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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Kyobona

  1. That makes our drawing skills exact oppisties!
  2. I had no idea you could draw!
  3. Oh, thank you! I'm really new to this place, so I don't know everything... Where do I post everything so that I get more experienced players? I have seen some of the RP's and it's just once setence post forever and ever, and then it's to fast moving and I cannot keep up :/
  4. Guidelines & Information Please read the following and become accustom and familiarize yourself with what we are expecting you to do or be like while role playing. Do not God Mode - God Mod is a term that allows you to do anything and everything you want with absolutely no restrictions. You can hit people in your post, go back in time, travel through time to another dimension and so much more that we will absolutely not allow. Do not Powerplay/Character Control - Powerplay is a term, just another way of saying Character Control, it is the process of controlling the other persons character. NPC is different and I control them (Kyobona), but minor control is not an issue. Do not Manipulate Time - Manipulating Time is the process of forcing someone to to have to go back in time. This can be done by attacking in the middle of their attack process, saying a few post later that you countered their attack. It comes in many variations, but if you want more information it is best to just ask us. Do not Metagame/Auto Knowldge - Metagaming and Auto Knowledge is a term used when you take outside knowledge and play it off as something your character knows. Your character does not know information he has not heard or seen with his or her own eyes. So not Spam - If your making post that don't contribute to the topic at hand, do not post. Do not post one-liners or short sentences - Be descriptive with your posts and try to write down as much as you can. We expect at least 1-2 paragraphs from you with enough content for your role play partner to use. You're character can only be in one area at any time - However, that being said, you can also role play in another topic that leads to the present time as a flashback. In total, you can role play in two topics at the same time. Do not Flame - We really do not want arguing at all. Any form of arguing should be in private message. Please understand these and follow them. Things like the no one liners is important. Even saying yes can be made into a two liner and is a rarity. We would like to start seeing people using quality post, not perfect, but this is a step to start. Please understand this role play is story based and yo should so use shonen law/science. Not real life science all the time. We are not scientist, we are also not experts and as such not all the staff will care to know as this is not science class. Use basic logic and the logic of the universe. In reality for one, lightning is 6 times hotter then the suns surface and does not burn things with its heat because of the short span. Chidori or V1-2 lightning armor is constant, especially Kirin, a natural lighting bold that seemed to be in the shape of a dragon and last longer then normal bolts. So pure logic and science does not always work. And you have the author and his work, but we should try not to be full on scientist. That is the main point here. My point being that science is good, but do not try to bring complete real life science into a realm that it clearly does not follow it. But use science, just not theoretical Dimensional jumping and Quantum theory science please. Or minimize it. Grammar Here we would like to work with people to get their grammar skills up. Mine are not perfect, but look at what I used to be like. At most we will encourage you to try better. However it is not going to force you to have perfect grammar. PG-13 Remember that this is not an adult dating line and you should not be doing anything under PG-13. If you want to, priavte message someone, please! If there is anything bad going on, let us know. I also highly encourage to contact the Mods also. Nit-Picking I do not want people who are going around and nit-picking on people, complaining about this and that. If you have an issue, by all means let us know. But try not to complain about everything someone does. We are more then happy to try and help. ========================== I would like to add on the Science thing, I am not saying science is bad. I am saying you can not be completely literal when in a shonen world. Otherwise, things like making lightning last some time in the air, it would have effects being 6x hotter then the suns surface. So please use science, but also try not to be too complex to try and out smart people, you should be here for the story, not the power. There should be no real reason you have to dig down deep onto a quantum level of physics to make a power. If you are going that deep, it tells me you are either trying to explain how it works or you wish to out smart someone. Don't do it for the last, but rather the first.
