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    "Next time you point a finger I'll point you to the mirror" - Paramore
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  1. i get real tired of people romanticizing mental illness on social media. sorry, hun, you getting stressed over homework is NOT an anxiety/panic attack. and you don't want them, trust me. having a mental illness is not a beautiful, desirable trait. the culture of making them seem cool and edgy is toxic, and dangerous.

    you don't want to be unable to sleep from a racing heart that won't stop beating out of your chest.

    you don't want to have uncontrollable fits of crying and irrational thoughts causing you to completely shutdown and lay there while your mind brings to your knees.

    you don't want to deal with the constant fatigue, the constant sad moods that make you think suicide is the only way to achieve peace.

    you don't want to deal with constant, unstoppable worries about no one liking you, about being embarrassed, about not being good enough, about everyone judging you.

    you don't want the nightmares, the voices, the social dysfunction, the detachment..

    these are just a few examples of what mental illness comes with. it shouldn't be romanticized. it's not fun to deal with, and we should not make it desirable or cool.


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