Hey equerio! Good to see ya!
Now, on topic.
Welcome to the forums! I'm rather new as well, and I too was once an anti-brony. Then the show I saw, I was all like AWWWWWWW they're so cute and impossible to resist it's almost hypnotic.... (continues to ramble like Pinkie)
And that's how I became a brony.
Send me a message anytime and we'll chat!
Let's start with the quoting. You have to press quote, then go into the reply box. I'm not sure why it's not working - try the multiquote option is it continues to not work.
Adding friends - go to a profile, and select "add me as a friend"
I wrote a Harry Potter/Kingdom Hearts fanfic, link's in my sig, so if you need help with writing, i'm available.
I've been wanting to write a MLP fanfic though.
Brony, in and of itself, is a generic term that refers to all fans of MLP who "should be older and more mature than to watch" (not my words)
Some girls prefer to call themself "Pegasisters"
Ugh - if my mom ever found out about it -all hell.
But no one relizes that in a world of dark, evil, and shame, MLP shows us a soft, lighter side and promotes good, family values.