  5. - The Village Hidden In The Horizon - "Rise in with the morning sun from beneath the mountain's shade." The Village of Horizon lies at the base of the Shoten Mountain Range, catching the full rays of sunrise and sunset and the cool breeze of the peaks above creating long, pleasant days and short chilly nights. The terrain in the land of mountains is treacherous, providing excellent geographical defense and an isolated location from the rest of the land, leading to increased levels of social bonds within the village. The shinobi of Horizon typically share a love for history, adapting several concepts from their differing pasts to form a unique sociable atmosphere. As such, there are a variety of styles associated with the village, the common ground being how far back the creation of their jutsu dates.Horizon prides itself on diversity, never committing to one style and excelling in applying different techniques as the situation dictates. Always seeking to surpass their ancestors, ninja of Horizon train constantly, reflecting on stories and lore of the past to better their minds. The elders of the village are always willing to provide the young with stories of old, staying familiar with the villagers rather than segregating themselves. Situated at the foot of a precipice, the village enjoys the illusion of invisibility, disappearing in the darkness, and hiding in front of the sun. - Land of Mountains - Long ago, there were many villages in the large territory that is now know as Horizon. Embroiled in bitter conflict for years, the kages of the different villages grew tired of the endless cycle of conflict. Coming together, they laid the foundation of unification, closing the gaps that separated one another. The strongest shinobi survived these cruel wars, obtaining a unique respect for one another through different deeds and accomplishments. This continued respect passed through generations and names once thought of as enemies became heroes and legends, bringing each generation closer together with bonds as strong as family. The shinobi of Chiheisen were the product of unification. It wasn't just clans coming together, smaller countries joined forces to ensure peace to their new home, forming a single, powerful village. Priding itself on diversity, Horizon spent years exchanging ideas and openly encouraging opinions to be voiced to ensure the village thrives. (Code of conduct) Single sentence posts are prone to being ignored Battle thread spars are considered alternate scene (you can still rp) Missions in mission threads are considered alternate scenes (you can still rp) Alternate Scenes are non-canon until complete. Be courteous to your rpers, avoid locking their character. In a situation where you become rp locked (unable to post after two days) Move on. Missions will give points, points are recorded (Accomplishment Points essentially.) Self Training and in character battles will also award AP (Considered E or D) Arguments are to be taken to inbox, be courteous to your fellow rpers, as much as you'd like to showcase your side, it is calling for attention. Despite what you may think, we don't want to see your clever quibs or blatant insults. Respectful OOC behavior (Your character may be pompous, but you should not be.) You can pm any of the active members or myself if you have questions. The OP will be updated as time passes, please keep an eye out. Note: If you have a plot related mission idea, message Kyobona
  6. Okai, so I'm just about finishing my long worked Naruto RP... This RP will not have any Ponies, or if there are they wont be MLP based, so sorry I just kinda find it weird to see ponies doing jutsu's. Here is the set up. Introduction Because things are needing to be cleaned up, this will be redone. Please when making a character, when you post it, you are done. I don't really want to see editing new powers in. If there is a reason you can not add a power in, then let me know in advance. The Elements You will and have to have only the basic five elements. Fire Earth Wind Water Lightning Not all in that order either. This picture will also help. