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Fire Lily

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Everything posted by Fire Lily

  1. Lily looked around one more time. "Well we'll see if I ever find one that's actually going to put in the effort instead of just putting up the appearance of putting it in." She finished looking around and shook her head. "I don't think there's anything else here at least, I came armed well enough and the last thing Angel needs is something she could poke someone's eye out with." She said with a small laugh.
  2. Lily stared at the knives Steel was buying, as much as they wern't really her style she had to admit they would make a lovely gift, she decided definitely not for Angel though. "Well when we first started dating I figured he was worth my time. As for stallions I much prefer it when they come to me first, shows that they consider me worth their time."
  3. "She really couldn't be that bad could she? I can be a little clingy but was she really that uptight?" Lily said as they started to approach the blacksmith's. "I do agree it didn't make much sense to me at the time, and it still doesn't now as to why he would even bother with me to begin with if I wasn't worth his time."
  4. "Well it's complicated to say the least." Said Lily with a small sad sigh. "He left shortly before Angel was born. It wasn't her fault, and it wasn't really mine. He left because he didn't feel like spending the time it would take to raise a child. He was much more interested in adventuring on his own, even before Angel he never really included me in much, so I guess he wasn't really too interested in me either for that matter. But I guess I need too much attention sometimes too. He wasn't always like that though, when we first started dating we were never apart even fore a minute.." Lily said while staring at the ground. That was the short version to say the least and odds are it made her look worse than she planned on. If she told the whole thing she'd still be talking on the train ride back with the monsters head sitting beside her. "We should probably go get the rest of the supplies you need." She started walking again still staring at the ground.
  5. Angel looked at Dax with a big smile. "So you're not a unicorn but you can do magic anyway? That's so cool! I bet you find all sorts of cool stuff all of the time!" Angel started walking back towards ponyville, they could see a couple of buildings off in the distance. "Well even if you don't know exactly where you're going at least you have the general idea. Some of the other fillies my age already have theirs, I have no idea where to start with mine. Maybe it'll just show up and tell me what I'm supposed to be good at for the rest of forever."
  6. Lily simply stared at Steel through his story. Though she might not have agreed with his motives she did understand the wanting out of a bad relationship, especially if he had no say in the manner to begin with. "Well Angel and I live in a small place just on the outside of Ponyville, not much has happened there lately so jobs were fairly scarce and that's how I ended up here. It's not really my profession so to speak but I can hold my own." She said trying to look defient and not scared at all. "Well if it makes you feel any better...Angel's dad...he left." Lily said simply. It was a rather long story and she would only really tell it if it was asked of her.
  7. Lily let out a small laugh herself, "You clearly haven't met my daughter. She's incredibly nosiy and tends to get her hooves in places they usually don't belong. If I told her I got it from a friend she'd ask a hundred questions about what friend and why and how long ago. You must be lucky if your daughter isn't like that. So um this might be a little bit forward but what about her mom?"
  8. "You're daughter collects daggers? That doesn't seem very safe...or healthy." Lily said surprised, though she was somewhat expecting it out of what she'd seen oiut of Steel already. "Usually I don't get to travel much, and honestly she doesn't even know I'm gone this time. She's staying at a couple of places, I hope to be back before she ever notices I was gone, though the money will be pretty hard to explain away."
  9. Lily stopped and stared at Steel. "Ok I promise won't tell them, though I'm not sure why you don't want anypony else to know. How old is Astrid? My Angel is only 8." She said while starting to walk again, "What do we need from the blacksmith's anyway? we already have armor and weapons."
  10. Lily stared at him for a moment when he mentioned his daughter, about a hundred questions flew through her mind, including if he has a marefriend or not but she decided not to ask that quite yet and tried to hide her disappointment. Being a mom herself though she couldn't really help but ask "Oh you have a daughter? What's her name? My daughter's name is Angel." She said trying to start a conversation. She fell in step beside him and started walking towards the blacksmith's.
  11. Lily walked over to the door with him and stared confused as he walked away. When he came back with a coat she blushed slightly. "You didn't have to do that for me, you know I have a coat back at the house. I just thought armor would be better because of the monster."She noticed it was big enough to put on over her armor and she stared in his eyes for a moment "Thanks though." She threw it on over her armor and stepped outside after putting the rest of her stuff in her saddle bags. "OK where to next?"
  12. Lily walked around the store following Steel. She was conflicted about wanting to be better prepared but also wanted to save her money for when she got back home for her daughter. She decided that since she was paid half in advance and it was more than enough for a while she could go ahead and get some stuff herself. She settled on a fairly decent supply of glowsticks since they were cheap and didn't last long anyway. and some extra food. She figured she was well enough supplied otherwise for right now and she could come back for anything extra she forgot if she really needed to. Besides Steel seemed to have the rest of it covered. She followed Steel up to the counter and paid for her items. ((+glowsticks, +2 days worth of food -400 bits))
  13. Lily stepped through the door that he held open for her. "Thanks, and I gotcha." She said turming towards him and gave him a small wink. She finished stepping through the door and started looking around the store. She wasn't entirely sure what Steel had in mind for supplies and she didn't bring many bits herself so she wandered back over to where he was and started following him.
  14. Lily noticed the smile on Steel's face. She thought it was weird that anypony like him could even start to consider what a smile even was but she decided to let it go for right now. Trying to ignore the cold she looked back over at him. "And what is the old fashioned way you have in mind?" She asked as they started to approach the store, not too soon for her liking as she was starting to get cold already.
  15. "10,000 midnights ago, I heard your voice not your echo."

