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Arctic Night

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Status Replies posted by Arctic Night

  1. What's up with people getting banned recently?

    1. Arctic Night

      Arctic Night

      @Fawkes Yes, half I left because I was getting a lot of hate mail and because I believed the mods were acting unreasonably. Now that half my friend list is gone, I feel like quite the public enemy here.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  2. What's up with people getting banned recently?

    1. Arctic Night

      Arctic Night

      It's been happening since I left two months ago. It's sad to hear that these things are still happening, whether the users deserved it or not.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3. Anybody else know that feeling of unyielding, all consuming disappointment that makes you want to put a gun barrel in your mouth?

    1. Arctic Night

      Arctic Night

      @Regulus "It can't be that bad." *Looks up medical definition of insanity.* "Huh, this sounds suspiciously familiar."


      "In most criminal jurisdictions, a degree of mental malfunctioning considered to be sufficient to relieve the accused of legal responsibility for the act committed."

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. Had a friend over and he left, so now I am just listening to music, trying to block out the thoughts that you all know about. It is one of those weird days. Dommin mixes well with cold weather though, I know that much.

  5. Had a friend over and he left, so now I am just listening to music, trying to block out the thoughts that you all know about. It is one of those weird days. Dommin mixes well with cold weather though, I know that much.

  6. Anybody else know that feeling of unyielding, all consuming disappointment that makes you want to put a gun barrel in your mouth?

    1. Arctic Night

      Arctic Night

      I don't know, I have a good feeling for the next few elections. This is completely irrational, of course.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. Confidence is not "They will like me." Confidence is "I'll be fine if they don't."

  8. Anybody else know that feeling of unyielding, all consuming disappointment that makes you want to put a gun barrel in your mouth?

    1. Arctic Night

      Arctic Night

      @newfrickinshow Yeah, the elections were pretty disappointing here in the Midwest as well. But successfully defending our wolf species made the ridiculous ads worth it.


      No offense, but it doesn't sound like you live in the best state as far as politics go.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  9. I sometimes take a pillow, place a comfy blanket over it, hug it, and pretend it's Fluttershy. Because, let's face it: who in their right mind wouldn't hug her?

  10. Anybody else know that feeling of unyielding, all consuming disappointment that makes you want to put a gun barrel in your mouth?

  11. i have been meaning to ask for ages, but who won the MLPF world cup. i was in hospital.

  12. i have been meaning to ask for ages, but who won the MLPF world cup. i was in hospital.

  13. Ugh.. So the football team seems to have literally 0 respect for the band, because literally like half the time while were having practice they'll just walts right through the middle of our freaking field like "HO HO HO LOOK AT MY BIG FAT MUSCLES" And despite our band director trying to tell them to get off, they just laugh and act like a bunch of stuck up arrogant assholes. Which they seem to be. >_>. Sorry, but i'm just really freaking pissed off.

    1. Arctic Night

      Arctic Night

      That's too bad. I only wish there is some way to warn those kinds of people that they have no future, and that most of them probably will never make it to the NFL, thrusting them into the real world where they actually have to work for things. Too bad.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  14. Technically, isn't halo more realistic than call of duty? With like how bullets on a lot of the guns have bullet time on them, like in battlefield. And also it takes like 3-5 hits to kill an elite, as where it takes a knife in the foot to kill someone on cod.

  15. I still amazes me when people are surprised that you can buy things via the interent.

  16. I still amazes me when people are surprised that you can buy things via the interent.

  17. I still amazes me when people are surprised that you can buy things via the interent.

  18. I am scared I will no longer be a a brony in the future but if I am I will force myself to watch the show. Hopefully that does not happen

  19. Tried pony hypnosis, oommgg I can not even tell you how much I feel her and it feels so good...

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