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Everything posted by Raiko

  1. Well put my friend, though I think it's better to have both the good and bad of everything rather than just one or the other. A human's capability to do whatever the hell it wants makes their choice all the more pugnant. Still, it sometimes seems even the most basic lessons or common sense blows right by people, especially with the dawn of the modern era. Less values seem to being around these days. Still, I find it hilarious when people call themselves a part of a fandom and yet contradict what they're a fan of to an extreme degree. I think if Rainbow Dash existed in real life, she would probably be called an arrogant bragger, and Applejack would get made fun of for her roots and accent (while being called ignorant), Twilight would get called a dork, Pinkie Pie would get labelled as annoying and even psycho, Rarity would be called a bitch, and Fluttershy....yeah I'm sure you can imagine how bad that would go. The show puts out the obvious lessons for each episode that they learned and what not, but I think lessons can be learned from subtext, which is what I'm getting at. What about you guys? Do you think if people existed that acted like the characters in the show, would you judge them or befriend them?
  2. Kind of want ACTUAL brawling. You know, fist against face, knees to the stomach, getting hit so hard your senses start to ring. Best feeling in the world. Well now that's just not true. Most of the fights I get in come from sticking up for other people or taking down the assholes. Sure I'll admit, I think I'm fucking amazing. Hell, I AM fucking amazing lol. But hey, that doesn't mean everyone else isn't awesome in their own way. In fact, I find myself quite envious of artists and their ability to create, love fanfic writers and their stories, and muscicians always produce some awesome stuff. Life ain't about trying to be better than others, it's about making yourself the most badass version of yourself that you can be! And if they don't like it? Then they can suck it lol.
  3. Lol I think I'm liking this place already. I plan on sticking around and getting to know you guys. In fact, already made a few new friends in the short time that I've been here. Love you guys lol.
  4. Yeah but you can't use that as an excuse to forgive fucks up, you use it as a way to help come to terms with them. No one's perfect but you don't just let everything slide because of that lol.
  5. What are you planning on playing as in Elder Scrolls Online? Also, has ANYONE else even heard of Star Citizen lol?
  6. And yet it seems everyone forgets them, and as I said earlier it's strange that a fandom of a show based around friendship can be so radically different lol. I'm by no means saying we should all join hands or some load of bull like that (seriously that would make me sick), and by no means everyone should just 'tolerate' everyone else, but I think there's a lot of head butting over slight different personalities or quirks that shouldn't be going on and yet happens constantly lol.
  7. I pretty much only have one criteria. That they can back me up in a fight! After all, what good is having a useless partner that doesn't have your back? So long as she can throw down she's alright in my book. I prefer my women to be strong willed and hard headed like myself, someone who can think on their own, act on their own, and that I can butt heads with. Too bad such women are in short supply during this day and age. Everyone's either too weak or too sensitive or both. So pretty much if they can manage to kick MY ass, then I'm instantly head over heels baby.
  8. I heard that they said Three Dog was gonna make a return.
  9. Yeah, but have you also thought that maybe some things aren't as complicated as we make them out to be and we just let our worries and woes cloud our judgement? You'd be surprised how all the wisdom in the world will still provide you with the simplest of answers.
  10. So I'm waiting for Elder Scrolls Online and Wild Star to come out, and I'm psyched for Star Citizen and HexTCG. What about you guys? What rustles your jimmies?
  11. @ EarthbendingProdigy I think you might have derailed a bit there but I get what you're saying overall. The basic life lessons seem trivial to the adult in the modern day society, but all in all they still are very much true. You basically learn what you need to right from the get go.
  12. I don't think anyone is in it for the morals. I'm just saying there seems to be a lot of people who claim to like the show and characters, and will then turn immediately around and contradict it by acting like an asshole or hating those very same personalities.
  13. Even though they wrap up the obvious lessons in the show, I still think there's something to be gained. I mean, if it weren't for their different personalities and traits half the stuff in the show wouldn't get done. In fact, pretty sure they'd all be dead lol.
  14. Oh I don't excuse her actions at all lol. She was a piece of shit who let her jealousy get the better of her and took that path. What I don't like about the whole situation is that, basically, the show told us it was ok to effectively brainwash our enemeies to be good. I mean think about it, Twilight Sparkle even said "I saw the elements turn her back to good". That's actually kind of messed up. I know the comics paint her to be possessed but the kids watching the show don't know that. You can't just go ZAP! and make someone agree with you and come to your side.
  15. Once upon a time there was a guy named Raiko. He got really, really bored. The end.
  16. Wish granted! MUWHAHAHAHA!....................God I love being me
  17. It's because Luna's a character with much more depth and thus potential than Celestia. I mean, Celestia's just kind of portrayed as the monarch and that's it. With Luna's backstory there's conflict, wrong decisions, redemption, the idea of trying to come back to society, and all in all people just like that more than just a character that we can only assume is just meant to be perfect. And no one likes that (otherwise we'd all have been watching the previous series am I right folks?)
  18. So, I've been all over the fandom in the time that it's been around. I'm talking back in season 1 here. Since then, I find it actually near impossible to get along with people in the fandom due to a number of things. I honestly don't care who someone is and try to let bygones be bygones, but be it a differences in personality (such as my brash and aggressive nature), philosophy, beliefs, or whatever, it seems many fans never took the shows lessons to heart and in fact act as if they would probably hate characters from the show if they met them in real life. We all have lines of how much we'll allow to be sure, but it seems some people have that line drawn right outside their own personalities. So my question to you is, did the fandom actually try to learn anything or has this just been another fandom people place themselves in, no different than Doctor Who or Sherlock or whatever.
  19. Ooo, I was wondering when these kinds of trolls were gonna show up. Gotta love how everyone's threatened by a bit of confidence. The difference between you and me is that I don't try to immediately throw around the insults at first bat, just saying.
  20. Five bucks says no one checks back on this forum anyways lol. Anyways, my Skype's freelancerraiko. See ya then baby!
  21. Myek, if it's such a waste of your time then leave lol. I'm not here for your entertainment.
  22. No. Don't really care to be honest. Though why you feel you're bringing it up here and totally killing the mood is beyond me. Also, trying to make your sentences sound more complex than what they actually are saying is so childish. That's like calling a pizza delivery guy an 'Italian Cuisine Transportation Engineer" or something. Dude. Just cut the crap and say what's your piece straight forward. Or better yet, bring it up somewhere else where it makes sense.
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