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Everything posted by Judgement

  1. Welcome to the forums! There are a ton of nice people here, (no matter what their general personality is). Don't worry about the haters. They can hate all they want, but we aren't going anywhere! They just don't know how to respond to things they don't like. MLP isn't the ONLY fad on the internet! >,<
  2. Twilight Sparkle is the most Foolish pony. (This is directed at the beginning of the show when she hates the other mane 5 in ponyville) Pinkie Pie is the most Immature pony. (You simply can't deny that) Fluttershy is the most Vengeful pony. (When someone messes with her friends) Applejack is the most Responsible pony. (She tried to pick apples without anypony's help) Rainbow Dash is the most Relaxed pony. (She doesn't care what goes on around her much) Rarity is the most Greedy pony. (Obviously)
  3. Really? Hmm, I guess there ARE many options other than Youtube. Thanks! I remember there was this one website that allowed you to watch MLP episodes but Hasbro got it taken down for copyright issues.
  4. I hope derpy isn't just one of those "throw in to make a weekly episode" characters. You know, the ones that they just toss in when creativity is getting low with the series. The funny thing is that when derpy makes a cameo, she usually has a Clone a few feet away from her. I think Hasbro/The team is being a little politically correct, as the MLP:FIM wiki says that they altered "The last roundup" so that Rainbow Dash never calls her "Derpy" and Derpy has less-cross-eyed eyes, along with a different voice. The merchandise even calls her "Muffins". Maybe someone complained that they had a pony like that in the show? Unfortunately, that is the derpy I'm used to. I don't get TV serice and the only way I can watch MLP is through the internet (Netflix) (I hope that Season 4 gets put on Netflix when it is over, I've only watched the first 2 episodes of it because of this nice guy on youtube).
  5. Oops! XD. (Come on think of an excuse!!! ) Um, to me, everyone looks like a business man! Nice "Pinkie talking to the poet" then! Sorry , still, If my teachers weren't so strict I'm sure most bronies at my school would doodle ponies on their work, though unfortunately they have this dumb rule where you get in trouble if you do something that isn't school related. No talking, No socializing, and No drawing (not even after exams when you finish the test in an hour then you just sit there for the rest of the day. -_-) They sure do want people to hate their lives I guess.
  6. (Busy trying to catch up on MLP)

    1. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      Same, luckily, only two more to go.

    2. Judgement


      If only I didn't have to do 80 Vocab cards. Sigh. I wish that I could stop time and get everything done. ;)