  16. Lily stared at him for a moment, she'd never seen him smile before and it made her feel...different. In a way she had tried to forget a long time ago. She pushed the thought away and started walking beside him out in the cold, hoping it wouldn't be too far, her armor wouldn't keep her long for very long. "Why are we starting there? Did we forget something?"
  17. "OK just one moment then" Lily ran back upstairs to her room and tried to decide what to take with her. She decided on her armor, just in case as well as the rest of her supplies that she could handle. She thought about her coat but it was bulky and would just slow her down, besides Steel can make fire she thought to herself with a small smile. She ran back down as quick as she could. "I think I'm all ready to go now."
  18. Angel stared at dax for a moment before sitting down looking completely lost. Though her eyes did brighten up a little bit when she messed with her mane. It made him seem more like a real brother to her. "Closer than I think huh? Hmm..."She said while tapping her chin with her hoof deep in thought. "You're good at this." She flopped over on her side for just a moment. Suddenly she rushed over and put a hoof on Dax's cutie mark. "Is it this? it's pretty much the only green thing that I haven't tried yet. What does yours mean anyway?" She as curiously.
  19. Dusk looked around the resteraunt as they were lead to their table. It was still a little too early for there to be many ponies there and there was only one other couple out their on the patio with them. Dusk had only a small thought about that and quickly pushed it out of her mind. This was just breakfast with someone clearly just as distracted as she was she told herself as she sat down and started looking over the menu. "So what sounds good to you?" She asked Cresent while still trying not to directly look at him.
  20. Lily looked back at Steel. She didn't feel like being sliced in half today but the thought of being left alone with the monster still out there was not reassuring at all to her either. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you, I mean what if the monster comes back? Or what if he tries to eat you?" Lily just stared at him as the armor appeared, at this point she wasn't too terribly surprised.
  21. Since we're posting status updates, I'm not dead. Just can't really do anything else with my end until Randi posts something.
  22. (think the proper word there is in tow) "I try to avoid the forest personally, way too many dangerous things live there than I care to run into. As far as I'm concerned I've seen one timberwolf and I've see them all." She said with a small smile. "A map might be a good idea, make it less dangerious in terms of getting lost anyway." She twitched her wings a little bit to move her jacket into a more comfortable position glad he still hadn't asked about it, she could try to explain away her eyes, her wings though were another story entirely. Though she was feeling more comfortable because this stallion at the same eyes she did, she still wasn't entirely sure about the whole wings thing. "I don't mind being bothered too much myself, it tends to not happen very much though. Almost everypony sleeps through the night, they miss out on all the stars though and the new patterns Princess Luna makes every night." She said with a smile.
  23. "Yes it would've been nice if you wouldn't have cut it in half" Lily replied cooly. She still didn't entirely trust Steel and that little incident definitely didn't help. "You're welcome anyway though." She didn't react either way when he stepped a little closer. "I do agree they don't know how to hunt, I just hope that they don't end up running into anything they can't handle, or freezing out there."
  24. Dusk blushed slightly when Cresent put his hoof around her. "I agree, it's much more fun to eat with somepony, how did you end up here in ponyvile anyway? I live here in Ponyville, I just have a small apartment but it works when it's just me. Usually I'm not out for a couple more hours yet actually, but for some reason I just couldn't sleep well and decided to go for a walk earlier than usual." She noticed him staring in her eyes for a couple of moments but she decided not to mention it since it might make it awkward.
  25. "Oh really?" Dusk asked him. "Same here, it's a little earlier than I would like even for breakfast though, I'm usually not up myself for a couple more hours, I'm actually nocturnal myself." She said managing a small smile back to the stallion in front of her. "Pasta isn't really much of a breakfast food but I suppose we don't have many other options this time of day so it works for me." Dusk stepped off to the side a little to let him lead the way.
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