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/255/7/2/5_elements___by_harryneo-d2ykj9m.jpg Things like Ice release and Wood are done through Kekkei Genkai. You can use steam via combinations. Such as fire a ball or wall of fire then using water on it. You can not however mix the elements to make steam release. Battle Slots A battle slot is the term for things like your elements. You can have a total of 3. An element, support and things of this nature will take a slot up. Pick carefully. Slots are based on ranks. Battle Slot Visual explanation Kage & Jounin Chunin Genin The same works via slots. Three Open Slots Two Open Slots One Open Slot Genin - 1 Slot Chunin - 2 Slots Jounin & up - 3 Slots Template Name: Age: Rank: (From the system you have now and what you are.) Class: (Shinobi, Civilian, Samurai, etc) Type: (If Medic, Tracker, all based on supports and skill. Puppeteer, etc.) Abilities: (Add here the information you are. Highly skilled in Taijutsu. Adept with throwing knifes etc.) Strengths: (Obvious) Weaknesses: Personality: (Who you are and how he/she is.) Back Story: (How he/she is the way they are. Does not have to be long just something to help understand their past. If is a secret then say it.) Clan: (In the approval thread and once it is then post here in this area.) Special Clan Traits: (ONLY for those with NO Magic powers. Like Shark features, smart brain, dog like, etc.) Kekkei Genkai: (Your blood-line, only if you have magic powers. Do not do this and Traits, on or the other.) Known relatives: (Not has needed.) Tools: What you have like Kunai and how much. this is how much you normally carry, do not say stuff like, 1,000 staffs. Because you would need scrolls for that.) Battle Slot: (Element or support type stuff. Ninjutsu or elements are not needed, Genjutsu or Taijutsu only is also loved here.) Appearance: (Picture or descriptions) Village: Classes Shinobi This is the class I should be seeing. This is the type of person in a village normally held and lead by the Kage of the village. You relies solely on chakra to manifest in speed and range and stealth attacks. Using a ninja art of fighting called Taijutsu. You also can use Genjutsu or Ninjutsu, the manifestation of chakra in physical form. Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/078/9/4/rikimaru__tenchu__by_taylorweaved-d5yk7oh.jpg Samurai This is also for later on. But far on the other side of the earth lies the great empire and the rivals to the ninja. Currently only holding base in one area of a country for unknown reasons. These fighters wear heavily powerful armor to take blows while utilizing chakra with their attacks. They can use powerful attacks, but in no way like a shinobi. Their attacks are so different that wars would last years. Almost every Samurai will be an expert in Kenjutsu, the use of swords. However Bukijutsu is also a heavy focus. Using weapons and their strength to break through enemy, widely known for slicing enemies up, and at speed to counter even a shinobi's speed. http://th04.deviantart.net/fs19/PRE/f/2007/293/3/c/Naginata_by_kerembeyit.jpg Character Template All new characters must follow the character profile template or they will automatically be declined. Do not miss any of the slots either. Only ones example are the obvious ones. If you do not know or need help, request it from the Staff. Everyone gets the normal summon naturally. Upon advancement, you must role play it. Support: This is Sensor, Tracker and Medic. To have one is to give up a element. NOTE that Ranks will not be like before it does not leave you in Genin for 3 month. Genin can have a Support, but you will be in lose of a slot like with a chakra nature/element. Tracker (Like hunters tracking animals and other aspect.) Inner Gates (Uses the Inner Gates to increase power, strength of their Taijutsu abilities.) Sensor (This is what Karin is. People who can sense the presence or see the chakra a bit.) Medic (Not to be used in battle to heal a giant hole in your chest, there are no Ichigo's here.) Fuinjutsu (Barrier/seal) (Takes up two slots. If you have one and it takes up too contact me immediately so we can talk.) Space-Time Ninjutsu (Highly Restrictive for obvious reasons. ) Summoner (This is what you get to use more then the required summon amount. But I do not want to see you popping out mad nin, tai and gen skills, as this is someone who relies on summons.) Puppeteer (Someone who relies on using puppets instead.) Who gets a Summon? Genin 1 small (Like basic Dog/Cat size.) Chunin 2-3 small 1 medium. (Like human height or so.) Jounin 5-6 small 2-3 medium 1 Large (Sage Size) Name: Size: Element: (Basic) Special: (If no element, this is unique to them only. This is for animal based ones. Frogs have Oil, Slugs Acid. Normal real life animals and specials unique to that only. Nothing crazy. Elements and this are a no go.) Contact History: (How you got them) Appearance:
  7. Just finishing up the RP

