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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Gernia

  1. Thank you for the balloon award!

  2. So after 2 weeks of crappy weather, we got a week of great weather. And now this weekend, we'll be having crappy weather again. >_>

  3. Wind just makes the cold much worse. Otherwise, it's not that bad.

  4. I almost didn't change my avatar for Christmas.

  5. The Lucina amiibo I ordered came today and it looks great.

  6. The second part of finale was awesome. Definitely looking forward to the new stories that will be opened up from its conclusion.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Ironically I liked the finale until the second part.

  7. The first part of the finale is pretty cool. I'm excited for the second part, which I'll see tomorrow.

  8. For the first time yesterday, I shopped at an IKEA.

  9. Africa is my favorite country, just ahead of Germany and Texas.

  10. Australians are basically British hillbillies.

  11. Five Guys is pretty good, especially the fries, but it is kind of expensive for fast food.

    1. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      They take really good care of the burgers though in terms of quality, hence why they are pretty pricey. I LOVE their burgers even though they are pricey. Which means that I may need to work harder/increase my income so I can afford to eat at Five Guys more often.

      Their Cajun Fries are amazing too! OMG! :D

  12. I'm excited for today because my sister is getting married.

  13. Your favorite hockey team will never be as good as mine... for this year.

  14. You know, if "duh" was an object and someone were to sell it inside a can, it'd be called "Can-a-duh".

  15. I learned yesterday that MRIs are pretty expensive.

  16. I enjoyed the premiere, but the ending was rather disappointing.

  17. One thing I need for Christmas is a scarf. Just something to cover my face.

  18. I like making my avatar more festive when approaching Christmas.

  19. The difference between Canadian and American English is that it's either about a boot or aboot a bout.

  20. The final battle in Legend of Everfree reminds me of Sailor Moon.

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      They all remind me of Sailor Moon.

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