I'm pretty terrible at intros (I'd bet a lot of money that everyone who posts an intro thread says that), so I guess I'll keep it short and sweet. Plus, I'm sure people are tired of responding to them since there are so many... Meh.
I'm sort of a nomad when it comes to the internet... I tend not to stay in one place for too long. I'm trying to stop doing that though, I kinda want to have a permanent home... Maybe this place will be the one?
Okay, random stuff
My namesake is from a song by the band Stateless. Look them up, they're a pretty cool group
I spend too much time on the internet
I really like this bulleting feature
In fact, I really like the software in general that this forum uses...
I also really like Minecraft. I might join the server you guys have here... Once I'm able to, of course
I'm not going to state the obvious. You know what I'm talking about
I hope I can get to know you guys better and make a few friends along the way. You know, since I'm so lonely IRL
I guess that covers it. If you want to know anything else, ask I guess