I'm a goth but I'm not full blown "cut-your-self-for-your-own-enjoyment!" lol. I may get quite a bit of hate from people for saying this: But I hate the sunlight, I love when it rains and when dark clouds absorb the entire sky, I like dark environments, I am pretty Negative when it comes to situations and events. I look at the glass as half-empty and I always take things too seriously. I have a poor sense of humor. I am antisocial, and to top it all off, I think about my life, like all the time. Now you might be thinking: "What the heck are you doing watching MLP: FIM!?!" but that is just the thing. Maybe if I got into a show about Friendship and Harmony then maybe it would help me be a friendlier person. My Ex-best friend was "EMO" as well and he used MLP as a life support. It would always bring him to school in a good mood. Though, my friend, HE REALLY DID cut himself. He was abused and I think that is what made him so dark. I myself was pretty positive until I got into middle school. Then everybody was just so mean (I'm in highschool now and they STILL ARE!), but that is a huge reason why I joined MLP forums, to have someone to talk to. I do prefer to be alone, but I DO have 1 or 2 close friends that I both can't talk to right now because they are busy -_-. I hope you guys can understand where I'm coming from, and please, don't judge! And about death, I really can't say much about that. I don't like death. I hate it. I am although constantly paranoid that it is right around the corner! I'm just fine though . Yup.... Not mental at all! (Insert Pinkie pie with a chainsaw here).
I may also want to say that I got my Ex-best friend some serious help and I told the school that I went to that he was abused and they sent him to live with his mom. My true friend showed me one of his recent pictures and he isn't that gothic anymore, he is just a regular person, and he was even smiling in his picture! I should get in touch with him, and see if he is still a brony.
My ex-best friend WAS an outgoing goth, which is kind of weird because he was more outgoing than a regular person even. That must have been the work of MLP.
P.S. I too am against piercings. Why someone would want to ruin their skin like that is beyond me, but maybe piercings are their source for happiness. The reason I am so dark is because people (like my older sister) have made it their life goal to ruin my life goal. There. My 1800 character essay is finally over. Give me an A+ or else! I am not a smoker, and I DON'T cut myself, so I technically, by some of your standards, can't be classified as a Goth, Emo, or punk. I'm just an average Oddball then? Oh well.