  7. My head hurts! Must Never Sleeeeep!!!...

  8. Now that you mention it... Yeah. That is a bit interesting. I never really noticed. You may be onto something.
  9. I'm a goth but I'm not full blown "cut-your-self-for-your-own-enjoyment!" lol. I may get quite a bit of hate from people for saying this: But I hate the sunlight, I love when it rains and when dark clouds absorb the entire sky, I like dark environments, I am pretty Negative when it comes to situations and events. I look at the glass as half-empty and I always take things too seriously. I have a poor sense of humor. I am antisocial, and to top it all off, I think about my life, like all the time. Now you might be thinking: "What the heck are you doing watching MLP: FIM!?!" but that is just the thing. Maybe if I got into a show about Friendship and Harmony then maybe it would help me be a friendlier person. My Ex-best friend was "EMO" as well and he used MLP as a life support. It would always bring him to school in a good mood. Though, my friend, HE REALLY DID cut himself. He was abused and I think that is what made him so dark. I myself was pretty positive until I got into middle school. Then everybody was just so mean (I'm in highschool now and they STILL ARE!), but that is a huge reason why I joined MLP forums, to have someone to talk to. I do prefer to be alone, but I DO have 1 or 2 close friends that I both can't talk to right now because they are busy -_-. I hope you guys can understand where I'm coming from, and please, don't judge! And about death, I really can't say much about that. I don't like death. I hate it. I am although constantly paranoid that it is right around the corner! I'm just fine though . Yup.... Not mental at all! (Insert Pinkie pie with a chainsaw here). I may also want to say that I got my Ex-best friend some serious help and I told the school that I went to that he was abused and they sent him to live with his mom. My true friend showed me one of his recent pictures and he isn't that gothic anymore, he is just a regular person, and he was even smiling in his picture! I should get in touch with him, and see if he is still a brony. My ex-best friend WAS an outgoing goth, which is kind of weird because he was more outgoing than a regular person even. That must have been the work of MLP. P.S. I too am against piercings. Why someone would want to ruin their skin like that is beyond me, but maybe piercings are their source for happiness. The reason I am so dark is because people (like my older sister) have made it their life goal to ruin my life goal. There. My 1800 character essay is finally over. Give me an A+ or else! I am not a smoker, and I DON'T cut myself, so I technically, by some of your standards, can't be classified as a Goth, Emo, or punk. I'm just an average Oddball then? Oh well.
  10. I see what you mean, as the anti-bronies act like MLP is the ONLY "out-of-control" fanbase out there. They say "If you know something/someone, there's a pony of it", but that goes for many other franchises too. Pokémon is another great example! I can't tell you how many times I have typed in the most generic searches ever and I get something that is related to pokemon. Then they say that MLP is the ONLY thing that is all over the internet?! Give me a break! Everything is all over the internet, as the internet is made out of 50% Human imagination and 50% trolls.
  11. These are hilarious! Love them! Especially the one with pinkie pie saying "Hi!" to the business man. If I could see the look on your teacher's face when you turn in your homework to him/her, I wouldn't be able to breathe!
  12. Welcome to mlp forums! The people here are nice, even if they do have dark auras. Let's all be friends. Many new bronies sign up everyday so there will always be new people to talk to!
  13. One thing is for sure: Anti-bronies are the most stubborn creatures in the world. I doubt we could ever change their minds about the show. The only person that has the ability to adapt to a new liking is you (yourself). After 3 years of being annoyed by my brony friends at school, I finally cracked. I know people that could manage to hate something their entire life and never give in. It all starts with just one (preferably Season 1 or 2 IMO) episode and that could be enough to make them like it. Forcing the show on them, however will just make them hate on bronies more. This is why I DON'T use facebook/Twitter/Instagram/ bother fighting with people on youtube. Maybe if every brony could just express their love for the show on sites like this, then there wouldn't be issues. It is sad to stoop that low but if that is what has to happen, then we will (possibly) get the peace and harmony feeling that MLP gave to us. Then one day they will be like "Hmm, who were those people we hated on so much for no apparent reason but just for our own sick amusement?" They can forget about us and we can forget about them. Isolation isn't the best way to find peace but at least it will stop the fighting.
  14. I still may be obsessed with fake magic from playing persona games, but I like to think of the anti-bronies as the "Fool" arcana and then bronies as the "Judgement" arcana, lol that's why I made it my username. But on a serious note, the anti-bronies, in the middle of their hatred of MLP: FIM they will eventually find a faint liking for the show. Even if it is just a small liking of the show, hating something so much will eventually create that "Frein-emy" bond where you hate something but at the same time you love it. Trust me, it always happens. That is why we should give it a few years, you know, let the anti-bronies mature a little and let others enjoy something that they don't. They don't realize that not even 10% of the bronies are "cloppers", but yet they try to group us ALL into that category. It is like how people hate homosexuals even though homosexuals have done NOTHING AT ALL TO THEM. It's ignorance at its finest.
  15. Hello! Welcome to MLP forums! I haven't posted much besides a brony-backstory but this will be just the site to make new friends. See ya around!
  16. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!
  17. Hi. I have just recently became a brony. Two days ago to be exact. The funny thing is, I was a typical person that frowned apon the idea of bronies, but after babysitting my younger sister and her always saying "Let's watch my little pony!", I would just roll my eyes and start to plug in my ear buds and play video games. My Ex-best friend though, is probably the one that got me the most interested in the show. He would always annoy me with it by talking about it non-stop at my middle school last year. I thought he was the ONLY brony at my school, but after he moved away, oh how I saw how much I was wrong. Nearly HALF of my 8th grade class were bronies (Even some of the kids that were BULLIES). They were playing with a fluttershy toy that I assume they got from a happy meal at mcdonalds. Before long, my true best friend said "Hey..... Um... I tried watching the show and... I'm not really that into it." I was shocked by the fact that he tried watching the show. For the past 3 years I have tried to avoid MLP: FIM, but after it constantly being waved in my face, I had no choice but to try and watch the show. That was Friday when I first started watching it alone in my room on Netflix. I skipped past the intro because I personally find it quite annoying. Before long I watched the first 3 episodes and I was just like "meh." and then I stopped watching and I tried to go to sleep. There's just something about the show that is hypnotizing though. I got back up and watched up until halfway through episode 7 and that was when I was just too tired to watch anymore. As much as I like the idea of friendship and harmony, the things that intrigue me about the show the most are the character design (Giant eyes 0.0) and the personalities of the ponies. So that pretty much describes how I became a brony. I must say that I am critical about it but I still love it because it genuinely is a good show, whether it was meant for girls or not. I don't plan on telling my family that I'm a brony whether it is the right thing to do or not, because I KNOW FOR A FACT that they will just laugh and make fun of me. Quite sad actually. Lastly, I'm not an EXTREME brony, like, I'd never go out and wear a sweater that has ponies on it, like this one brony at my school. And I'd never dye my hair to look like Rainbow Dash's mane, nomatter how much I like her. And to wrap this up, my three favorite out of the mane 6, even though I like them all, are Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash.
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