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About nonexistant

  • Birthday 2014-01-01

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Equestrian Empire Roleplay

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  1. Merry Birthiversary! 

  2. Where did you see the wind rises, I've been unable to find a way to see it! QnQ

    1. nonexistant


      That's a shame :( I just went to a century theatre, but it's been out for a while, so it might not be playing there anymore... it might show up in a regency theatre, or something similar

    2. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      *It won't play in my town*

      I've been looking everywhere for an online watch, but I just don't see it being out soon.

  3. What about those days where you don't want to use toothpaste and just use rinsing antiseptic instead?

    1. nonexistant


      shh... brush twice daily, no exceptions.

    2. Anneal


      That's because you're a dentist, Colgate. ._.

    3. nonexistant


      Of course! ;D

  4. I think most people are in agreement that this is a pretty bad idea. If you want to see the forums become a nicer place the best way to start would to just be kind to others, you can't really control what they say or do, and it would be absurd to try.
  5. I saw the wind rises the other night, it was beautiful.

    1. Rockymoo


      You're beautiful <3

    2. nonexistant


      You're so beautiful it hurts.

  6. I'm a guy, and I have facial hair. Frankly I think it's kind of over-rated. Sure, my dad had a radical mustache when I was younger, but when I grow out my beard I just look like a derp, so I try and shave regularly...
  7. I always drink tea, coffee gets me wired. I usually drink earl grey, straight. It's pretty mild anyway. Sometimes I drink oolong tea, or irish breakfast, whatever is on hand really, haha. If I'm really feeling crazy, I'll add honey or milk, phew! I got chamomile once, too, but that stuff is vile...
  8. I don't really consider anything in or after the PS2 era "old", but I have a super nintendo, with Super Mario RPG, Donkey Kong Country, and Super Mario World, among others. I also have a gameboy pocket with pokemon red version, tetris, and Final Fantasy Adventure.
  9. Record of Lodoss war has always been my favorite, and I would put the confrontation between Parn/Ashram/wagnard as on of my top cinematic moments, let alone anime battles. The fighting only totals a couple of minutes, and I couldn't find a compilation because it cuts to other scenes during the battle, but the emotional tension between the characters, and the beautiful art and score make it work even with the mediocre dub. Major spoiler, btdubs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-ziB5On_fY
  10. These. Haha, at least it's not as bad as freshman housing, where the walls were made of concrete, and there was a pipe running over the ceiling. That felt like an asylum... Also, 1. There's a hole in the wall, from when I took off a command hook 2. I covered it, and most of room with art posters 3. There's an unfinished tape art mural next to my bed, and it's probably safe to say it'll stay unfinished... 4. I'm anal retentive about my color arrangement, so nearly everything has shades of blue, the posters, my sheets, the mural, etc, and all of my electronics are black. 5. I've started to use my floor as "storage" so there's a lot of structures homework everywhere.
  11. What does the fox say? The trolls from homestuck. The harlem shake. EDIT: oop, squirrel said what does the fox say first...
  12. Blue! I used to pretend that green was my favorite color, because I wanted to be original... but I LOVE blue! Almost everything on my wall is or has shades of the stuff.
  13. Oh Nonono, this trixie avatar is great! Originally I had a crappy sketch as my avatar....
  14. Thin mints. Put those bad boys in the freezer, it's awesome.
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