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be my waifu

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Everything posted by be my waifu

  1. do you realize what thread you're posting in can you even begin to comprehend the sanctity of the ground you tread on
  2. the tide rolls in, the tide rolls out. you can't explain that
  3. the forum is weird now lul and my name is too long so it wraps, that's super annoying
  4. hello darkness my old friend I've come to talk with you again
  5. I figured. I remember they nuked it pretty soon after I joined then I jumped ship to here the rest is history 2spoopy
  6. then don't install hunger mods immersion isn't just about having a lot of stuff to do, it's about feeling like you're in the game world by making things seem more realistic the reason why skyrim has so many immersion mods is because there are a lot of immersion-breaking things (glitches/bugs, goofy npc/enemy mechanics, and things that just don't make sense in-universe or out). some people want the game to be as realistic as possible, so they install a lot of those mods. some people like it to actually feel more like a game, so they either don't install the immersion mods or they even install the goofy shit like a master chief follower and thomas the tank engine dragons but yes, the fact that skyrim is pretty meh without mods does say something about the base game. I've had people in the past think I'm trying to defend skyrim by saying "but it's good with mods" but that just isn't the case, I know it's kinda bad but that doesn't prevent me from wanting to play it especially since all of these fixes and improvements are available was that even still around in august 2012 (when your profile says you joined)? it feels like that was at least 10 years ago
  7. because getting called skrillex or sonny is a bad thing according to you, anyway
  8. well skrillex pretty much only ever gets called skrillex or sonny I hope he's doing okay edit: the link to your steam on your profile is broken, just an fyi
  9. go to sleep I'd rather video games well it's not me but it probably should be
  10. I thought you were trying not to think about the "old, dead memories"
  11. dude you're always shitposting in here anyway might as well just stick around in earnest for the time being
  12. you're like the last person I would think of that would be against something lewd hello mordecai
  13. nude mods are essential so I can more accurately create my perfect khajiit waifu
  14. I don't because I don't mind it personally and it sort of works in its own strange way, which I talked about in the post you responded to I see the :^) but it's the last elder scrolls game released and the modding community is still bustling (it's probably the biggest modding community for any game out there right next to minecraft's) meaning, it's nowhere near to dying off nor should it be. at least until the next ES game rolls around, anyway even then, the skyrim community is probably going to stick around much like the oblivion and morrowind ones did
  15. bethesda's decision to use futura as the default font for skyrim was weird. it doesn't really fit with the setting of the game I see it everywhere now too, like fucking shell uses it as the font on their signs displaying gas prices. it was also the font the entire official super mario sunshine strategy guide was printed in. if you look on its wikipedia page there's a ton of other examples of its usage as well I guess it's just one more indication of how rushed skyrim's development was, using a non-custom font that being said, from a simple design standpoint it fits with the more modern UI design, which I actually really like. I liked the contrast between the rustic setting of the game and the sleek look of the hud and menu elements, plus I feel like it could help with roleplaying and immersion since the UI—which is one of the biggest, in-your-face reminders that you're playing a video game—is even more separated from the game environment itself and not trying to awkwardly blend in I'm going through my umpteenth skyrim playthrough so I've been thinking about this recently
  16. as someone named george it's only natural that I'm adverse to the idea of parties
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