  8. Asthma attacks hurt.

    1. Page.Turner


      You're preaching to the choir, brother!

    2. Kyobona


      Eeyup. I had one a few hours ago :(

  10. Do not give up. I hope I will assist you on this battle. *Stands up, as wind blows my mane* I will stand for you! You are my pony friend, do not give up, do not stop fighting, I will fight the fight with you. *brohoof*

  11. Who is Essy? I am confused... I am so confused, also Kyoshi is a OC right?
  12. Okay... Let's just pretend that this says 'How are you feeling' something I can actually answer, which my answer is 'depressed' very, very fucking depressed.

  13. Well, let's just pretend that this say's 'How are you feeling

  14. ((Oh, can I come with you guys? Like can you pretend my character had been following you guys this whole time, but was to shy to come out and say hi? Actually, that sounds like a pretty good idea, I'ma try that if y'all don't mind... Tis danged limit is kinda annoying As I said, ignored
  15. ((Maybe I'll just wait for someone to be back at the camp... I do not think I can handle failing to try to RP at all... I am kinda done talking and this filler needs some filling so I'll eat your liver with some guava beans or how ever it goes, doesn't really matter.
  16. ((I have links for all three post... Let me find them. http://mlpforums.com/topic/79586-mlp-camp-half-blood/page-125 I was told by Dashian that they were at the pavilion so I did my best to post as fast as I could. http://mlpforums.com/topic/79586-mlp-camp-half-blood/page-121 here I try to RP with Epic but she just kills the character And, for some reason I can't find the first attempt, the only one that you remember.
  17. How to become a moderator... I was curious how, I really want to be one :(

  18. ((The annoying thing is I made a 800 character post, coming to the pavilion and saying hello so I could RP and I was completely ignored. They were still at the pavilion when I posted but as I said I was completely freaking ignored and it's super frustrating it being my third attempt to RP but I miss the chance just barely.
  19. ((Argh, why do I even try to post when everyone just ignores and runs off? I can understand what epic was talking about, it's like you guys got ADHD and can never keep calm... Well, I have nothing else to say so I'll fill my fillling fill with a fill of filling fill of beans and a filler.
  20. ((Wait, so who's at the pavilion? This is all I have stupid filling filler trying to fill my filling plate is so filling annoying I want to scream I hate this filling fill I want to stab you all this filling is so stupid lemme stab you ll filling the fill is way easier than filling the filler.
  21. Ball sacks, ball sacks are on my mind :D

  22. ((Again, I have to ask... 'Am I missing something?' because I thought you guys were at the pavilion but it seems you're not... Sorry, if I am missing something please do tell me if I am. I really have nothing left to say... This 200 limit as I have said before is really freaking annoying, argh!
  23. ((Oh, goody goo... That would be great so much RP, so much fun... Okai, I'll meet all you guys there. fill the filler up by filling this thing omg this is super fucking annoying can someone change the 200 limit? It's fucking so inconvenient I seriously hate it gosh, ARGH! He trotted from the shower his body still damp after trying to shake the water off, scanning the area. He remembered that some other campers had came here and wanted to meet them. His scan revealed that none of them where out. He continued his trot, turning his head to places he thought they could be at. He heard of a camper who was taken to the hospital... He wondered if he should go there... He felt bad for the pony but he really didn't know her either... He decided to continue his trot, when he saw something at the palivion. He grinned and galloped quickly to the area. His speed was lighting fast, like his speed of baking pies for his family. He reached the pavilion in a matter on 15 seconds and dust appeared after he came. "Hi!' He said happily.
  24. ((Ya, that'd work out. So Dashian you don't have to make a OC unless you want to... I am going to figure out what to do, and I know this might seem a little lazy but reuse some of my old post, because I did like it... I feel that my filling on my plate doesn't fill my filler enough so meh.
  25. ((That'd be great, but you don't have to... I don't want to be a problem, ya know... I'm not sure if I have to fill the filler, I think I do btw... My filling filler is very weird, like filling a filler is very filling for your stomach filling your filler.. Turns out I have 186 things not enough filler in my fill
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