Hello, everypony! So this is my new attempt at a non-pony based RP (Last Naruto one failed, still no post )
Here's a bit of info, of how you build your character.
OK so here is the deal, these are the rules and template for your characters. Of course you know there is no GM, TM, Auto-Hit, Auto-Kill, Immortality (As in there is no way to kill you at all, you have to be kill able, I'm not saying you can't be clever but be reasonable) Anyhow you know what you should and shouldn't do on that end.
You are allowed to have three powers, a main power a secondary power and a minor power. We may have to discuss what goes into which category but, it would go something like this.
Main power: Most powerful power
Secondary power: Strong but not as strong as the main power
Minor Power: Useful power but not every strong when compared to the other two
Main Power: Gravity
Secondary Power: Summoning
Minor Power: Charm Spells
(These are just an example)
The Template will be as follows.
Class: (Thau or Con)
Personality: (Optional)
Back Story: (Optional)
Normal Appearance: (Pictures are preferred but disruptions are welcome This is how you will look during the day while everything is normal)
Form 1 Appearance: (Pictures are preferred but disruptions are welcome, this is you Thaumaturge or Conjurer form, this is the form you take at night Ravenwood has bee swallowed by the Veil and the magic of your blood stone or tear gem has been activated)
Form 2 Appearance: (Pictures are preferred but disruptions are welcome this is your white or black mage form, these forms can only be taken once you have entered the dark or holy realms which are filled with much more magic that allows you to take these forms, you are 10 times stronger in this form than you are in your first)
Wepaon (s):
Ok This is the town of Ravenwood, I've often thought about how we shall work night and day and I figured 10 pages was too long, but 5 pages wasn't enough so let's say every 8 pages the time of day changes, we'll start off in the day time
So This is what the RP is about a long time ago there were two friends that fell in love, their names were Eden and Enma. However Eden and Enma were not like other people they had very special magical powers that allowed them to change the way the world worked around them. Eden being good of heart used her powers to help people and make their lives better, Enma did the same for a while, but in his own way, he would fight to end wars and needless bloodshed. However after Eden and Enma were married, enma started to change, Eden did not notice this at first, simply because she was blinded by love and did not want to see it, but Enma believed the only way the world could be at peace was to control it, so he used his power to become a tyrant and crushed anyone that stood in his way, rather they were weak or strong if they were not with him they were against him. Eden had finally and begged Enma to Stop, but he would listen so she had no choice but to fight him.
The Battle Destroyed the original Ravenheart Kingdom and created giant crater that was surrounded by mountains. They were evenly matched in the battle with no end in site when Eden in a last effort to stop the madness used a spell to seal them both. Enma Turned to stone and with hate and evil in his heart, cried tears of blood and now bleeds for eternity, somewhere in the darkness between this world and the next but still influencing the influencing the world through darkness with his evil. Eden stricken with grief over the loss of her love turned to crystal and now cries for eternity somewhere in the light between this world and the next.
Years later a black forest grew in the crater between the mountains and the town known as Ravenwood was founded where the castle town of Ravenheart used to stand, but even to this day very strange and mystical things happen in Ravenwood as the struggle between good and evil continues.
K so here is the deal Ravenwood is the center of all this magical in the world, it is also a place caught between the dark and holy realm. It has been cursed by the power of Enma, but also protected by the power of Eden. Since neither can actually enter this world they had their own personal armies to carry out their wills.
There are two groups in Revenwood known as the Thau and the Con. The Thau serve Enma, they are a secret society of Thaumaturges who were given powers by Enma who infused them with stones made from his blood, better known at blood stones, they use the power of darkness to spread evil throughout Ravenwood to influence the world. Their ultimate goal is to have complete and total control over the world and cover it in darkness. The Con are a secret group of Conjuruers who were given their powers by Eden who infused them with gems made from her tears better known as tear gems, they use the power of light, their ultimate goal is end Enma's curse, bring peace to Ravenwood and thus the world.
So I know what you all muse be thinking, how will the RP be all that interesting if everything is going down in this one town, well to answer that question the RP will not just be in the town it will be in surrounding miles of forest and mountains as well at the dark and holy reams and the veil which I will explain shorty.
The Dark forest is a place so evil that sun won't even sun on it, its filled with monsters that don't know the meaning of friend or foe that could kill anyone at any time, these monsters vary in ability and strength but they all can't stand the light and cannot survive in sunlight, moonlight they can handle but never the sun.
The Misty Mountains are a mysterious place, while creatures do reside here, they are not evil monsters, but they rarely take sides and do not discriminate in who they attack just like the monsters do.
The Veil is the border between the Dark and Holy Realm, it covers Ravenwoon every night, however no one so far has been able to locate the doorway to either the dark or holy realms.
The Dark Realm is well a realm or darkness and evil, this is where Enma's Statue is and where he has been for eternity. However no one knows exactly where int eh Dark Realm he is. He speaks to his follows through their minds just as Eden does.
The Holy Realm is a realm of light and good, this is where the crystal of Eden is, where she has been for eternity. However no one knows exactly where she is within the Holy Realm.
OK so this is how things work, during the day everything is normal, even the forest, it's just dark as well because of how thick it is, but at night everything changes the town is covered by the veil and freak stuff starts to go on, only at night is when the Con or the Thau can use their magic. The reason no one every realizes just how creepy this town is is because unless you have magic, anything that happens at night in the veil is forgotten by all others, I mean some people may retain memories in their dreams since the dream world is connected to magic, but people usually just brush them off as just dreams. If someone dies in the veil they disappear from existence, anyone who does not have magic forgets them completely and any proof of their existence completely vanishes from the world, pictures and all.