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Status Updates posted by Retired

  1. *coughs* feeling kinda sick v.v

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Nooo! Quick, soup, blanket, and positive atmosphere on the double!

  2. *dusts off mic* Uhm... is this on? Quite. I had lost interest in the show but I'm back now. Kind of. I hope everyone's doing great. :>

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Welcome! Hope the place is still mostly how you left it. ^-^

    2. Retired


      Kinda lurking around... So far so good! ^.^ Thank you!

  3. The latest MLP episodes brought me back. I hope everypony is having a great day. ^^

  4. I'm SO in love with the new episodes. My favorites so far. <3

  5. Added a selfie to my profile. :3 I hope everyone is having a wonderful night!

  6. ...hello? Is this mic on? Ahem. I have returned from my long hiatus. Anything new?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      ooh that sounds like lot of work :o *hug* =)<3

    3. Retired


      Yeah, but I'm sure I can do it. 8D -hugs back- :3

    4. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I'm sure too =)=)=)=) (=(=(=(=

  7. -just checking my messages-

  8. Watched EQG (both movies) and I liked them! They had some moments that made me go "wtfudge" but it was an enjoyable movie. :]

  9. After a long hiatus I'm back. Sorta. Watching the season finale helped me regain my love for all things pony. <3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sir Hugsalot
    3. Retired


      -huggles- <33 I have good news, though! I'll be finishing this trimester soon, so that means more online time! :D

    4. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      *huggles* :3


      Yayyy :D

  10. just dropping in quickly to say that Testing, Testing, 1 2 3 is one of my favorite episodes. ^w^

  11. I dunno if it is just me, but I find myself much more i terested in fan works and the characters of MLP than in the show itself. [i still adore the show!] I find that you can do almost anything with these characters. They make our imaginations run wild! o.o ♡

  12. eeeee i finally bought my build-a-bear Fluttershy ♡ i wanna work there as well!!!

    1. Virgil


      Congratulations! :)


    1. Obsidian Sky

      Obsidian Sky

      I for one hope that was the last episode in which Rares falls in love with a dork and they don't do it again in S5...

    2. Pinkamena-Pills


      I just want AppleJewel back.

    3. Retired


      I know! She is such an interesting and unique character that in my opinion should have high standards for colts like she has for herself. Although I appreciate that she is a flawed character like all of the mane six, falling in love blindly and quickly being one of her flaws, I do not appreciate her practically humiliating herself for the sake of a colt. Other times she knew when to cross the line when the colt was a jerk and didn't want to return her attentions. Ugh. I'm so mad....

  14. I AM SO MAD AT THE EPISODE FILLI VANILLI. I COULD WRITE 1908232 RANTS ABOUT IT. WHAT THE HAY HAPPENED TO PINKIE PIE she's one of my favorites lately DON'T DO THAT TO HER uggggghhhh season 4 has been so weird

  15. I want to be more active here. aaaa ;w; stoopid responsibilities

    1. SCS


      Dang responsibilities D:


      Your avatar is adorable btw :3

    2. Retired


      Yiss. D:<


      Aww, thank youu >w< <3

  16. Really getting into SFM ponies and animation. -is learning how to use SFM- Expect some SFM pony movies in the future from me! :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Retired


      Lolz x3 You're welcome! -is excited-


    3. Danfo98


      Alright. Goodnight! (I'm off to bed)

    4. Virgil


      Goodnight, and good luck with SFM animation :).

  17. i really love how mom is being supportive of my love for MLP ;w; she has bought me two plushies (third one coming soon), a necklace, and a few more stuff. -is happy- she has never been like this completely, so im happy.

    1. (MARVEL) Blue Blood

      (MARVEL) Blue Blood

      If only my family was like that. :(

  18. I... I think I ship Fluttercord. Is that a bad thing?

    1. SCS


      No, it's not a bad thing :)

    2. Retired


      -wipes forehead- XD Phew! I just have a soft spot for opposites in any type of relationship. A good example is that my Sonic the Hedgehog OTP is ShadAmy. And Fluttercord has this "B'AWWWW" factor to it. And they are perfect for fan fictions. :D See where I'm going? However, I prefer a slow, friendship to romance kind of thing. I'm rambling now. ;w;

  19. Quickly logging in to let everyone know that I won't be on much [less than I am on here xD] because my computer had to be taken to be repaired. i will be able to log in from my phone and from my university. so please excuse my slowness. also, I updated my art thread ago, if anyone noticed. .-.

    1. Retired


      a while ago*

    2. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Awww :( I miss conversations on skype with You (even if there were very few of them)

  20. Finished an OC and bought a TY Fluttershy plushie. Good day. <3

  21. Going to Puerto Rico Comic Con made me realize that there are a LOT more bronies in Puerto Rico than I thought. Next year, I'll cosplay as Fluttershy. :D [busy, studying for an exam.]

    1. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Awww, I need to go there next year then! :D

  22. Finally made two OCs that I'm happy with, with a cute story and personalities ;w; -jumps up and down-

    1. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Are You busy? :3 And congratulations.

    2. Retired


      Yup, I'm at my university's computer lab doing homework. I posted that from my cellphone in class while doodling. XD I couldn't contain my excitement!

  23. After watching Luna Eclipsed, Luna is best alicorn princess. And, after watching Sisterhooves Social, Rarity and Sweetie Belle are my favorite siblings. x3

    1. Virgil


      Luna Eclipsed probably has one of my top five lines from the series, "Thy backside remains ungobbled thou ungrateful welp!" I have an odd sense of humor.

    2. Retired


      xD Yeah!!


  24. I drew my version of the CMC all grown up. x3 I have to digitalize them and upload them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Retired


      Yup! In my art thread. :] The link to it is in my profile.

    3. Zenit


      ill check it out

    4. Retired


      Yay, thanks! :D

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