it, so I can be any pony, but I am thinking Celestia.
    Anyway have a gander at what I do and tell me if you would get one, and what you think constructive criticism is always welcome
    As always much love,

  19. PurplePony
    So I got to thinking again because I have yet to hit 20 and I am having yet another Mid life crisis. I remember the good ole days when it was ok to teach your 8 year old how to drive, when it was ok to ride down the road on the open tail gait. Shoot my whipper snappers wont even get the opportunity to play cowboys and Indians like I did! We got real guns and bows
    Best child hood memories are of the fat lips and bloody noses.
    Things have gotten so safe. I dunno technology kinda sucks. It just won't feel the same and I am starting to feel old and nostalgic.
    Want to hear another crazy story? I have lots? I will trade you a story for story. Tell me something you remember from your child hood and I will tell you something.
  20. PurplePony
    Random buttonwise words of wisdom for the day are Is everything ok? If not try checking your preconceptions of objective reality.
    Wow this got me thinking thank you random button I have a blog post! lol
    But in all seriousness it is right I have been feeling useless, even down right stupid. It is my perception that needs to change. Not life itself. I need to stop fighting life and change my view.
    So the random button has taught me perception. Thank you random button.
    What did you take from this???
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