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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Gernia

  1. I downloaded Parasite Eve today. The game is really fun so far. Soundtrack and customization are both fantastic. :3

  2. I finished watching Rainbow Rocks. I thought it was really good.

  3. Man, that ooBrony Brohoofs comments at the speed of sound.

  4. I can't wait till Christmas.

    1. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      I don't think anyone can. ;)

    2. Gernia


      I know, right?

    3. 碇 シンジン
  5. I get to go to the Penguins game tonight. Let go Pens!

    1. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      Ah, jealous! Enjoy yourself! :3

  6. I'm back. The camping trip was fun, but I feel tired.

  7. I'll be gone until Sunday. I have a camping trip to do.

  8. When it comes to episodes, I actually enjoyed Look Before You Sleep. I also didn't mind the girly stuff.

  9. *squee* I have 100 Brohoofs!

  10. Only two more Brohoofs and then I have 100. I can sense it.

  11. I recently downloaded the Super Smash Bros. for 3DS demo. It's definitely faster than Brawl, but not by a wide margin. The attacking is also less clunky, which is a very good thing to me.

  12. I just watched all of Equestria Girls for the first time ever. I thought it was okay overall. It's watchable, but there are some really stupid and awkward moments.

  13. I've just moved into my college apartment and ready for Monday classes. I plan on doing well this year.

    1. Khaoios


      May the Force Be With You, At College, ;)

  14. Only three more days until I move to college. I can't wait.

  15. I watched Frozen for the first time yesterday. I really liked it.

  16. Wow, 7-1, just wow.

  17. Raspberries are fantastic. Can't get enough of them.

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